This form is a routing document for the approval of
new and revised academic programs. Page
2 will serve as an attachment to the Faculty Senate agenda. Proposing department should complete form,
attach as a cover page and forward to the college dean. Documentation should
include copy of curriculum as it is to appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate
Catalog. Proposals must arrive to the
Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty Senate
by March 1. Proposals received after
this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the catalog
for that year.
change leads to the degree of
( x ) Bachelor of Arts ( ) Master of Arts ( ) Doctor
of Philosophy
( x ) Bachelor of Science (
) Master of Science ( x )
Other Bachelors programs requiring language study
2. ( ) New major/curriculum Title to be entered in record
of students who select this program
( ) New minor Title to be entered in record of students who select this
( ) Change from provisional to permanent
3. ( ) Revision of existing: (
) major ( ) minor ( ) concentration
Present title
Records System Program Code
( ) Add/delete required courses/credit hours
) Add concentration Title
( ) Delete concentration Title
4. ( ) Deletion of existing/disestablish:
( ) major ( ) minor ( ) Other
Title Code______________________
5. ( x ) Policy Change_____FLLT__change to the wording of the College
Requirement for Foreign Language
ROUTING AND APPROVALS: (Please do not remove
supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, Senate Com. On UG or GR Studies Date
Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs & Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
a. Rationale
for creation, revision, or deletion:
Note that this is not a change to departmental or
major requirements - it is a proposed change to college-level requirements that
would apply to almost all students in A&S.
The purpose of the change is to clarify that students must take all
courses in the required language sequence for a letter grade, not pass/fail,
and also to clarify exactly what the sequence is - where it starts, no
skipping, and so forth.
There is no mention of skipping courses in the existing A&S degree
requirements, however, the catalog entry for the Dept of FLL does bear this
Skipping Courses: Students are advised that once they begin their foreign
language courses at the 100-level, they are not permitted to skip courses in
the sequence (for example, students are not permitted to move directly from 105
to 107). The prerequisite for each 100-level course must be
b. Summary
of program:
The current wording is:
Foreign Language: (with a minimum grade of
D-)............................. 0-12
Completion of the intermediate-level course (107 or 112 or 214) in an
ancient or modern language. The number of credits needed and initial placement
will depend on number of years of high school study of foreign language.
Students with four or more years of high school work in a single foreign
language may attempt to fulfill the requirement in that language by taking an
exemption examination.
The new proposed wording is:
Foreign Language: (with a minimum grade of D-)
............................. 0-12
Completion of a sequence of courses up to and including the
intermediate-level course (107 or 112 or 214) in an ancient or modern
language. The starting course in the sequence, and therefore the number of
courses needed to complete the requirement, will depend on number of years of
high school study of that foreign language. <BOLD>All courses in the required sequence must be taken for a letter grade</BOLD>,
not pass/fail. Students with four or more years of high school work in a single
foreign language may attempt to fulfill the requirement in that language by
taking an exemption examination.
Skipping Courses: Students are not permitted to skip courses in the
sequence (for example, from 105 to 107). The prerequisite for each 100- level
course must be observed.
Please check the appropriate
( ) Bachelor of
Applied Science
( ) Bachelor of Arts
( ) Bachelor of Arts
in Educational Studies
( ) Bachelor of Arts
in Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor of
Chemical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Civil Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Computer Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Electrical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Environmental Engineering
( ) Bachelor of Fine
( ) Bachelor of
Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor of
Mechanical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
( ) Bachelor of
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Accounting
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Education
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Nursing
( ) Master of Applied Sciences
( ) Master of Arts
( ) Master of Arts
in Liberal Studies
( ) Master of
Business Administration
( ) Master of
Chemical Engineering
( ) Master of Civil
( ) Master of
( ) Master of
Electrical Engineering
( ) Master of
Environmental and Energy Policy
( ) Master of Fine
( ) Master of
( ) Master of Marine
( ) Master of
Materials Science and Engineering
( ) Master of
Mechanical Engineering
( ) Master of Music
( ) Master of Physical
( ) Master of Public
( ) Master of
( ) Master of
Science in Nursing
( ) Doctor of
( ) Doctor of
This document will be retained permanently in the
Faculty Senate Office.
Revised 04/23/01