/*  Advanced SQL Sybase					Fall 2002 */
/*     		     Quiz 2, Nov. 11th, due Nov. 18th		*/
1> use evelyn
1> /*								*/
2> /* 1.  Name products that have never been ordered.		*/
3> /*								*/
/*  Left outer join between product table and orderdetail:	*/
/*								*/
4> select distinct prodname, od.prodnum 
5> from product p, orderdetail od
6> where p.prodnum *= od.prodnum
7> order by od.prodnum
 prodname             prodnum     
 -------------------- ----------- 
 C++ for kids                NULL 
 star systems                NULL 
 memory manager              NULL 
 how multi is media?         NULL 
 teach yourself greek        NULL 
 money master                1083 
 typing test                 1099 
 home poll kit               1105 
 z_connector                 1106 
 mortgage minder             1107 
 blood & guts                1108 
 bug stories                 1255 
 nt guru                     1357 
 memory8                     1794 
 cook & book                 2000 
 paper dolls                 2047 
 more paper dolls            2049 
 tax time                    2050 
 landlord logs               2110 
 memory tripler              2111 
 bugbane                     2113 

(21 rows affected)
/*								*/
/*  "Not in" with subquery:					*/
/*								*/
2> select prodnum, prodname
3> from product
4> where prodnum not in
5>   (select prodnum
6>    from orderdetail)
 prodnum     prodname             
 ----------- -------------------- 
        1084 memory manager       
        1110 star systems         
        1104 teach yourself greek 
        1109 C++ for kids         
        1457 how multi is media?  

(5 rows affected)
2> /*								*/
3> /* 2. Customers with the same area code and phone number.	*/
4> /*								*/
5> select c1.fname + ' ' + c1.lname, c1.areacode + '-' + c1.phone
6> from customer c1, customer c2
7> where c1.areacode = c2.areacode
8> and c1.phone = c2.phone
9> and c1.custnum <> c2.custnum
 ----------------------------------------- ----------- 
  deathmask-z                              617-5557777 
 merit mokoperto                           617-5557777 

(2 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* 3. Youngest employee and age when hired.			*/
3> /*								*/
4> select fname + ' ' + lname, datediff(yy, bday, hired), bday, hired
5> from employee
6> having bday = max(bday)
	 bday                       hired                      
 ----------------------------------------- ----------- 
	-------------------------- -------------------------- 
 Hamid Miller                                       18
	        Jan  1 1980 12:00AM        Mar 15 1998 12:00AM 

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* 4. Bill Bloomfeld's commission: per order; total		*/
3> /*								*/
4> select distinct fname + ' ' + lname Employee, 
5>   convert(char(4), od.ordnum) Ord#,
6>   convert(money, sum(qty*price*commission)) Commission
7> from ordermaster o, orderdetail od, product p, employee e
8> where od.prodnum = p.prodnum
9> and od.ordnum = o.ordnum
10> and o.empnum = e.empnum
11> and lname = 'Bloomfeld'
12> group by lname, od.ordnum
 Employee                                  Ord# Commission               
 ----------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------ 
 Bill Bloomfeld                            92                   8,330.83 
 Bill Bloomfeld                            93                      13.50 
 Bill Bloomfeld                            94                       8.75 

(3 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
/*  Note:  Remove ordnum from select and group by to get total.	*/
/*								*/
2> select distinct fname + ' ' + lname Employee,
3> --  convert(char(4), od.ordnum) Ord#,
4>   convert(money, sum(qty*price*commission)) Commission
5> from ordermaster o, orderdetail od, product p, employee e
6> where od.prodnum = p.prodnum
7> and od.ordnum = o.ordnum
8> and o.empnum = e.empnum
9> and lname = 'Bloomfeld'
10> group by lname --, od.ordnum
 Employee                                  Commission               
 ----------------------------------------- ------------------------ 
 Bill Bloomfeld                                            8,353.08 

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* 5. Show all details for order with largest dollar amount.	*/
3> /*								*/
4> /*  Create a view to find total order amounts.		*/
5> /*								*/
6> create view OrderTotals
7> as
8> select ordnum, sum(qty*price) OrderAmt
9> from orderdetail od, product p
10> where od.prodnum = p.prodnum
11> group by ordnum
1> /*								*/
2> select * from OrderTotals
 ordnum      OrderAmt                 
 ----------- ------------------------ 
          81                   567.95 
          84                    99.98 
          85                 1,649.75 
          86                   642.78 
          87                 1,426.60 
          89                    99.98 
          90                    89.99 
          91                   879.88 
          92               166,616.67 
          93                   269.94 
          94                   174.99 
          95                   127.98 
          99                53,188.40 

(13 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> select convert(char(20), c.fname + ' ' + c.lname) "Customer",
3>   convert(char(4), o.ordnum) "Order",
4>   convert(char(12), orderdate, 101) "OrderDate",
5>   convert(char(12), shipdate, 101) "Shipped",
6>   convert(char(20), e.fname + ' ' + e.lname) "HandledBy",
7>   prodname, qty,
8>   convert(money, qty*price) "Total"
9> from customer c, ordermaster o, orderdetail od, product p, employee e
10> where c.custnum = o.custnum
11>   and o.ordnum = od.ordnum
12>   and od.prodnum = p.prodnum
13>   and o.empnum = e.empnum
14>   and od.ordnum =
15>     (select ordnum
16>      from OrderTotals
17>      having OrderAmt = max(OrderAmt))
 Customer             Order OrderDate    Shipped      HandledBy           
	 prodname             qty    Total                    
 -------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ -------------------- 
	-------------------- ------ ------------------------ 
 merit mokoperto      92    01/02/1999   NULL         Bill Bloomfeld      
	 tax time               3333               166,616.67 

(1 row affected)
1> /*  Drop view so I can reuse this command file.			*/
2> drop view OrderTotals
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Modified to use only orders where products have shipped 	*/
3> /*								*/
4> /*  Create a view to find total order amounts.			*/
5> /*  Using orderdetail22 which contains the original data only.	*/
6> /*								*/
7> create view ShippedOrderTotals
8> as
9> select ordnum, sum(qty*price) OrderAmt
10> from orderdetail2 od, product p
11> where od.prodnum = p.prodnum
12> and ordnum not in (select ordnum
13> 		from orderdetail2
14> 		where shipdate is null)
15> group by ordnum
1> /*								*/
2> select * from ShippedOrderTotals
 ordnum      OrderAmt                 
 ----------- ------------------------ 
          85                 1,649.75 
          89                    99.98 
          90                    89.99 
          91                   879.88 

(4 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> select convert(char(20), c.fname + ' ' + c.lname) "Customer",
3>   convert(char(4), o.ordnum) "Order",
4>   convert(char(12), orderdate, 101) "OrderDate",
5>   convert(char(12), shipdate, 101) "Shipped",
6>   convert(char(20), e.fname + ' ' + e.lname) "HandledBy",
7>   prodname, qty,
8>   convert(money, qty*price) "Total"
9> from customer c, ordermaster o, orderdetail2 od, product p, employee e
10> where c.custnum = o.custnum
11>   and o.ordnum = od.ordnum
12>   and od.prodnum = p.prodnum
13>   and o.empnum = e.empnum
14>   and od.ordnum =
15>     (select ordnum
16>      from ShippedOrderTotals
17>      having OrderAmt = max(OrderAmt))
 Customer             Order OrderDate    Shipped      HandledBy           
	 prodname             qty         Total                    
 -------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ -------------------- 
	-------------------- ----------- ------------------------ 
 felipe le blanc      85    01/02/1999   01/02/1999   Hamid Miller        
	 memory8                        1                   400.00 
 felipe le blanc      85    01/02/1999   01/05/1999   Hamid Miller        
	 tax time                      25                 1,249.75 

(2 rows affected)
1> /*  Drop view so I can reuse this command file.			*/
2> drop view ShippedOrderTotals
1> /*								*/
2> /* All-in-one solution, courtesy of Mimi Panchisin		*/
3> /*								*/
4> select convert(char(12), c.lname + " " + c.fname) 'customername',
5> d.shipdate, m.orderdate, p.prodname, d.qty, p.price*d.qty 'total_amt',
6> convert(char(12), e.lname + " " + e.fname) 'employeename'
7> from orderdetail2 d, product p, ordermaster m, employee e, customer c
8> where d.prodnum = p.prodnum
9> and e.empnum = m.empnum
10> and m.ordnum = d.ordnum
11> and c.custnum = m.custnum
12> and d.qty*p.price in (select max(d.qty*p.price) from orderdetail2 d,
13>                       product p
14>                         where d.prodnum = p.prodnum
15>                          and convert(char(12), d.shipdate) <> "NULL")
 customername shipdate                   orderdate                 
	 prodname             qty         total_amt                employeename 
 ------------ -------------------------- -------------------------- 
	-------------------- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ 
 le blanc fel        Jan  5 1999 12:00AM        Jan  2 1999 12:00AM
	 tax time                      25                 1,249.75 Miller Hamid 

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* 6a. Find "unavailable" product(s).			*/
3> /*								*/
4> select od.prodnum, o.custnum, o.empnum
5> from orderdetail od, ordermaster o 
6> where o.ordnum = od.ordnum
7> and od.prodnum not in
8>   (select prodnum
9>    from product)
 prodnum     custnum   empnum    
 ----------- --------- --------- 
        1199 111222222 923457789 

(1 row affected)
1> /*  Check result 						*/
2> select distinct p.prodnum ProductList, od.prodnum OrderList
3> from product p, ordermaster o, orderdetail od
4> where o.ordnum *= od.ordnum
5> and od.prodnum *= p.prodnum
 ProductList OrderList   
 ----------- ----------- 
        NULL        1199 
        1083        1083 
        1105        1105 
        1106        1106 
        1107        1107 
        1108        1108 
        1255        1255 
        1357        1357 
        1794        1794 
        2000        2000 
        2047        2047 
        2049        2049 
        2050        2050 
        2110        2110 
        2111        2111 
        2113        2113 

(16 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* 6b  Trigger to prevent adding unlisted product to order	*/
3> /*								*/
4> create trigger product_check
5> on orderdetail
6> for insert
7> as
8> if not exists (select p.prodnum
9>                 from product p, inserted i
10>                 where p.prodnum = i.prodnum)
11> begin
12>         rollback transaction
13>         print "No such product - order cannot be filled."
14> end
15> else
16>         print "Product added to the order."
1> /* Test - using order 99; existing product 2000  */
2> /* Need to delete first so I can reuse this command file */
3> delete orderdetail
4> where ordnum = 99
5> and prodnum = 2000
(1 row affected)
1> /*	*/
2> insert into orderdetail
3> values (99, 2000, 144, null)
Product added to the order.
(1 row affected)
1> /* Test - same order; non-existent product 999 */
2> insert into orderdetail
3> values (99, 999, 144, null)
No such product - order cannot be filled.
(0 rows affected)
1> /* Check that order */
2> select * from orderdetail
3> where ordnum = 99
 ordnum      prodnum     qty    shipdate                   
 ----------- ----------- ------ -------------------------- 
          99        2047      6                       NULL 
          99        2050   1000                       NULL 
          99        2049     10                       NULL 
          99        2000    144                       NULL 

(4 rows affected)
1> /* Important:  have been dropping and creating objects, so:	*/
2> dump tran evelyn with truncate_only