1> /*  Advanced SQL Programming				Fall 2002*/
2> /*  								*/
3> /*		    Take-home exercises, Nov. 25th 		*/
4> /*								*/
5> use evelyn
1> /*								*/
2> /*  1.  Average, median, and mode of product prices:		*/
3> /*								*/
4> /*	- Average -						*/
5> /*								*/
6> select avg(price) AveragePrice from product

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*	- Mode -  						*/
3> /*								*/
4> /*  a.  List prices in order so we can see what we have:	*/
5> /*								*/
6> select name, price
7> from product
8> where price is not null
9> order by price
 name                 price                    
 -------------------- ------------------------ 
 cook & book                             19.99 
 paper dolls                             19.99 
 home poll kit                           19.99 
 memory manager                          19.99 
 more paper dolls                        19.99 
 nt guru                                 20.00 
 bug stories                             20.00 
 how multi is media?                     20.00 
 money master                            29.00 
 typing test                             29.99 
 blood & guts                            29.99 
 C++ for kids                            39.99 
 star systems                            39.99 
 mortgage minder                         39.99 
 bugbane                                 49.00 
 tax time                                49.99 
 teach yourself greek                    49.99 
 landlord logs                           89.99 
 memory tripler                         119.99 
 z_connector                            149.00 
 memory8                                400.00 

(21 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  b.  Find count (= frequency) of each price:		*/
3> /*								*/
4> select price, count(*) Frequency
5> from product
6> where price is not null
7> group by price
8> order by Frequency
 price                    Frequency   
 ------------------------ ----------- 
                    29.00           1 
                    49.00           1 
                    89.99           1 
                   119.99           1 
                   149.00           1 
                   400.00           1 
                    29.99           2 
                    49.99           2 
                    20.00           3 
                    39.99           3 
                    19.99           5 

(11 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  c.  Find highest frequency, i.e., mode of price:		*/
3> /*								*/
4> select price, count(*) Mode
5> from product
6> where price is not null
7> group by price
8> having count(*) >= all
9>   (select count(*)
10>    from product
11>    group by price)
 price                    Mode        
 ------------------------ ----------- 
                    19.99           5 

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  -  Median price - Celko's first median, separate views.  */
3> /*								*/
4> /*  Smallest value in upper half:				*/
5> /*								*/
6> create view small
7> as 
8> select min(price) MinTopHalf
9> from product
10> where price is not null
11> and price in
12>   (select p1.price
13>    from product p1, product p2
14>    where p2.price >= p1.price
15>    and p1.price is not null
16>    group by p1.price
17>    having count(p1.price) <=
18> 	(select ceiling(count(*) / 2.0)
19> 	 from product))
1> /*								*/
2> select * from small

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Highest value in lower half:				*/
3> /*								*/
4> create view big
5> as
6> select max(price) MaxLowHalf
7> from product
8> where price is not null
9> and price in
10>   (select p1.price
11>    from product p1, product p2
12>    where p2.price <= p1.price
13>    and p1.price is not null
14>    group by p1.price
15>    having count(p1.price) <=
16> 	(select ceiling(count(*) / 2.0)
17> 	 from product))
1> /*								*/
2> select * from big

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Average the two values:					*/
3> /*								*/
4> select convert(numeric(6,2), ((MinTopHalf + MaxLowHalf) / 2.0))
5>   Median_1
6> from small, big

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  - Median price - using Murchison's median, Celko, p.357	*/
3> /*								*/
4> select avg(price) Median_2
5> from product p1
6> where exists
7>   (select count(*)
8>   from product p2
9>   where p2.price >= p1.price
10>   having count(*) =
11>     (select floor(count(*) / 2.0)
12>      from product)
13>   or count(*) =
14>     (select ceiling(count(*) / 2.0)
15>      from product))

(1 row affected)
1> /* Check on how difference arises between expected median and	*/
2> /* Murchison's median - probably rounding in ceiling, floor.	*/
3> /*								*/
4> -- Check values:  price, prodnum
5> select price, prodnum
6> from product
7> order by price
 price                    prodnum     
 ------------------------ ----------- 
                    19.99        1084 
                    19.99        1105 
                    19.99        2000 
                    19.99        2047 
                    19.99        2049 
                    20.00        1255 
                    20.00        1357 
                    20.00        1457 
                    29.00        1083 
                    29.99        1099 
                    29.99        1108 
                    39.99        1107 
                    39.99        1109 
                    39.99        1110 
                    49.00        2113 
                    49.99        1104 
                    49.99        2050 
                    89.99        2110 
                   119.99        2111 
                   149.00        1106 
                   400.00        1794 

(21 rows affected)
1> --
2> -- Murchison's median, original data, 21 rows
   -- This time contenating prodnum to make values unique
3> --
4> select avg(price)
5> from product p1
6> where exists
7>   (select count(*)
8>    from product p2
9>    where convert(char(10), p2.price) + convert(char(4), p2.prodnum) >= 
10>      convert(char(10), p1.price) + convert(char(4), p1.prodnum)
11>    having count(*) = 
12>      (select floor(count(*) / 2.0) from product)
13>   or count(*) =
14>     (select ceiling(count(*) / 2.0 ) from product))

(1 row affected)
1> --
2> -- Check floor and ceiling results
3> --
4> select floor(count(*) / 2.0) LowestTopHalf from product
5> select ceiling(count(*) / 2.0) HighestLowHalf from product

(1 row affected)

(1 row affected)
/*								*/
1> /*  2.  (Mode allowing for 10% difference)			*/
2> /*								*/
3> /*  Original data shows no difference for mode + or - 10%, so*/
4> /*  will use + or - 40% here, to demonstrate the difference.	*/
5> /*								*/
6> select count (price) Frequency, avg(price) Mode
7> from product
8> group by price
9> having count(*) >= all
10> --  (select count(*) * .9	NOTE:  No other values within 10% of mode
11>    (select count(*) * .6	-- Max frequency is 5; next closest is 3
12>    from product
13>    group by price)
 Frequency   Mode                     
 ----------- ------------------------ 
           5                    19.99 
           3                    20.00 
           3                    39.99 

(3 rows affected)
1> /*								   */
2> /* 3.  Running total of revenue by order num. and product num.  */
3> /*								   */
4> /*  - Revenue by order and product, w/o running total, as view -*/
5> /*								   */
6> create view RevByLine
7> as
8> select
9>   convert(char(2), d.ordnum) Order#, convert(char(4), d.prodnum) Prod#,
10>   unit, convert(numeric(6,2), price) Price, sum(unit*price) LineTotal
11> from orderdetail d, product p
12> where d.prodnum = p.prodnum
13> group by d.ordnum, d.prodnum, unit, price
1> /*					         		   */
2> select * from RevByLine
 Order# Prod# unit   Price     LineTotal                
 ------ ----- ------ --------- ------------------------ 
 81     1106       2    149.00                   298.00 
 81     1357       1     20.00                    20.00 
 81     2050       5     49.99                   249.95 
 84     1099       1     29.99                    29.99 
 84     1255       1     20.00                    20.00 
 84     2050       1     49.99                    49.99 
 85     1794       1    400.00                   400.00 
 85     2050      25     49.99                 1,249.75 
 86     1083       7     29.00                   203.00 
 86     1105      20     19.99                   399.80 
 86     2000       2     19.99                    39.98 
 87     1083       1     29.00                    29.00 
 87     1105      20     19.99                   399.80 
 87     1106       1    149.00                   149.00 
 87     1794       1    400.00                   400.00 
 87     2000      20     19.99                   399.80 
 87     2113       1     49.00                    49.00 
 89     2050       2     49.99                    99.98 
 90     2110       1     89.99                    89.99 
 91     1107       7     39.99                   279.93 
 91     2111       5    119.99                   599.95 
 92     2050    3333     49.99               166,616.67 
 93     1105       1     19.99                    19.99 
 93     2050       5     49.99                   249.95 
 94     1083       5     29.00                   145.00 
 94     1108       1     29.99                    29.99 
 95     1083       2     29.00                    58.00 
 95     1105       1     19.99                    19.99 
 95     1108       1     29.99                    29.99 
 95     1255       1     20.00                    20.00 
 99     2047       6     19.99                   119.94 
 99     2050    2222     49.99               111,077.78 

(32 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  - Running Total on view -				*/
3> /*								*/
4> select r.Order#, r.Prod#, r.LineTotal, 
5>   (select sum(r2.LineTotal)
6>    from RevByLine r2
7>    where r.Order# >= r2.Order#) RunningTotal
8> from RevByLine r
9> order by r.Order#	-- already grouped, ordered by Prod#
 Order# Prod# LineTotal                RunningTotal             
 ------ ----- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
 81     1106                    298.00                   567.95 
 81     1357                     20.00                   567.95 
 81     2050                    249.95                   567.95 
 84     1099                     29.99                   667.93 
 84     1255                     20.00                   667.93 
 84     2050                     49.99                   667.93 
 85     1794                    400.00                 2,317.68 
 85     2050                  1,249.75                 2,317.68 
 86     1083                    203.00                 2,960.46 
 86     1105                    399.80                 2,960.46 
 86     2000                     39.98                 2,960.46 
 87     1083                     29.00                 4,387.06 
 87     1105                    399.80                 4,387.06 
 87     1106                    149.00                 4,387.06 
 87     1794                    400.00                 4,387.06 
 87     2000                    399.80                 4,387.06 
 87     2113                     49.00                 4,387.06 
 89     2050                     99.98                 4,487.04 
 90     2110                     89.99                 4,577.03 
 91     1107                    279.93                 5,456.91 
 91     2111                    599.95                 5,456.91 
 92     2050                166,616.67               172,073.58 
 93     1105                     19.99               172,343.52 
 93     2050                    249.95               172,343.52 
 94     1083                    145.00               172,518.51 
 94     1108                     29.99               172,518.51 
 95     1083                     58.00               172,646.49 
 95     1105                     19.99               172,646.49 
 95     1108                     29.99               172,646.49 
 95     1255                     20.00               172,646.49 
 99     2047                    119.94               283,844.21 
 99     2050                111,077.78               283,844.21 

(32 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  - Create view with numbered rows to use for running sum -*/
3> /*								*/
4> create view RevNumberedLines
5> as
6> select Order#, Prod#, (r1.Order#+"."+r1.Prod#) CalcOrd#, LineTotal,
7>   (select count(*)
8>    from RevByLine r2
9>    where (r2.Order#+"."+r2.Prod#) < (r1.Order#+"."+r1.Prod#)) + 1
10> 	 LineNum
11> from RevByLine r1
1> /*								*/
2> select * from RevNumberedLines
3> order by CalcOrd#
 Order# Prod# CalcOrd# LineTotal                LineNum     
 ------ ----- -------- ------------------------ ----------- 
 81     1106  81.1106                    298.00           1 
 81     1357  81.1357                     20.00           2 
 81     2050  81.2050                    249.95           3 
 84     1099  84.1099                     29.99           4 
 84     1255  84.1255                     20.00           5 
 84     2050  84.2050                     49.99           6 
 85     1794  85.1794                    400.00           7 
 85     2050  85.2050                  1,249.75           8 
 86     1083  86.1083                    203.00           9 
 86     1105  86.1105                    399.80          10 
 86     2000  86.2000                     39.98          11 
 87     1083  87.1083                     29.00          12 
 87     1105  87.1105                    399.80          13 
 87     1106  87.1106                    149.00          14 
 87     1794  87.1794                    400.00          15 
 87     2000  87.2000                    399.80          16 
 87     2113  87.2113                     49.00          17 
 89     2050  89.2050                     99.98          18 
 90     2110  90.2110                     89.99          19 
 91     1107  91.1107                    279.93          20 
 91     2111  91.2111                    599.95          21 
 92     2050  92.2050                166,616.67          22 
 93     1105  93.1105                     19.99          23 
 93     2050  93.2050                    249.95          24 
 94     1083  94.1083                    145.00          25 
 94     1108  94.1108                     29.99          26 
 95     1083  95.1083                     58.00          27 
 95     1105  95.1105                     19.99          28 
 95     1108  95.1108                     29.99          29 
 95     1255  95.1255                     20.00          30 
 99     2047  99.2047                    119.94          31 
 99     2050  99.2050                111,077.78          32 

(32 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  - New running total -					*/
3> /*								*/
4> select r.CalcOrd#, r.Order#, r.Prod#, r.LineTotal, 
5>   (select sum(r2.LineTotal)
6>    from RevNumberedLines r2
7>    where r.LineNum >= r2.LineNum) RunningTotal
8> from RevNumberedLines r
9> order by r.CalcOrd#
 CalcOrd# Order# Prod# LineTotal                RunningTotal             
 -------- ------ ----- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
 81.1106  81     1106                    298.00                   298.00 
 81.1357  81     1357                     20.00                   318.00 
 81.2050  81     2050                    249.95                   567.95 
 84.1099  84     1099                     29.99                   597.94 
 84.1255  84     1255                     20.00                   617.94 
 84.2050  84     2050                     49.99                   667.93 
 85.1794  85     1794                    400.00                 1,067.93 
 85.2050  85     2050                  1,249.75                 2,317.68 
 86.1083  86     1083                    203.00                 2,520.68 
 86.1105  86     1105                    399.80                 2,920.48 
 86.2000  86     2000                     39.98                 2,960.46 
 87.1083  87     1083                     29.00                 2,989.46 
 87.1105  87     1105                    399.80                 3,389.26 
 87.1106  87     1106                    149.00                 3,538.26 
 87.1794  87     1794                    400.00                 3,938.26 
 87.2000  87     2000                    399.80                 4,338.06 
 87.2113  87     2113                     49.00                 4,387.06 
 89.2050  89     2050                     99.98                 4,487.04 
 90.2110  90     2110                     89.99                 4,577.03 
 91.1107  91     1107                    279.93                 4,856.96 
 91.2111  91     2111                    599.95                 5,456.91 
 92.2050  92     2050                166,616.67               172,073.58 
 93.1105  93     1105                     19.99               172,093.57 
 93.2050  93     2050                    249.95               172,343.52 
 94.1083  94     1083                    145.00               172,488.52 
 94.1108  94     1108                     29.99               172,518.51 
 95.1083  95     1083                     58.00               172,576.51 
 95.1105  95     1105                     19.99               172,596.50 
 95.1108  95     1108                     29.99               172,626.49 
 95.1255  95     1255                     20.00               172,646.49 
 99.2047  99     2047                    119.94               172,766.43 
 99.2050  99     2050                111,077.78               283,844.21 

(32 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Drop all views						*/
3> /*								*/
4> drop view small
5> drop view big
6> drop view RevByLine
7> drop view RevNumberedLines
1> /*								*/
2> dump tran evelyn with truncate_only