Advanced SQL Programming				Fall 2002
		Take-home exercises, Nov. 25th 			 


1.  (Question about ranking students based on GPA)

I have to build a query which will rank all students in a single table:

          ContactID FileName         GPA
          7         Morales, Sara     2.9333
          8         Wallace, Ben      2.7667        
          6         Bruce, Tricia     3.2833  
          9         Davis, Heather    2.9333    

This query should produce a recordset which should look like this:

         ContactID FileName         GPA         RANKING
          6         Bruce, Tricia     3.2833     1  
          9         Davis, Heather    2.9333     2
          7         Morales, Sara     2.9333     2
          8         Wallace, Ben      2.7667     3
but [with the query I am using] the ranking shows gaps (ranking #3
is missing):
          ContactID FileName         GPA         RANKING
          6         Bruce, Tricia     3.2833     1  
          9         Davis, Heather    2.9333     2
          7         Morales, Sara     2.9333     2
          8         Wallace, Ben      2.7667     4

Is there any way to implement this using a single sql string?

Query that was being used (in MS Access):

          SELECT t1.ContactID, t1.FileName, t1.GPA,
               FROM GPARanking as t2
               WHERE t2.GPA > t1.GPA) + 1 AS [RANKING]
          FROM GPARanking as t1
          ORDER BY t1.FileName, t1.GPA DESC

Proposed solutions: 
- Using MS SQL Server:

      SELECT t1.ContactID, t1.FileName, t1.GPA,
           FROM GPARanking as t2
           WHERE t2.GPA > t1.GPA) + 1 AS [RANKING]
      FROM GPARanking as t1
      ORDER BY t1.FileName, t1.GPA DESC

- Using 2 queries (Access) or a view (Sybase, Oracle):

Save a DISTINCT query first:


Now, solve your problem according to spec:
SELECT t1.ContactID, t1.FileName, t1.GPA,
        (SELECT COUNT(*)
         FROM qryUniqueGPA as t2
         WHERE t2.GPA > t1.GPA) + 1 AS [RANKING]
    FROM GPARanking as t1
    ORDER BY t1.FileName, t1.GPA DESC


2.  (Question about "moving" or "rolling" average)

I am trying to make a Moving average in a query, but I can't figure how
to do it.

Tables name: Item_Stocks
Field name: stocks.Item_Stocks
Query name: Stocks_MA
I want this moving average to be set on a 5 days period.
The formula for a moving average is:

1st record: (S1+S2+...+S8) / 8
2nd record: (S2+S3+...+S9) / 8
Nth record: (Sn+Sn+1...+Sn+7) / 8

So far the best I could get is:

Query1	(NOTE:  For Sybase, think "view" and devise a way to find "top
Select 8 records
SELECT TOP 8 [Item_Stocks].[Item_Stocks] AS [8_Records]
FROM Item_Stocks;

Query2	(NOTE: distinctrow = distinct)
SELECT DISTINCTROW Avg([Query1].[8_Records]) AS [MyAvg]
FROM Query1;

	a.  Rewrite the two queries so that they will work in Sybase.
	b.  Do the entire calculation in one query.

Sample data provided later by user:

>Here is an example:
>DATE                                        STOCK
>Monday Jan 1,2000                      	5
>Tuesday Jan 2,2000                      	7
>Wednesday Jan 3,2000                 		5
>Thursday Jan 4,2000                     	6
>Friday Jan 5,2000                         	2
>Monday Jan 8,2000                      	3
>Tuesday Jan 9,2000                      	4
>Wednseday Jan 10,2000               		5
>The average will be 4.625
>and then
>Thursday Jan 11,2000                 		9
>Friday Jan 12,2000                     	7
>Friday Jan 19,2000                     	5
>Monday Jan 22,2000                  		2
>Tuesday Jan 23,2000                 		10
>Thursday Jan 25,2000                 		6
>Friday Jan 26,2000                     	8
>Monday Jan 29,2000                  		8
>The average will be 6.875

Simplest Sybase solution for "top n" rows:

set rowcount n

E.g., for first 8 prices by date in titles (pubs2):

set rowcount 8

select t1.price, t1.pubdate,
  (select count(*)
  from titles t2
  where t2.pubdate< t1.pubdate) +1 Rank
from titles t1
order by t1.pubdate

 price                    pubdate                    Rank        
 ------------------------ -------------------------- ----------- 
                    11.95        Jun 12 1985 12:00AM           1 
                     2.99        Jun 18 1985 12:00AM           2 
                     2.99        Jun 30 1985 12:00AM           3 
                    19.99        Jun 12 1986 12:00AM           4 
                    22.95        Jun 30 1986 12:00AM           5 
                    14.99        Jun 12 1987 12:00AM           6 
                    20.00        Jun 12 1987 12:00AM           6 
                    19.99        Jun 22 1987 12:00AM           8 

(8 rows affected)

***  Now turn rowcount off!  ***

set rowcount 0

Solution to the two questions posed, in general terms:

	a.  Create a view with 8 rows and calculate the average
	    using the view.

	b.  Select average in "ranking" query using the last (8th)
	    date as a condition:

1> select avg(t1.price), t1.pubdate,
2>    (select count(*)
3>     from titles t2
4>     where t2.pubdate < t1.pubdate) + 1 
5>  from titles t1
6>  where t1.pubdate <= '6/22/1987'
7>  order by t1.pubdate
9> go
 ------------------------ -------------------------- ----------- 
                    14.48        Jun 12 1985 12:00AM           1 
                    14.48        Jun 18 1985 12:00AM           2 
                    14.48        Jun 30 1985 12:00AM           3 
                    14.48        Jun 12 1986 12:00AM           4 
                    14.48        Jun 30 1986 12:00AM           5 
                    14.48        Jun 12 1987 12:00AM           6 
                    14.48        Jun 12 1987 12:00AM           6 
                    14.48        Jun 22 1987 12:00AM           8 

(8 rows affected)

***  Remember to turn rowcount off!  ***

Solution proposed in the discussion group:

Moving averages are normally continuous: ie. the average of the
eight records after Jan 12, then 8 after Jan 19, 8 after Jan 22,

One way to do this might be to apply a ranking query to your data
first, to get the following result set:
Rank StartDate    Stock
  1  Jan 1,2000      5
  2  Jan 2,2000      7
  3  Jan 3,2000      5
  4  Jan 4,2000      6
  5  Jan 5,2000      2
  6  Jan 8,2000      3
  7  Jan 9,2000      4
  8  Jan 10,2000     5

The SQL to calculate the moving average would then be something
   SELECT StartDate,Stock, 
       (SELECT AVG(Stock) FROM MyQuery AS Q2 
        WHERE Q2.Rank > Q1.Rank 
        AND Q2.Rank < Q1.Rank + 8) AS MovingAverage
   FROM MyQuery AS Q1

Which would generate the following results:
StartDate    Stock MovingAverage
Jan 1,2000     5       4.25
Jan 2,2000     7       5.125   'Did these by hand
Jan 3,2000     5       5.125   'and might have got
Jan 4,2000     6       5.125   'them wrong!!!
Jan 5,2000     2       4.25
Jan 8,2000     3       5.675
Jan 9,2000     4       6.00
Jan 10,2000    5       5.375

Last response from original user:

It works great, thanks,
Final solution

   WHERE Q2.ID > Q1.ID-1
   AND Q2.ID < Q1.ID-1 + (SELECT TOP 1 [P].[DELTA] FROM [P];);) AS MA

- P.DELTA is a variable number for the moving average in the table P
- ID is the autonumber set by access as a primary key (set to 1 by default)
- I use Q1.ID-1 in order to have the moving average include the current day
(since the autonumber starts at 1)