1> /* Advanced SQL Programming			      Fall 2002 */
2> /*				Quiz 1, Oct. 7th		*/
3> /*								*/
4> /* 1.  Day of week for Feb. 29th 2004; months from now.	*/
5> /*								*/
6> select datename(dw, 'Feb 29 2004')

(1 row affected)
1> select datediff(mm, getdate(), 'Feb 29 2004') MonthsToLeapDay

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* 2.  Employeee age at date of hire.			*/
3> /*  Note problem in first query - need to account for not	*/
4> /*  having at least reached birthday at date of hire.	*/
5> /*  Two separate, corrected queries follow.			*/
6> /*								*/
7> use evelyn
1> /*								*/
2> select convert(char(12), lname) LastName, 
3>   convert(char(10), bday, 101) Birthday, 
4>   convert(char(10), hired, 101) HireDate,
5>   datediff(yy, bday, hired), 'years and ',
6>   datediff(mm, bday, hired) - datediff(yy, bday, hired)*12, 'month(s)'
7> from employee 
 LastName     Birthday   HireDate                                               
 ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -------- 
 Miller       01/01/1980 03/15/1998          18 years and            2 month(s) 
 Chang        03/15/1950 06/05/1997          47 years and            3 month(s) 
 archer       05/24/1961 08/25/1996          35 years and            3 month(s) 
 Menendez     07/16/1971 11/05/1995          24 years and            4 month(s) 
 Bloomfeld    09/09/1979 03/15/1998          19 years and           -6 month(s) 
 Blake-Pipps  12/12/1965 01/20/1993          28 years and          -11 month(s) 

(6 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Birthday reached by date of hire.			*/
3> /*								*/
4> select convert(char(12), lname) LastName, 
5>   convert(char(10), bday, 101) Birthday, 
6>   convert(char(10), hired, 101) HireDate,
7>   datediff(yy, bday, hired), 'years and ',
8>   datediff(mm, bday, hired) - datediff(yy, bday, hired)*12, 'month(s)'
9> from employee 
10> where datepart(mm, hired) > datepart(mm, bday)
 LastName     Birthday   HireDate                                               
 ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -------- 
 Miller       01/01/1980 03/15/1998          18 years and            2 month(s) 
 Chang        03/15/1950 06/05/1997          47 years and            3 month(s) 
 archer       05/24/1961 08/25/1996          35 years and            3 month(s) 
 Menendez     07/16/1971 11/05/1995          24 years and            4 month(s) 

(4 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Birthday not reached by date of hire.			*/
3> /*								*/
4> select convert(char(12), lname) LastName, 
5>   convert(char(10), bday, 101) Birthday, 
6>   convert(char(10), hired, 101) HireDate,
7>   datediff(yy, bday, hired) - 1, 'years and ',
8>   datediff(mm, bday, hired) - (datediff(yy, bday, hired) -1) *12, 'month(s)'
9> from employee 
10> where datepart(mm, hired) < datepart(mm, bday)
 LastName     Birthday   HireDate                                               
 ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -------- 
 Bloomfeld    09/09/1979 03/15/1998          18 years and            6 month(s) 
 Blake-Pipps  12/12/1965 01/20/1993          27 years and            1 month(s) 

(2 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* 3.  Price list with 10% increase where price less than $20.*/
3> /*								*/
4> select prodname, price, 
5>   convert(money, price * 1.1) NewPrice
6> from product
7> where price < 20
 prodname             price                    NewPrice                 
 -------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
 cook & book                             19.99                    21.99 
 paper dolls                             19.99                    21.99 
 more paper dolls                        19.99                    21.99 
 memory manager                          19.99                    21.99 
 home poll kit                           19.99                    21.99 

(5 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* 4.  Customer name corrections (some possibilities) 	*/
3> /*     (Note:  != or <> both work for "not equals".)		*/
4> /*								*/
5> select upper(substring(fname, 1, 1))
6>   + substring(fname, 2, char_length(fname)) FirstName,
7>   upper(substring(lname, 1, 1))
8>   + substring(lname, 2, char_length(lname)) LastName
9> from customer
10> where charindex(" ", fname) != 1
 FirstName             LastName              
 --------------------- --------------------- 
 Geoff lowell          McBaird               
 Ruby                  Archer                
 Phillip               Aziz                  
 Felipe                Le blanc              
 Kimiko                Sato                  
 NULL                  Deathmask-z           
 Merit                 Mokoperto             
 Pete                  Peters                
 Lauren                Menendez              
 LI-REN                WONG                  

(10 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Remove leading space; to change case, modify as above.	*/
3> /*								*/
4> select ltrim(fname) FirstName, lname LastName
5> from customer
 FirstName            LastName             
 -------------------- -------------------- 
 geoff lowell         McBaird              
 ruby                 archer               
 phillip              aziz                 
 felipe               le blanc             
 kimiko               sato                 
 SAM                  khandasamy           
 NULL                 deathmask-z          
 merit                mokoperto            
 pete pete            rs                   
 Pete                 Peters               
 lauren               Menendez             
 LI-REN               WONG                 

(12 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Proper case for customers with first and middle name	*/
3> /*								*/
4> select upper(substring(fname, 1, 1))  
5>   + substring(fname, 2, charindex(" ",fname)-1)
6>   + upper(substring(fname, charindex(" ", fname)+1, 1))
7>   + substring(fname, charindex(" ", fname)+2, char_length(fname))
8>   FirstAndMiddleNames
9> from customer
10> where charindex(" ", fname) > 1
 Geoff Lowell                               

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Question:  Why is " pete pete rs" missing from this result? */
3> /*								*/
4> /*  Additional Comment on Pete Peters 			*/
5> /*  Could compare concatenated, upper- or lower-cased names	*/
6> /*  and delete _one_ (not trivial!) if duplicate found.	*/
7> /*  Probably hard to generalize to a real database.		*/
8> /*								*/
9> /*  5.  Product names and descriptions, proper case.		*/
10> /*								*/
11> select upper(substring(prodname, 1, 1)) +
12>   substring(prodname, 2, char_length(prodname)) ProductName,
13>   upper(substring(description, 1, 1)) +
14>   substring(description, 2, char_length(description)) Description
15> from product
16> where description is not null
 ProductName           Description                                         
 --------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 
 Cook & book           Record your recipes                                 
 Paper dolls           Create & dress dolls                                
 More paper dolls      Create & dress dolls                                
 Tax time              1995 edition                                        
 Memory tripler        50% or more                                         
 Home poll kit         Take the pulse of america                           
 Star systems          Scientific horoscopes                               
 Memory8               8 Meg mem                                           
 Money master          Pers checking                                       
 Mortgage minder       Know where you stand                                

(10 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  6.  Formatted customer phone list.			*/
3> /*								*/
4> select upper(substring(lname, 1, 1)) +
5>   substring(lname, 2, char_length(lname)) + ', ' +
6>   upper(substring(fname, 1, 1)) +
7>   substring(fname, 2, char_length(fname)) Customer,
8>   '(' + areacode + ') ' + substring(phone, 1, 3) + '-' +
9>   right(phone, 4) Phone
10> from customer
 Customer                                     Phone          
 -------------------------------------------- -------------- 
 McBaird, Geoff lowell                        (510) 555-2234 
 Archer, Ruby                                 (510) 555-1111 
 Aziz, Phillip                                (617) 555-1333 
 Le blanc, Felipe                             (617) 555-1111 
 Sato, Kimiko                                 (206) 555-2233 
 Khandasamy,  SAM                             (212) 223-1234 
 Deathmask-z,                                 (617) 555-7777 
 Mokoperto, Merit                             (617) 555-7777 
 Rs,  pete pete                               (512) 555-7777 
 Peters, Pete                                 (800) 555-7777 
 Menendez, Lauren                             (917) 123-1235 
 WONG, LI-REN                                 (301) 123-1235 

(12 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  7.  Customers from MD or MA (assumes no other "M" states)*/
3> /*  (Some formatting added to save space)			*/
4> /*								*/
5> select convert(char(20), fname + ' ' + lname), 
6>   convert(char(25), street), 
7>   convert(char(25), city + ', ' + state + ' ' + zip)
8> from customer
9> where state like 'M%'
 -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- 
 phillip aziz         92 Arch St.               reading, MA 01867         
 felipe le blanc      2 Jacob Way #8            reading, MA 01867         
  deathmask-z         Old Foundry Block 2       Boston, MA 02110          
 merit mokoperto      Old Foundry Block 2       Boston, MA 02110          
 LI-REN WONG          12 Main St.               Silver Spring, MD 20906   

(5 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> select convert(char(20), fname + ' ' + lname), 
3>   convert(char(25), street), 
4>   convert(char(25), city + ', ' + state + ' ' + zip)
5> from customer
6> where state in ('MD', 'MA')
 -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- 
 phillip aziz         92 Arch St.               reading, MA 01867         
 felipe le blanc      2 Jacob Way #8            reading, MA 01867         
  deathmask-z         Old Foundry Block 2       Boston, MA 02110          
 merit mokoperto      Old Foundry Block 2       Boston, MA 02110          
 LI-REN WONG          12 Main St.               Silver Spring, MD 20906   

(5 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> select convert(char(20), fname + ' ' + lname), 
3>   convert(char(25), street), 
4>   convert(char(25), city + ', ' + state + ' ' + zip)
5> from customer
6> where state = 'MD' or state = 'MA'
 -------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- 
 phillip aziz         92 Arch St.               reading, MA 01867         
 felipe le blanc      2 Jacob Way #8            reading, MA 01867         
  deathmask-z         Old Foundry Block 2       Boston, MA 02110          
 merit mokoperto      Old Foundry Block 2       Boston, MA 02110          
 LI-REN WONG          12 Main St.               Silver Spring, MD 20906   

(5 rows affected)