Academic Program Approval
This form is a routing document for the approval of new
and revised academic programs. Proposing department should
complete this form. For more
information, call the Faculty Senate Office at 831-2921.
Submitted by: Carole
Haber X2388
Action: Adjustments to History major
(Example: add major/minor/concentration, delete
revise major/minor/concentration,
academic unit name change, request for permanent status, policy change,
Effective term 06S
format 04F, 05W)
Current degree BAAS- HISTORY
(Example: BA,
Proposed change leads to the
degree of: SAME
(Example: BA, BACH, BACJ, HBA,
Proposed name: N/A
Proposed new name for revised
or new major / minor / concentration / academic unit
(if applicable)
Revising or Deleting:
Undergraduate major / Concentration:_HIST,XHE,AMH,EUR,GLOBAL HISTORY, POLICY HISTORY,HJR
(Example: Applied Music – Instrumental degree BMAS)
Undergraduate minor: SAME
(Example: African
Studies, Business
Administration, English, Leadership,
Graduate Program Policy statement change: N/A (Attach your Graduate Program Policy
Graduate Program of Study: N/A
(Example: Animal Science: MS Animal Science: PHD
Economics: MA Economics: PHD)
Graduate minor / concentration: N/A
List program changes for
curriculum revisions:
List new courses required for
the new or revised curriculum:
(Be aware that approval
of the curriculum is dependent upon these courses successfully passing through
the Course Challenge list. If there are no new courses enter “None”)
Other affected units:
(List other departments affected by this new or revised
curriculum. Attach permission from the
affected units. If no other unit is
affected, enter “None”)
(Explain your reasons for creating, revising, or deleting the
curriculum or program.)
At present history majors
must take a 3-credit course from among the following areas in history: “
Program Requirements:
(Show the new or revised curriculum as it should appear in the
Course Catalog. If this is a revision,
be sure to indicate the changes being made to the present curriculum.)
History Major Requirements
(30 credit hours)
The thirty-hour major includes the following requirements:
1. HIST101 Western Civilization to 1648
2. HIST102 Western Civilization:
1648 to the Present
3. HIST268 History Seminar
4. Three credit hours
in Asian, African, Latin American, or Middle Eastern history.
5. Three credit
hours in a history course before 1700, not including HIST 101.
6. Fifteen credits at the 300 level or
above. At least one of these courses must be a seminar at the 400 level or
above (excluding HIST491 and 493, and Independent Study).
History Major with Concentrations
(36 credit hours)
NOTE: Although an individual course may fulfill more than
one requirement, credits must total 36.
American history:
1. HIST101 Western Civilization to 1648
2. HIST102 Western Civilization: 1648 to the Present
3. HIST268 History Seminar
4. History Course on Asian, African, Latin American, Middle Eastern
5. Three credit hours in a history course before 1700, not
including HIST 101
Six courses in the field of emphasis. With written
approval of the advisor, a student may take two of these courses outside the
Department of History.
7. History seminar at the 400-level or above (excluding HIST491 and HIST493 and
Independent Study)
European history:
1. HIST101 Western Civilization to 1648
2. HIST102 Western Civilization: 1648 to the Present
3. HIST268 History Seminar
4. History Course on Asian, African, Latin American, or
Middle Eastern history.
5. Seven courses in the field of emphasis. With written approval of the
advisor, a student may take two of these courses outside the Department of
History. At least one of these courses
has to be on the history of
6. History seminar at the 400-level or above (excluding HIST491 and HIST493 and
Independent Study)
Global history:
1. HIST101 Western Civilization to 1648
2. HIST102 Western Civilization: 1648 to the Present
3. HIST268 History Seminar
4. History Course on Asian, African, Latin American, or
Middle Eastern history.
5. Seven courses in the field of emphasis. With written approval of the
advisor, a student may take two of these courses outside the Department of
History. At least one of these courses
has to be on non-Western history before 1700.
6. History seminar at the 400-level or above (excluding HIST491 and HIST493 and
Independent Study)
Policy history:
1. HIST101 Western Civilization to 1648
2. HIST102 Western Civilization: 1648 to the Present
3. HIST268 History Seminar
4. History Course on Asian, African, Latin American, or
Middle Eastern history.
5. Seven courses in the field of emphasis. With written approval of the
advisor, a student may take two of these courses outside the Department of
History. At least one of these courses
has to be on history before 1700, not including HIST 101.
6. History seminar at the 400-level or above (excluding HIST491 and HIST493 and
Independent Study)
1. HIST101 Western Civilization to
2. HIST102 Western Civilization:
1648 to the Present
3. HIST268 History Seminar
4. Three credit hours
in Asian, African, Latin American, or Middle Eastern history.
5. Three credit
hours in a history course before 1700, not including HIST 101.
6. Fifteen credits at the 300 level or
above. At least one of these courses must be a seminar at the 400 level or
above (excluding HIST491 and 493, and Independent Study).
ENGL307 News Writing and Editing and at least 9 credits chosen from among the
following courses:
* ENGL308 Reporter's Practicum (3 credits)
* ENGL309 Feature and Magazine Writing (3 credits)
* ENGL310 Copy Editing and Layout (3 credits)
* ENGL407 Advanced Reporting (1-3 credits)
* ENGL408 Sports Writing
* ENGL409 Topics in Journalism (3 credits)
* ENGL466 Independent Study (1-6 credits)
ROUTING AND AUTHORIZATION: (Please do not remove supporting
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, College Curriculum
Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR
Studies Date
Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs
& Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date