1> /*  In-class practice exercises, 10/21/1999  (Q.1-5)             */
2> /*                                                               */
3> use pubs2
1> /*                                                               */
2> /*  Q.1  Check the results of the four SQL statements on pp.     */ 
3> /*  157-158 (top statement) by including avg(price).             */
4> /*                                                               */ 
5> select count(price), sum(price), avg(price)
6> from titles
 ----------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
          16                   236.26                    14.77 

(1 row affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> select count(price), sum(distinct price), avg(price)
3> from titles
 ----------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
          16                   161.35                    14.77 

(1 row affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> select count(distinct price), sum(price), avg(price)
3> from titles
 ----------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
          11                   236.26                    14.77 

(1 row affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> select count(distinct price), sum(distinct price), avg(price)
3> from titles
 ----------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
          11                   161.35                    14.77 

(1 row affected)
1> /* Results of 1st and 4th queries are correct; others are not.   */
2> /*                                                               */
3> /* Q.2.  List all the different states where authors live;       */
4> /* then again, sorted by city.  Why are the results different?   */
5> /*                                                               */
6> select distinct state
7> from authors

(8 rows affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> select distinct state
3> from authors
4> order by city

(16 rows affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> /*  When "ordering by", that column is included implicitly       */
3> /*  in the select list.  "Distinct" finds each different         */
4> /*  state-city combination.                                      */
5> /*                                                               */
6> /* Q.3.  Use the salesdetail table for these questions:          */
7> /* a.  How many copies of each title have been ordered,          */
8> /* regardless of which store?                                    */
9> /* b.  How many copies of any title has each store ordered?      */
10> /*                                                              */
11> select title_id, sum(qty) as Copies_Sold
12> from salesdetail
13> group by title_id
 title_id Copies_Sold 
 -------- ----------- 
 BU1032          4095 
 BU1111          3876 
 BU2075         18722 
 BU7832          4095 
 MC2222          2032 
 MC3021         22246 
 PC1035          8780 
 PC8888          4095 
 PS1372           375 
 PS2091          2045 
 PS2106           111 
 PS3333          4072 
 PS7777          3336 
 TC3218           375 
 TC4203         15096 
 TC7777          4095 

(16 rows affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> select stor_id, sum(qty) as Copies_Sold
3> from salesdetail
4> group by stor_id
 stor_id Copies_Sold 
 ------- ----------- 
 5023          82674 
 6380           2430 
 7066           2430 
 7067           2900 
 7131           2097 
 7896           1182 
 8042           3733 

(7 rows affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> /* Q.4.  More on grouping with aggregate functions:              */
3> /* a. Show the average advance and price set by each publisher   */
4> /* for each type of book.                                        */
5> /* b. If not done already, eliminate nulls from results in 4a.   */
6> /* c. Sort results from 4b in order of increasing avg advance.   */
7> /* d. Same as c, but only books with price > average price.      */
8> /*                                                               */
9> select pub_id, type, avg(advance) as AvgAdv, avg(price) as AvgPrice
10> from titles
11> group by pub_id, type
 pub_id type         AvgAdv                   AvgPrice                 
 ------ ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ 
 0736   business                    10,125.00                     2.99 
 0736   psychology                   3,568.75                    11.48 
 0877   UNDECIDED                        NULL                     NULL 
 0877   mod_cook                     7,500.00                    11.49 
 0877   psychology                   7,000.00                    21.59 
 0877   trad_cook                    6,333.33                    15.96 
 1389   business                     5,000.00                    17.31 
 1389   popular_comp                 7,500.00                    21.48 

(8 rows affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> select pub_id, type, avg(advance) as AvgAdv, avg(price) as AvgPrice
3> from titles
4> where (advance is not null or price is not null)
5> group by pub_id, type
 pub_id type         AvgAdv                   AvgPrice                 
 ------ ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ 
 0736   business                    10,125.00                     2.99 
 0736   psychology                   3,568.75                    11.48 
 0877   mod_cook                     7,500.00                    11.49 
 0877   psychology                   7,000.00                    21.59 
 0877   trad_cook                    6,333.33                    15.96 
 1389   business                     5,000.00                    17.31 
 1389   popular_comp                 7,500.00                    21.48 

(7 rows affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> select pub_id, type, avg(advance) as AvgAdv, avg(price) as AvgPrice
3> from titles
4> where (advance is not null or price is not null)
5> group by pub_id, type
6> order by 3
 pub_id type         AvgAdv                   AvgPrice                 
 ------ ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ 
 0736   psychology                   3,568.75                    11.48 
 1389   business                     5,000.00                    17.31 
 0877   trad_cook                    6,333.33                    15.96 
 0877   psychology                   7,000.00                    21.59 
 0877   mod_cook                     7,500.00                    11.49 
 1389   popular_comp                 7,500.00                    21.48 
 0736   business                    10,125.00                     2.99 

(7 rows affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> select pub_id, type, avg(advance) as AvgAdv, avg(price) as AvgPrice
3> from titles
4> group by pub_id, type
5> having (advance is not null or price is not null)
6> and price > avg(price)
7> order by avg(advance)
 pub_id type         AvgAdv                   AvgPrice                 
 ------ ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ 
 0736   psychology                   3,568.75                    11.48 
 1389   business                     5,000.00                    17.31 
 1389   business                     5,000.00                    17.31 
 0877   trad_cook                    6,333.33                    15.96 
 0877   mod_cook                     7,500.00                    11.49 
 1389   popular_comp                 7,500.00                    21.48 

(6 rows affected)
1> /*                                                               */
2> /* Q.5.  Which title has the maximum total sales and how many    */
3> /* copies of that title have sold?                               */
4> /*                                                               */
5> select title_id, title, total_sales
6> from titles
7> having total_sales = max(total_sales)

         The Gourmet Microwave

(1 row affected)