Academic Program Approval
This form is a routing document for the approval of new
and revised academic programs. Proposing department should
complete this form. For more
information, call the Faculty Senate Office at 831-2921.
Submitted by: Joan DelFattore________________phone
Action: ___Revise
(Example: add major/minor/concentration, delete
major/minor/concentration, revise
major/minor/concentration, academic unit
name change, request for permanent status, policy change, etc.)
Effective term____06F_________________________________________________
(use format
04F, 05W)
Current degree____BA_____________________________________________________
(Example: BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA, EDD, MA, MBA, etc.)
Proposed change leads to the
degree of: ______BA________________________________
(Example: BA,
Proposed name:____N/A___________________________________________________
Proposed new name for revised
or new major / minor / concentration / academic unit
Revising or Deleting:
Undergraduate major / Concentration:___Anthropology Education,
Biological Sciences Education, Chemistry Education, Earth Science Education, Economics
Education, English Education, French Education, German Education, Italian
Education, Latin Education, Spanish Education, Geography Education, History
Education, Mathematics Education, Music Education – Instrumental
(Concentration: Principal Instrument),
Music Education – General/Choral (Concentration: Piano), Music Education – General/Choral
(Concentration: Voice), Physics
Education, Political Science Education, Psychology Education, Sociology
(Example: Applied Music – Instrumental degree BMAS)
(Example: African
Studies, Business Administration, English, Leadership, etc.)
Graduate Program Policy statement
(Attach your Graduate Program Policy
Graduate Program of
(Example: Animal Science: MS Animal Science: PHD
Economics: MA Economics: PHD)
Graduate minor /
List program changes for
curriculum revisions:
1. In the list
of required courses for each of the majors listed above, change EDUC 413 from
three credits to four credits and change its title from “Educational
Psychology: Social Aspects” to “Adolescent
Development and Educational Psychology.” Note: The changes to the title and credit hours
were approved by the Faculty Senate in Spring 05. The purpose of this request is to be sure that
the correct new information is also included wherever the course is listed as a
requirement in a particular program.
2. In the list
of required courses for each of the majors listed above, change the title of
EDUC414 from “Educational Psychology: Cognitive
Aspects” to its current title, “Teaching Exceptional Adolescents.”
3. In the list
of required courses for each of the majors listed above, change the title of
EDUC419 from “Diversity in the Classroom” to its current title, “Diversity in
Secondary Education.”
4. In the list
of required courses for each of the majors listed above, remove EDUC 430,
Classroom Management (one credit P/F).
Per the curriculum change approved by the Senate in Spring 04, it has
been subsumed into the fourth credit added to EDUC413.
List new courses required for
the new or revised curriculum:
(Be aware that approval
of the curriculum is dependent upon these courses successfully passing through
the Course Challenge list. If there are no new courses enter “None”)
Other affected units:
(List other departments affected by this new or revised
curriculum. Attach permission from the
affected units. If no other unit is
affected, enter “None”)
The School of Education offers EDUC413 and EDUC430, and
the University Council on Teacher Education (UCTE) must approve all revisions
to teacher education programs. The
purpose of the present proposal is to update the program descriptions of the
Arts and Sciences secondary education majors to reflect Faculty Senate action
taken in Spring 05 at the request of the School of Education and with the
approval of the UCTE. No additional
changes of any kind have been made to the program revision they sponsored last
(Explain your reasons for creating, revising, or deleting the
curriculum or program.)
1-3. In 2004-05,
the University Senate approved changing EDUC413 from a three-credit course to a
four-credit course and changing the titles of EDUC413, 414, and 419. These three courses are required in each of the majors
named on this form. We are now
requesting that the correct number of credits and the current titles appear
each time these courses are listed as requirements in the designated majors.
4. As part of
the course revision approved in Spring 04, EDUC430, Classroom Management (one
credit P/F), is being subsumed into the fourth credit that has been added to
EDUC413. The topic of classroom
management is being threaded throughout all three of the revised EDUC courses
because empirical and research evidence shows that future teachers learn
classroom management techniques more effectively if they are not presented in
isolation, but in the context in which they will be used. To give two examples, classroom management
issues arising from the nature of adolescent behavior are best addressed in a
course that examines this topic in detail, as the new four-credit EDUC413 will
do; and classroom management issues arising from mainstreaming special
education students into regular classes are best addressed in a course that
explains the whole background and sense of special education,as the revised
version of EDUC414 will do.
Program Requirements:
(Show the new or revised curriculum as it should appear in the
Course Catalog. If this is a revision,
be sure to indicate the changes being made to the present curriculum.)
Since identical changes are to be made to twenty-one
majors, it seems sensible to attach a single page showing the proposed changes
rather than photocopying the current catalog listings of all the programs and
then making the same changes twenty-one times.
The additional pages will, of course, be supplied on request.
ROUTING AND AUTHORIZATION: (Please do not remove supporting
Department Chairperson: __Joan DelFattore _________________________ Date October 13, 2005
A&S Coordinating Committee on Teacher Education
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, College Curriculum
Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR
Studies Date
Chairperson, Senate Coordinating
Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs
& Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date