Introduction to UNIX Gradebook

Table of Contents

Basic Concepts

Gradebook is built around a few basic concepts --

  • Gradebook functions appear on a menu with prompts for each command.

    The main functions of Gradebook are (1) initialize for a new course, (2) add a grade, (3) remove a grade, (4) calculate the final score for the course or for one or more "types," (5) assign letter grades to one or more grades. There are several additional functions. These are shown on the main Gradebook menu, reproduced here --

              *** Current working directory is: ~/hist101.fall96 
              *** Enter desired function from the menu *** 
                help:     help <command>, help on this menu if no <command>
                undo:     Restore the Gradebook master file as it was before your 
                          most recent change
                init:     Initialize Gradebook for a new class/section 
                add:      Add/replace a quiz, test, assignment, ... 
                remove:   Remove a quiz, test, assignment, ... 
                score:    Find total/average scores of tests, quizzes, ... 
                lg:       Assign letter grades 
                edit:     Change your parameters or grades file
                sort:     Sort Gradebook master file
                report:   Print/view a report
                cd:       Change to another Gradebook directory 
                quit:     Exit Gradebook (q) 

    You type one of these commands at the "Enter:" prompt. Each command may be abbreviated to its shortest unique beginning letters--for example, i for init, a for add, he for help, rep for report, rem for remove. The letter h gives you a history of the last ten commands you typed, but it is not listed on the menu.

    Gradebook prints the name of the current directory at the top of the main menu. Note that the ~/ is a shorthand symbol for the complete path of your home directory.

    Gradebook has several functions in addition to its primary functions. For example, the first function listed is "help." Typing help brings you to a help screen that explains basic aspects of Gradebook. The second menu item, "undo," means to undo the last change you made to Gradebook. For example, suppose you intended to remove quiz4 from your grades but removed quiz1 by mistake. You could type undo to bring quiz1 back, then remove quiz4.

    How to Setup Your Account

    You need to setup your account only once. Type the following--

              source ~larryh/gb/gbsetup

    How to Initialize Gradebook for a New Course

    There are three steps to initializing Gradebook for a new course; the first two are done before you start Gradebook. The three steps are --

    1. Submit a request for your class roster
    2. Normally, class rosters are sent only to the faculty member teaching the course. If you wish to have a roster sent to a teaching assistant, send mail to and to requesting that this person be added to the authorization list. (You can include both addresses in the same mail message.) Include the person's name and social security number and the course title and number. Authorization takes about a day. When it is complete, you can order the roster and have it sent to your TA, or your TA can order it directly by running the ezforms program on strauss.

      To obtain your roster file, logon to strauss and type --

      Then select "Class Roster Request." After this selection you see a screen like the following:
                Date:  Sep 07 95 Thu          8:21PM EDT
                From: larryh
                Subject: EZ:51, Class Roster Request
                Term code: ___
                Sample term codes: 95F (fall), 95S (spring), 95W (winter), 95J (summer)
                Course id: _______   Section(s): ___  through ___
                The course id must be in the format SSSSNNN, for example, BISC510. First
                section number is required; for a range of sections, fill in the second section 
                number.  All sections will be sent in a single file.
                Send roster to: __________________________________________________
                Class roster file will be mailed to the requestor unless there is an E-MAIL 
                ADDRESS entered in the above field. If the above field contains an e-mail 
                address with no @, '' will be appended to the e-mail address.
                 Arrow keys move, ^B - Prv page, ^F - Nxt page, ^V - Help, ^D - Send, ^C - Exit

      Fill in the blanks (term code, course id, and section numbers) as requested on the form. You need not type anything on the "Send roster to:" line unless you wish to send the roster to an account other than your own, such as your TA.

      Press CTRL-d to send (deliver) the form. A file containing your roster will be mailed to your UNIX account. So, be sure you don't have your UNIX mail forwarded.

      If the form you submitted contains errors, EZforms returns it to you within a few minutes as e-mail. Use Pine to check for errors. You can identify the mail by the subject line which will contain "EZ:51." Select the message and type s to save the message. At the SAVE prompt, type form.error to save the form for resubmitting*. Then quit Pine.

      Only if you have saved a form.error file, fix the error(s) in EZforms by typing --

                cd  mail
                ezforms  form.error
      at the % prompt. Correct the errors and resubmit the form by pressing CTRL-d. (If you want to see the list of errors, press CTRL-v (help).)

      *If you have more than one Ezforms error message, save them as form1.error, form2.error, ....

    3. Receive your roster
    4. First make a directory for your course. This could be as simple as a directory under your home directory with the name and semester of the course forming part of the directory name, for example hist101.fall96. For this example, the command is --

                mkdir hist101.f96  
      The initial cd command is a precaution to assure that you are in your home directory before making the subdirectory for the course. After about a day, logon to strauss and type pine to get your roster file. Select Folder Index (I) and press return beside the mail containing your roster. (EZforms messages concerning rosters can be identified by EZ:51 on the subject line.) Then type e, which means to "export" the mail message to a standard UNIX file instead of to a pine mailbox. You will be prompted for a file name. For our example type, --
      Pine puts the data into a file called in the directory called hist101.fall96. After the file is successfully saved, exit pine by typing q. When Pine asks if you really want to quit, type y. It also will ask you whether to move the file to read-mail. Respond according to your preference. After you confirm that the file was saved properly, you can delete it from pine.

    5. Initialize Gradebook
    6. After exiting pine, make your current directory the one where you want to store grades for your course, for our example --

                cd ~/hist101.fall96
      Then type --
      and type init at the menu prompt. You will be asked for the name of the directory to use for this course. Press return for the current directory (assuming you have changed directory correctly as indicated above). If you do not want the current directory (printed above the prompt), type the name of the directory you want, preceded by a ~/, for example, ~/hist101.fall96.

      At this point, Gradebook is initialized for the course with directory name hist101.fall96. This means that the roster file has been read into the Gradebook master file and four parameters have been set. The four parameters and their feasible values (default values in bold) are --

      Type of grade: raw, per (percentage)
      Type of cumulative scores: sum, ave (average)
      Missing value: Default is none, otherwise select a numeric value to be defined as missing
      Use plus/minus: yes, no

      These values may be changed by typing edit at the main menu, then parm.

      How to Add a Grade

      There are two ways to add a grade to Gradebook.
      1. submit your test on optical scan sheets for scoring by the Test Scoring program and
      2. hand enter your grades. You will be prompted by Gradebook to select options. Start Gradebook by typing --
        at the UNIX prompt. If you are still running Gradebook from the initialization step above, you can skip this step. Next, type add at the main Gradebook menu prompt. The following prompt appears --
                  Enter NAME of test (e.g., test1, quiz1, ...)
        Type the name you want for this grade, something like test1, quiz1, assign1, lab1, paper2, etc. The name may contain up to eight characters. Next, Gradebook asks you for a weight for this grade --
                  Enter WEIGHT (default=1);
        If you press return without typing a number, the weight is assigned to be 1.0 (equivalent to unweighted).

        Gradebook searches for a filename in your current directory containing the name of your grade. If it finds exactly one, it takes the new grades from that file. If it finds more than one, it asks you which one to use.

        If it finds none, it gives you the following options:. (1) type in a new filename, (2) type in a new variable name, or (3) hand enter the grade. The exact menu is --

                  file:  New name for the update file
                  vname: New variable name
                  hand:  Hand enter grades
        Make your choice by typing one of three keywords: file, vname, or hand.

        If you select hand, you are placed in the pico editor. For hand entry, Gradebook produces a file which conforms to the Test Scoring format but without the grades. Go to the end of the first line by pressing CTRL-e*, enter the numeric score for the first student, then use the down arrow key to go to the next student -- until you have finished entering the numeric score for all students. Blanks are assumed to be zero unless you have assigned a missing value in which case the missing value is assigned. When you are finished, exit pico by pressing CTRL-x. Gradebook will add the grades to the Gradebook master file, matching students by their social security numbers.

        *CTRL-e means to press the control key and the letter e simultaneously. In general, CTRL stands for the control key, to be pressed at the same time with the character following the dash. Note: In pico and Pine mail, the symbol ^e stands for CTRL-e.

        Hand-entered grades are kept in two places: (1) the Gradebook master file, and (2) the update file you edit with pico. For a grade called quiz1, the update file will be called, for a grade called lab2, the update file is, etc. These update files can be viewed on your screen or printed, whereas you cannot interpret the Gradebook master file which is stored in binary format.

        If you hand-enter grades, there should be no incorrect social security numbers, since Gradebook uses social security numbers from its master file to produce the update file. If a student took the test but does not appear in the update file, add her/his complete entry, including social security number, name and grade. Make sure (1) the first and last digits of the new social security number align with the first and last digits of the other social security numbers, (2) the first letter of the new name aligns in the same column as the first letter for other student names AND the name does not take more than 20 characters (including blanks, periods, and commas), and (3) the grade aligns in the same locations with grades for other students.

        If you use Test Scoring, you are dependent on students to enter correct social security numbers. In case of error (either on the scan sheet or the roster file), Gradebook will not match student records correctly. Additionally, any students who did not take the test will not appear in the update file. Gradebook will not find a match in this case either. Frequently students do not code the social security numbers on the scantron sheet. These are recorded as nine zeros -- 000000000.' Gradebook identifies these social security numbers and asks you whether you want to fix them now or exit the add program, fix them later then add the grade again at a later time.

        In case of mismatches between students in you master gradebook and those in the update file, Gradebook produces a file called mismatch.lst which lists the mismatches. Those appearing in your Gradebook master file but not in the update file appear in the left two columns. Those in the update file but not in the Gradebook master file appear in the next two columns. The grade recorded for each of the student listed appears in the rightmost column. By default, these grades are zero for students not appearing in the update file. An example of this file is reproduced here --

                  Mismatches for adding: quiz1   
                    Entries under the column labeled 'Master Grade File' came from your 
                    gradebook masterfile but not your update (new grade) file.
                    Entries under the column labeled 'Update File' came from your update file
                    but not your master gradebook file
                    Entries under the last column, labeled 'Grade' are the grades recorded for the
                    listed students.
                              Master Grade File                Update File                   Grade
                    321212121 PERKINS FRANCIS                                                  0
                                                  234567890    ADAMS, ABIGAIL                 22
                    421212121 SANDBURG CARL                                                    0
                    521212121 DU BOIS W.E.B                                                    0

        In this instance, three students didn't take quiz1 -- Perkins, Sandburg, and Du Bois. These correspond to blank entries on the column labeled "Update File." Since the missing option was not set, they all were assigned 0 for quiz1. Additionally, a record for Adams was taken from the update file and added to the master gradebook file, but Adams did not appear in the master file before quiz1 was added.

        You can view the mismatch.lst file from within Gradebook by typing report at the main-menu prompt, then mismatch. Type q when you are finished viewing the file.

        How to View/Print Grades Recorded in Gradebook

        To view your grades, start at the main menu and type --
        You will be prompted to list the names of the variables you want to see. The list of all your variables appears on the screen, including the identifiers. For example --
                  ID vars:       name  ssno  class  sect  maj
                  Types:         quiz   assign
                  Vars:          quiz1  quiz2  assign1  assign2  assign3
                  Enter one or more variables or types (<return> for all) --
        If you press return you will get default variables from the ID variables and all other variables. Usually there is only one default ID variable, name, but the default becomes the list you most recently used. For example, if you wanted to view both name and social security and all the other variables, type --
                  name ssno -all
        The next time you view a list, name and ssno will be the default ID variables.

        Gradebook produces a file containing your list of grades. The file is called gbook.lst; it is placed into aUNIX program for viewing on screen. Press the f (or SPACEBAR) to go forward one screen, b to go back one screen, and q to quit the listing. These commands, except for SPACEBAR, are listed as prompts at the bottom of the screen. Other useful commands are: <return> to go down one line, k to go up one line, /<string> to search for <string> (e.g., a student's name. The searches are not case sensitive.

        After viewing the list, you can (1) return to the main Gradebook menu (<return>), (2) print the file (p), or (3) save the file to one with a name you choose (s).

        How to Calculate Final Scores

        To calculate the final numeric score for the course, type--
        at the main menu. Gradebook will calculate scores for any "type" as well as for the entire course. It prompts for the type --
                  Enter  type' (default is all including final course grade): 
        Press <return> to calculate the final score. A new variable called finalsc is added to your Gradebook master file. Additionally for each "type," a variable with the name of the type as the prefix and "sc" as asuffix is added to the Gradebook master file. These variables are not displayed as defaults with the report list function.

        To view grades, including the final score, type report then type list and press <return>. An example of a listing is --

                       Mon Aug 28 18:04:10 1995                             Page 1
                                      G R A D E B O O K
                                    University of Delaware
               course: stat100                                        
               dir:    /home/strauss/usrc/7d/32007/Gbtest/stat100
               name                  quiz1  quiz2   quiz3   test1 test2 finalsc
               EARHART, AMELIA       80.00  88.89   55.56   96.00   76   79.29
               HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL  93.33  77.78   72.22   90.00   90   84.67
               DU BOIS, W.E.B.        0.00   0.00    0.00    0.00   92   18.40
               DA VINCI, LEONARDO    86.67  83.33   72.22   78.00   72   78.44
               POE, EDGAR ALLAN      86.67  83.33   66.67   80.00   58   74.93
               CURIE MARIE           73.33  55.56   66.67   98.00   86   75.91
               ADAMS, ABIGAIL       100.00  88.89  100.00  100.00   92   96.18
               WASHINGTON, GEORGE    73.33  83.33   77.78   70.00   76   76.09
               MCKINLEY, WILLIAM     93.33  66.67   77.78   97.96   70   81.15
               PATTON, GEORGE S     100.00  72.22   61.11   60.00   72   73.07
               MARSHALL, JOHN         0.00  61.11   55.56   90.00   80   57.33
               PERKINS, FRANCIS      80.00  94.44   66.67   50.00   84   75.02
               LINCOLN, ABRAHAM      86.67  72.22   66.67   72.00   70   73.51
               OWENS, JESSE          93.33  55.56   55.56   88.00   82   74.89
               MACARTHUR, DOUGLAS    86.67  88.89   77.78   68.00   86   81.47
               ROCKWELL, NORMAN      93.33  94.44   55.56   84.00   68   79.07
               HEIFETZ, JASCHA       93.33  55.56   77.78   86.00   88   80.13
               ROOSEVELT, ELEANOR    73.33  66.67   72.22   92.00   82   77.24
               HAMILTON, ALEXANDER   60.00  61.11   61.11   76.00   80   67.64
               DE GOYA, FRANCISCO    86.67  77.78   72.22   78.00   74   77.73
               SANDBURG, CARL        66.67  72.22   50.00   80.00   82   70.18

        In this case, the percentage and average options are set. Hence, the numbers refer to percentage correct, and the final score is the average percentage of correct answers for all tests and quizzes. (Defaults would be raw score and sum or total). Note that both the name of the course and the directory are printed at the top of the listing.

        How to Assign Letter Grades

        Before assigning letter grades you may want to look at an ordered list of final scores. The easiest way to do this is to produce a frequency distribution for the finalsc variable. To display the frequency distribution, go to the main menu and type report then freq then finalsc. The result looks like --
                    Tue Aug 29 15:03:10 1995                             Page 1   
                                     G R A D E B O O K
                                     University of Delaware
                 Course: STAT100 010                             
                 Dir:    /home/strauss/usrc/19/06442/stat100
                       Variable: finalsc 
                           Value     Frequency   Percentage  Percentage
                            14.00          1        4.5          4.5
                            46.00          1        4.5          9.1
                           105.00          1        4.5         13.6
                           106.00          1        4.5         18.2
                           108.00          1        4.5         22.7
                           109.00          3       13.6         36.4
                           113.00          2        9.1         45.5
                           116.00          2        9.1         54.5
                           117.00          1        4.5         59.1
                           119.00          1        4.5         63.6
                           120.00          1        4.5         68.2
                           123.00          2        9.1         77.3
                           124.00          1        4.5         81.8
                           125.00          2        9.1         90.9
                           131.00          1        4.5         95.5
                           145.00          1        4.5        100.0
                           Total          22     N missing:     0

        Type q to exit this report. The report may be printed at Smith Hall by selecting p at the next prompt, or you can save it to a file (s), or press <return> to return to the main menu. After you decide on cutoffs for each letter grade, start the letter-grade procedure by typing --

        at the main menu.

        Gradebook will assign a letter grade to any variable in your master file, for example, quiz1, test3, or finalsc. Choose a variable by typing its name or press <return> to accept the default, finalsc. If you have never assigned a letter grade to the selected variable, you will be prompted to assign cutoffs for each grade. Assign the lowest score associated with each letter grade. Here is an example of the prompts and the cutoffs assigned --

                  Enter grade cutoffs at each prompt (q to quit).
                  If you want to reenter a cutoff you have already entered, type the
                  letter grade, followed by an = sign, followed by the revised cutoff. 
                  For example: A- = 92.
                  Enter lowest score for A:     95
                  Enter lowest score for A-:    90
                  Enter lowest score for B+:    88
                  Enter lowest score for B:     85
                  Enter lowest score for B-:    80
                  Enter lowest score for C+:    78
                  Enter lowest score for C:     75
                  Enter lowest score for C-:    70
                  Enter lowest score for D+:    68
                  Enter lowest score for D:     65
                  Enter lowest score for D-:    60

        When you press <return> after D-, Gradebook assigns the letter grades and returns to the main menu. To view the result, type report then list.

        The resulting listing looks like this --

                    Aug 29 13:00:46 1995                              Page 1
                                      G R A D E B O O K
                                    University of Delaware
                  course: STAT100 010                             
                  dir:    /home/strauss/usrc/19/06442/stat100
                  name                 quiz1 quiz2 quiz3 test1 test2 finalsc
                  ADAMS, ABIGAIL         15    16    18    50    46   145 A 
                  CURIE MARIE            11    10    12    49    43   125 B-
                  DA VINCI, LEONARDO     13    15    13    39    36   116 C 
                  DE GOYA, FRANCISCO     13    14    13    39    37   116 C 
                  DU BOIS, W.E.B.         0     0     0     0    46    46 F 
                  EARHART, AMELIA        12    16    10    48    38   124 C+
                  HAMILTON, ALEXANDER     9    11    11    38    40   109 D+
                  HAWTHORNE NATHANIEL    14     0     0     0     0    14 F 
                  HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL   14    14    13    45    45   131 B 
                  HEIFETZ, JASCHA        14    10    14    43    44   125 B-
                  LINCOLN, ABRAHAM       13    13    12    36    35   109 D+
                  MACARTHUR, DOUGLAS     13    16    14    34    43   120 C+
                  MARSHALL, JOHN          0    11    10    45    40   106 D+
                  MCKINLEY, WILLIAM      14    12    14    48    35   123 C+
                  OWENS, JESSE           14    10    10    44    41   119 C 
                  PATTON, GEORGE S       15    13    11    30    36   105 D+
                  PERKINS, FRANCIS       12    17    12    25    42   108 D+
                  POE, EDGAR ALLAN       13    15    12    40    29   109 D+
                  ROCKWELL, NORMAN       14    17    10    42    34   117 C 
                  ROOSEVELT, ELEANOR     11    12    13    46    41   123 C+
                  SANDBURG, CARL         10    13     9    40    41   113 C-
                  WASHINGTON, GEORGE     11    15    14    35    38   113 C-

        Suppose you want to produce a list with social security numbers, the last test (test2 in this example) and only the letter grades for the final score. Type report then list and --

                  ID vars: name     ssno     class    sect     maj
                  Types:   quiz     test     final
                  Vars:    quiz1    quiz2    quiz3    quizsc   test1    test2    testsc  finalsc
                  Enter one or more variables or types ( for all)--
                  Enter: ssno test2 finalsc -lg 
        Note the use of the -lg flag to get only the letter grade for the final score. The result looks like this --
                    Tue Aug 29 14:35:00 1995                    Page 1
                                      G R A D E B O O K
                                    University of Delaware
                       course: STAT100 010                             
                       dir:    /home/strauss/usrc/19/06442/stat100
                                   ssno      test2   finalsc
                                   234567890   46       A
                                   223344556   43       B-
                                   123456789   36       C 
                                   901234567   37       C 
                                   121212121   46       F 
                                   000111000   38       C+
                                   890123456   40       D+
                                   111111110    0       F 
                                   111111111   45       B 
                                   789012345   44       B-
                                   567890123   35       D+
                                   678901234   43       C+
                                   456789012   40       D+
                                   345678901   35       C+
                                   666666666   41       C 
                                   444444444   36       D+
                                   555555555   42       D+
                                   222222222   29       D+
                                   777777777   34       C 
                                   888888888   41       C+
                                   999999999   41       C-
                                   333333333   38       C-

        Additional Gradebook Functions

        Additional functions of Gradebook include --

        help:View a help file on your screen
        undo: Discard the last change you made to your Gradebook master file. For example, you may have removed a grade which you did not intend to remove. You can get it back by typing undo at the main menu.
        remove: Remove a grade from your Gradebook master file. Gradebook prompts you for the name of the grade (e.g., quiz5).
        edit:You may edit three parts of Gradebook (1) the grades file (grade) -- the file that contains student ID and grades data, (2) the parameter file (parm) -- the file that indicates your parameter settings (e.g., average or sum for your finalsc), (3) a letter-grade file (lg) -- a file which contains cutoffs for letter grades. There may be one for finalsc or any other grade variable in your master file.
        sort: Sort your grade file by any variable or combination of variables. For example, you may want to sort by social security number (ssno) before producing a list to post for students to view. Gradebook prompts you for the name(s) of variable(s) by which to sort.
        cd: Change directory to another Gradebook directory. Gradebook keeps a record of your course directories, so you usually can use cd and a short abbreviation for a course directory. For example, cd chem100 instead of cd ~/Class/chem100.fall96

        Editing Your Grade File

        If you type edit at the main menu prompt then grade, you are placed in the Gradebook editor which permits you to make changes to the Gradebook master file. The main menu looks like --
                    Gradebook: Editing Master Grade File  
             Enter function from the menu.
                /<string>:    Search for <string> in student name and ssno
                all:          Go through the entire list of students (al)         
                addgrade:     Add a new grade -- quiz, test, assignment, ... (addg)
                addstu:       Add a new student (adds)
                sort <vars>:  Sort by <vars>
                repeat:       Repeat last function (r)
                quit:         Quit, save changes (q)
                cancel:       Quit, don't save changes

        You will perform most functions after a listing of the data for a student. To view/edit each student, type all at the main menu. To edit the entry for one student, use the search function. For example suppose you want to change a grade for a student whose social security number is 111111111. Enter a forward slash (/) followed by all or a unique part of the social security number. You may also search for student names. Here is an example using 1111 as a unique part of the 111111111 social security number.

                  Enter: /1111
                  Select an option from the menu:
                  <vname> =<value>:  Change specific variables
                  p <var>:           Edit variables with prompts, start with <var>
                  delete/undelete:   Delete/undelete (keep) this student
                 <return>:           Continue to a new student
                  quit:              Return to main menu (q)
                  ssno=111111111 name=HAWTHORNE NATHANIEL  class=     sect=     maj= 
                     quiz1=14            quiz2=0             quiz3=0             quizsc=14
                     test1=0             test2=0             testsc=0            finalsc=14

        Gradebook prints the information shown after the /1111. To change Nathaniel Hawthorne's score for quiz2 to 15, type --

        Gradebook makes the change and reprints all the data for Nathaniel Hawthorne, giving you a chance to make more changes. Type q to return to the main menu. (If you press<return>, Gradebook continues the search, printing "Not found, press <return> to continue" if it reaches the end of your grade file without finding any more instances of 1111. When you press <return> here, you are returned to the main menu.)

        The other editing functions allow you to add a new student, add a new grade, and sort the cases by any variable. We will not review them in this short document, but you may try them if you wish and direct questions to Larry Hotchkiss (, x-1989) or Evelyn Stevens (, x-4240).

        Editing Your Parameter File

        The following parameters may be changed --
        • Type of cumulative scores: sum or average (ave)

        • Type of numeric scores: raw scores or percentages (per) . Gradebook will compute percentages for newly added grades if you choose percentage, but it will not recompute scores for grades already entered. These must again be added to the master file to convert them to percentages. Gradebook will overwrite an entry if you "authorize" it to do so. You authorize replacing a grade by responding yes to a query in the add procedure.

        • Missing value. Your options are (1) none, or (2) a numeric value (e.g., 0 or -1) to be omitted when calculating summary scores. Note: This has no effect unless you use average instead of sum. You must recompute scores already computed.

        • Use plus and minus in your grades. If you select yes, Gradebook includes the +/- letter grades in its prompts. Otherwise, it doesn't.

        • Change the name of a variable or a type

        • Change the order of variables in your Gradebook master file

        • Designate the number of low scores to drop for each grade "type"

        • Assign a weight to one or more variables
        When you edit your parameters, Gradebook places you in the pico editor with a file containing a list of your current parameter settings and variables. The screen looks like this --
                  Make desired changes in your parameters.
                  Permissible changes are marked by '*'.
                  Title of course: STAT100 010
                  Number of variables =   8
                  Number of students  =    22
                  Type of cumulative scores = sum *  (sum, ave)
                      Type of numeric grades = raw *  (raw, per)
                         Missing value = none *
                                   plus/minus = yes *  (yes, no)
                   type = quiz *  drop = 0 *
                  1     var name = quiz1 *   weight = 1 *
                  2     var name = quiz2 *   weight = 1 *
                  3     var name = quiz3 *   weight = 1 *
                  4     var name = quizsc *  weight = .6 *
                  type = test *  drop = 0 *
                  5     var name = test1 *   weight = 1 *
                  6     var name = test2 *   weight = 1 *
                  7     var name = testsc *  weight = .4 *
                  type = final *  drop = 0 *
                  8     var name = finalsc * weight = 1 *

        Change parameter settings like "Type of cumulative scores" by using pico to change the value, for example, change "sum" to "ave". Be sure to use the exact spelling of the options enclosed in parentheses. To set a missing value, change "none" on the line labeled "Missing value = " to a number which you want Gradebook to interpret as missing. Gradebook will omit grades with this value from its accumulations. For example, suppose you have "ave" set, and most students have 4 quiz grades, but Nathaniel Hawthorne has only 3 -- the fourth is the missing value. In this case, Gradebook calculates the average of the three nonmissing quizes. But, if you have "type of cumulative scores" set to sum, the missing value has no effect. Similarly, you can change the drop and weight numbers by changing the values in the usual way with pico.

        To change variable names or type names, change the text that appears. To reorder variables and/or associate a variable with a different type, use the pico CTRL-k CTRL-u functions to cut and then paste a line. For example, suppose you entered quiz3 before you entered quiz2 and want to reorder the variables so quiz2 appears before quiz3. Place the cursor on the line for quiz2, press CTRL-k, then position the cursor on the line for quiz3 and press CTRL-u. Pico places the cut text on the line just before the one where you press the CTRL-u.

        Renaming and reordering variables are done when you exit the edit function, but you must rerun other gradebook functions to implement changes in type of cumulative scores, type of numeric grades, missing values, drop, and weight.

        Editing a Letter-Grade Cutoff File

        You may change the cutoffs for any letter grade by typing edit at the main Gradebook menu, then lg. You will be prompted for the name of the variable for which you want to define cutoffs. Type finalsc, for example, to edit cutoffs for the final score in the course. Again, you are placed in the pico editor with the current cutoffs printed to the right of each letter grade. Use CTRL-e to go to the end of the first line, then the delete key to erase the current value, and finally type in the new value. Use the down-arrow key to go to the next letter grade. Press CTRL-x when you are finished. Note: you must rerun the lg program for these to take effect.

        For more information about Gradebook

        For more information about Gradebook contact Larry Hotchkiss ( or 831-1989) or Evelyn Stevens ( or 831-4240).

        University of Delaware

        March, 1996