TO: Karren
Faculty Senate
FROM: Douglas
W. Tallamy, Department Chair
Charles E. Mason,
Graduate Studies Director
of PhD Program in Entomology and Applied Ecology
is in reference to your memorandum dated
We would like to ask that the review
for permanent approval of the program leading to the PhD in Entomology and
Applied Ecology be moved to fall of 2006, thus postponing it for two
years. The extension of time will give
us a chance to present a more complete picture of progress and status of the
program. Since fall of 2000, we have
admitted six students into the PhD program.
Two withdrew for personal reasons, which leaves four (three full-time
and one part-time) that are progressing in the program at a satisfactory
rate. We project that three PhD students
will graduate by 2006 and expect several new ones to enter the program by then,
some after completing the MS in our department as part of being reclassified
into the PhD program. We prefer that
students complete the MS before being admitted to the PhD program, thus
students in this status do not appear on the PhD record until after being here
for at least 2 years. We currently have
10 out of our present 30 MS students that we feel have the academic
qualifications and potential for reclassification to our PhD program after
completion of the MS.
Dean Robin Morgan
Assistant Provost Mary Martin