This form is a routing document for the approval of
new and revised academic programs. Page
2 will serve as an attachment to the Faculty Senate agenda. Proposing department should complete form,
attach as a cover page and forward to the college dean. Documentation should
include copy of curriculum as it is to appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate
Catalog. Proposals must arrive to the
Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty Senate
by March 1. Proposals received after
this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the catalog
for that year.
change leads to the degree of
( x ) Bachelor of Arts ( ) Master of Arts ( ) Doctor
of Philosophy
( ) Bachelor of Science ( ) Master of Science ( ) Other
2. ( ) New major/curriculum Title to be entered
in record of students who select this program
( ) New minor Title to be entered in record of students who select this
( ) Change from provisional to permanent
3. ( ) Revision of existing: ( x ) major ( ) minor ( ) concentration
Present title Art History
Records System Program Code
( X ) Add/delete required
courses/credit hours
) Add concentration Title
( ) Delete concentration Title
4. ( ) Deletion of existing/disestablish:
( ) major ( ) minor ( ) Other
Title Code______________________
5. ( )
ROUTING AND APPROVALS: (Please do not remove
supporting documentation.)
Department Chairperson Ann E Gibson Date
Dean of College Date
Chairperson, Senate Com. On UG or GR Studies Date
Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com. Date
Secretary, Faculty Senate Date
Date of Senate Resolution Date
to be Effective
Registrar Program
Code Date
Vice Provost for Academic Programs & Planning Date
Provost Date
Board of Trustee Notification Date
a. Rationale for creation, revision, or deletion:
Art History Major
The current program
requires that students take ARTH 153 and 154; the proposed revision changes
this to a recommendation that students take either 153 or 154 or both.
The current program
requires that students take at least one course in all of the following five
areas of art history: 1) Ancient art, 2) Medieval art, 3) Renaissance art, 4)
Baroque art, 5) Modern art; the proposed revision changes this to four of five
areas, and changes the definition of the areas (SEE BELOW).
3. The
current program requires that students take ARTH 301 and at least one 400-level
seminar; the proposed revision continues the requirement, but adds a
requirement for at least one additional course at the 300 level or higher.
rationale for the change may be summarized in this way. We would like to encourage more of our
majors to move more quickly to more advanced courses, which will comprise
smaller classes, with more and more extended writing assignments; changes 1 and
3 address this issue.
also recognize that many of our students are only attracted to art history late
in their college careers, after taking several 200-level or higher classes, and
these students may commonly benefit more from additional advanced work rather
than taking the introductory course late in their career; change 1 addresses
this issue. We would like to give our
students, and our faculty, greater flexibility in taking, and in offering, more
advanced undergraduate course with an emphasis on discussion and writing;
changes 2 and 3 address this issue. We
would also like to encourage students to have at least one significant course
in an area outside the western European and American tradition; change 2
addresses this issue.
b. Summary of program:
wishing to complete a major in Art History must take a minimum of 33 and a
maximum of 45 credits in Art History, and must complete the following specific
must take at least one course (at any level at or above the 200 level) in EACH
OF four of the following five areas of art history: 1) Before the year 1400; 2)
1400-1700; 3) 1700-1900 4) 1900-present; 5) African, Asian or Islamic art. Students must take ARTH 301 (Literature,
Theory and Methods of Art History), if possible during their junior year, at
least one 400-level (or higher) seminar course, and at least one additional
course at the 300 or 400 level.
more than two 100-level courses may be counted toward the 33 minimum credits in
art history; it is
that students wishing to major in art history should take either ARTH 153 or
ARTH 154 or both as early in their course work as possible.
are required to take ENGL 202 (Biblical and Classical Literature), and at least
one course in History at the 200-300-level or above, the course to be decided
in consultation with the student's adviser.
there is no formal foreign language requirement other than that of the College
of Arts and Science, students wishing to pursue graduate work in art history or
to work in any art-history related area are strongly urged to attain a working
reading knowledge of at least one of the standard languages of art history,
German, French, and Italian.
Please check the appropriate
( ) Bachelor of
Applied Science
( x ) Bachelor of Arts
( ) Bachelor of Arts
in Educational Studies
( ) Bachelor of Arts
in Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor of
Chemical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Civil Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Computer Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Electrical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
Environmental Engineering
( ) Bachelor of Fine
( ) Bachelor of
Liberal Studies
( ) Bachelor of
Mechanical Engineering
( ) Bachelor of
( ) Bachelor of
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Accounting
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Education
( ) Bachelor of
Science in Nursing
( ) Master of Applied Sciences
( ) Master of Arts
( ) Master of Arts
in Liberal Studies
( ) Master of
Business Administration
( ) Master of
Chemical Engineering
( ) Master of Civil
( ) Master of
( ) Master of
Electrical Engineering
( ) Master of
Environmental and Energy Policy
( ) Master of Fine
( ) Master of
( ) Master of Marine
( ) Master of
Materials Science and Engineering
( ) Master of
Mechanical Engineering
( ) Master of Music
( ) Master of
Physical Therapy
( ) Master of Public
( ) Master of
( ) Master of
Science in Nursing
( ) Doctor of
( ) Doctor of
This document will be retained permanently in the
Faculty Senate Office.
Revised 04/23/01