

This form is a routing document for the approval of new and revised academic programs.  Page 2 will serve as an attachment to the Faculty Senate agenda.  Proposing department should complete form, attach as a cover page and forward to the college dean. Documentation should include copy of curriculum as it is to appear in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog.  Proposals must arrive to the Undergraduate/Graduate Committee by November in order to reach the Faculty Senate by March 1.   Proposals received after this date cannot be implemented the following year nor included in the catalog for that year.


1.        Proposed change leads to the degree of


(  ) Bachelor of Arts                                (  ) Master of Arts                  (  ) Doctor of Philosophy      


(  ) Bachelor of Science           (  ) Master of Science              (  ) Other ______________________________________


2.   (  ) New major/curriculum                                                                                                                                                                                                               Title to be entered in record of students who select this program


       (  ) New minor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Title to be entered in record of students who select this program


       (  ) Change from provisional to permanent status.



3.   (x ) Revision of existing:         ( ) major                             (  ) minor                                 (x ) concentration


Present title      Engineering Technology  -  Construction Technology and Technical Management                                                                                                                                                               

Records System Program Code                                                                                                                                           


(x) Add/delete required courses/credit hours


                (  ) Add concentration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Title

(  ) Delete concentration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Title


4.  (  ) Deletion of existing/disestablish:    (  ) major               (  ) minor                 ( ) other _______________________________


                 Title                                                                                                                              Code______________________                                              


5.  (  )  Policy Change____________________________________________________________________________________



ROUTING AND APPROVALS: (Please do not remove supporting documentation.)


Department Chairperson                                                                                                        Date                                       


Dean of College                                                                                                                       Date                                       


Chairperson, College Curriculum Committee___________________________________Date_____________________


Chairperson, Senate Com. on UG or GR Studies                                                                   Date                                       


Chairperson, Senate Coordinating Com.                                                                 Date                                       


Secretary, Faculty Senate                                                                                                       Date                                       


Date of Senate Resolution                                                                                                      Date to be Effective               


Registrar                                                                  Program Code                                         Date                                       


Vice Provost for Academic Programs & Planning                                                                  Date                                       


Provost                                                                                                                                   Date                                       


Board of Trustee Notification                                                                                                                Date                                       



a.  Rationale for creation, revision, or  deletion:


ENGL 415 is removed from the second writing course selections list and COMM 200 and COMM 356 from the oral communications selection list as these courses no longer meet the written communication and oral communication requirements of the department.


The accreditation committee of TAC/ABET which accredits our program has suggested the need for a capstone experience of the students in this major.  In the technical specialization section of the curriculum, add the sentence: Technical Specialization electives will include a 3 credit capstone experience selected from EGTE 450, EGTE 451, EGTE 466 or UNIV 401/402.

























b.  Summary of program:


Bioresources Engineering

The Bioresources Engineering Department offers an undergraduate major in Engineering Technology that is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (TAC of ABET).

Engineering Technology

Engineering technology is part of the broad discipline of engineering, in which knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences is applied in utilization of materials and forces.  Engineering technology requires the application of scientific and engineering knowledge combined with technical skills in support of engineering activities.  The curriculum prepares the engineering technologist to make independent judgments and to design and manage systems and components to achieve conceptual goals with consideration of their effectiveness, safety and cost.  Close liaison is maintained between the educational programs and employers to give graduates the greatest opportunity for career development.

Within the major in engineering technology, two optional concentrations are available.  The applied electronics and controls concentration includes coursework in digital systems, instrumentation, controls, PLC’s, and courses that focus on communication and networks, or manufacturing.  The construction technology and technical management concentration provides courses in soil mechanics, storm water management, wood and steel and concrete and masonry as well as courses in project management and economic analysis.  Both concentrations allow the student to focus their studies with more in-depth courses in areas of their interest.

Students who choose the engineering technology major may take all the necessary courses at the University of Delaware or they may transfer appropriate course work from other accredited institutions.  Students who wish to have prior course work considered must contact an advisor in the department for a degree analysis.

Computer use for problem solving is important throughout the engineering technology curriculum.  Students are urged to have their own computer with spreadsheet and word processing software, and should be able to connect to the University computer network.

Telephone: (302)831-2468           






                     AND TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT


CURRICULUM                 CREDITS


University Requirements

ENGL 110         Critical Reading and Writing.......................................................................... 3


Three credits in an approved course or courses stressing multi-cultural, ethnic, and/or gender-related course content (see p. 60-63)                 3


Major Requirements


A second writing course selected from:...................................................................................... 3

ENGL 301         Expository Writing

ENGL 302         Advanced Composition

ENGL 307         News Writing and Editing

ENGL 312         Written Communications in Business

ENGL 410         Technical Writing

ENGL 415         Writing for the Professions


An oral communications course selected from:......................................................................... 3

COMM 200       Introduction to Human Communication Systems

COMM 255       Fundamentals of Communication

COMM 312       Oral Communication in Business

COMM 350       Public Speaking

COMM 356       Small Group Communication

AGRI 212          Oral Communications in Agriculture and Natural Resources


Social Sciences and Humanities

ECON 151         Introduction to Microeconomics.................................................................... 3

ECON 152         Introduction to Macroeconomics................................................................... 3


Six additional credits to be selected from................................................................................... 6

Anthropology, Art, Art History, Black American Studies, Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, English, Foreign Language, Geography, History, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre, Women’s Studies, or courses cross-listed in these departments.


Basic Sciences and Mathematics

Biology/Life Science course................................................................................................. 3 or 4


CHEM 103/104   General Chemistry.......................................................................................... 8

PHYS 201/202   Introductory Physics I and II


PHYS 207/208   Fundamentals of Physics I and II (recommended)................................... 8

MATH 117        Precalculus for Scientists and Engineers..................................................... 4

MATH 221/222   Calculus I and II (with permission of advisor)


MATH 241/242   Calculus A and B.................................................................................... 6 or 8


Additional MATH credits to bring total MATH credits

at 201 level above to 12 credits........................................................................................... 4 or 6


Technical Skills

EGTE 104          Introduction to Surveying............................................................................... 1

EGTE 115          Introduction to Computer Based Problem Solving................................... 4

EGTE 209          Technical and Computer-Aided Drafting..................................................... 3

EGTE 223          Surveying.............................................................................................................. 3


Technical Sciences

EGTE 215          Applied Fluid Mechanics................................................................................. 4

EGTE 231          Fundamentals of Statics and Strength of Materials.................................... 4

EGTE 244          Electricity for Engineering Technology...................................................... 4

EGTE 311          Fundamentals of Thermodynamics.................................................................. 3


Technical Specialization

EGTE 312          Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics.................................................................... 3

EGTE 321          Storm Water Management................................................................................. 4

EGTE 416          Project Economic Analysis............................................................................. 3

EGTE 417          Project Management........................................................................................... 3

EGTE 454          Wood and Steel Structures............................................................................... 3

EGTE 455          Concrete and Masonry Structures.................................................................. 3

Approved Technical Specialization electives........................................................................ 12


Technical Specialization electives will include a 3 credit capstone experience selected from EGTE 450, EGTE 451, EGTE 466 or UNIV 401/402.


Technical Support

ACCT 207 or FREC 201................................................................................................................. 3


Technical Support electives appropriate to the student’s professional goals, subject to approval by the student’s faculty advisor                    5


CREDITS TO TOTAL A MINIMUM OF.......................................... 124


Enrollment in EGTE 300 and 400 level courses is limited to majors with Junior or Senior standing, or permission of the instructor.


To graduate with a major in engineering technology, a student must attain at least a 2.0 average in ETGE courses and must earn at least a C- in all prerequisite courses to qualify for admission to the next course. This requirement is in addition to the University requirement of a 2.0 grade point average. A student must complete a minimum of 48 semester hours in technical sciences, technical skills and technical specialization.



A minor in engineering technology may be earned by a student in any University bachelor degree program through successful completion of a minimum of 20 credits in engineering technology courses in accordance with the requirements listed here.  Before taking each engineering technology course, the student must satisfy required prerequisites for the course.  A grade point average of at least 2.0 is required in the 20 credits of engineering technology courses for the minor.


The required engineering technology courses are:

EGTE 115          Introduction to Computer Based

                              Problem Solving................................................................................................. 4


One course from the following list:

EGTE 215          Applied Fluid Mechanics................................................................................. 4

EGTE 231          Fundamentals of Statics and Strength of Materials.................................... 4

EGTE 244          Electricity for Engineering Technology...................................................... 4


Furthermore, additional courses must be completed so that EGTE credits total 20, of which at least 6 credits must be at the 300-level or above.  All engineering technology courses shall be selected with the approval of an advisor in the Department of Bioresources Engineering to meet each student’s objectives.  For students interested in environmental issues, courses could include:  EGTE 103, 104, 215, and 328; for those interested in electronics:  EGTE 244, 245, 443, 444, and 449.  For students interested in construction technology, courses could include: EGTE 104, 223, 312, 416, 454, 455 and 456.  Courses can also be chosen to give the student’s minor an emphasis in other areas such as manufacturing or management.





Please check the appropriate degree:


(   )          Bachelor of Applied Science

(   )          Bachelor of Arts

(   )          Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies

(   )          Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies

(   )          Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Civil Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Computer Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Environmental Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Fine Arts

(   )          Bachelor of Liberal Studies

(   )          Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

(   )          Bachelor of Music

(   )          Bachelor of Science

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Accounting

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Education

(   )          Bachelor of Science in Nursing

(   )          Master  of Applied Sciences

(   )          Master of Arts

(   )          Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

(   )          Master of Business Administration

(   )          Master of Chemical Engineering

(   )          Master of Civil Engineering

(   )          Master of Education

(   )          Master of Electrical Engineering

(   )          Master of Environmental and Energy Policy

(   )          Master of Fine Arts

(   )          Master of Instruction

(   )          Master of Marine Policy

(   )          Master of Materials Science and Engineering

(   )          Master of Mechanical Engineering

(   )          Master of Music

(   )          Master of Physical Therapy

(   )          Master of Public Administration

(   )          Master of Science

(   )          Master of Science  in Nursing

(   )          Doctor of Education

(   )          Doctor of Philosophy




This document will be retained permanently in the Faculty Senate Office.


Revised 04/23/01