Advanced SQL Programming				Fall 2002

    In-class examples:  Top n values; tempdb; control-of-flow

1> use pubs2
2> go
/*								*/
/* Find top three prices:					*/
/*								*/
/* 	Using nested subqueries:				*/
/*								*/
1> select distinct price
2> from titles
3> where price >=
4>   (select max(price)
5>    from titles
6>    where price < (select max(price)
7>                   from titles
8>                   where price <
9>                       (select max(price) from titles)))
10> go

(3 rows affected)
/*								*/
/*  Check results (OK to do it this way for small table only!)	*/
/*								*/
1> select distinct price
2> from titles
3> order by price desc
4> go

(12 rows affected)
/*								*/
/*  	Using self-joins:					*/
/*								*/
2> select max(p.1.price), max(p2.price), max(p3.price)
3> from titles p1, titles p2, titles p3
4> where p1.price > p2.price
5> and p2.price > p3.price
6> go
 ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ 
                    22.95                    21.59                    20.95 

(1 row affected)
/*								*/
/*  "Dummy" table (as in Celko text) cannot be used in Sybase - */
/*  interpreted as keyword.  Second example shows that Sybase 	*/
/*  cannot use the SQL-92 construct (select...) as column.	*/
/*								*/
1> select max(price) from titles (select price from titles) MyPrice
2> from Dummy
3> go
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1:
Line 2:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Dummy'.
1> select (select price from titles) as MyPrice
2> from Dummy
3> go
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1:
Line 2:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Dummy'.
1> select (select price from titles) as MyPrice
2> from MyTable
3> go
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1:
Line 1:
MyTable not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the
object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).
1> quit

/*  Temporary tables:  Create in own database, start name with #  */
/*  or create in tempdb, where tables stay until system restarted.*/
/*								  */
1> use tempdb
2> go
1> sp_tables
2> go
 table_qualifier                table_owner                                                                                                                                                                                                            

	 table_name                     table_type  
 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 
	------------------------------ ------------ 
 tempdb                         dbo                           
	 sysalternates                  SYSTEM TABLE
 tempdb                         dbo                           
	 sysattributes                  SYSTEM TABLE

(22 rows affected)
(return status = 0) 
/* Control-of-flow examples					*/

1> use pubs2
2> go

/*  If  */

/*  Print a message if a certain zipcode is found:		*/
/*								*/
1> if exists (select postalcode from authors 
2> where postalcode = "94705") 
3> print "Berkeley author" 
4> go
Berkeley author

/*  If ... else (with begin ... end to allow more than one	*/
/*  statement after if.						*/

/*  Print a message if max. book price is greater than some	*/
/*  value; otherwise list all prices that are less than max.	*/

1> if (select max(price) from titles) > 20
2>   begin
3>     select max(price) MaxPrice from titles
4>     print "This is the highest price."
5>   end
6> else
7>   select distinct price from titles
8>   having price < max(price)
9> go
(0 rows affected)

(1 row affected)
This is the highest price.

/*  Change initial value to show the "else" condition:		*/

1> if (select max(price) from titles) > 25
2>   begin
3>     select max(price) MaxPrice from titles
4>     print "This is the highest price."
5>   end
6> else
7>   select distinct price from titles
8>   having price < max(price)
9> go
(0 rows affected)

(10 rows affected)

/*  Another example using if, with tables from my database.	*/
/*								*/
use evelyn
/*  Current relevant data in tblBudget and tblSpending		*/
1> select * from
2> tblBudget, tblSpending
3> where tblBudget.regionID = tblSpending.regionID
4> go
 regionID budgetAmt                regionID spendingAmt              
 -------- ------------------------ -------- ------------------------ 
        1                 5,000.00        1                   100.00 
        1                     0.00        1                   100.00 
        1                 5,000.00        1                   100.00 
        1                     0.00        1                   100.00 
        2                   500.00        2                    50.00 

(5 rows affected)

/* If ... else using budget amount higher than any in my tables:  */

1> if exists (select * from
2>            tblBudget, tblSpending
3>            where tblBudget.regionID = tblSpending.regionID
4>            and tblBudget.budgetAmt > 10000)
5> print "Some large budgets"
6> else
7> print "No large budgets"
8> go
No large budgets

/*  If ... else using lower budget amount:			*/

1> if exists (select * from
2>            tblBudget, tblSpending
3>            where tblBudget.regionID = tblSpending.regionID
4>            and tblBudget.budgetAmt > 4000)
5> print "Some large budgets"
6> else
7> print "No large budgets"
8> go
Some large budgets

/*  Case  */
/*  Before trying example, check for contract column in pubs2:  */

1> use pubs2
2> go
1> select * from titles where 0 = 1
2> go
	 type         pub_id price                    advance                 
	 pubdate                    contract 
	------------ ------ ------------------------ -----------------------
	-------------------------- -------- 

(0 rows affected)
/*								*/
/*  If contract = 1, show value as "Yes"; otherwise "No".	*/
/*								*/
1> select title_id, "Contract?"=
2> case
3>   when contract=1 then "Yes"
4>   when contract=0  then "No"
5> end
6> from titles
7> go
 title_id Contract? 
 -------- --------- 
 BU1032   Yes       
 BU1111   Yes       
 BU2075   Yes       
 BU7832   Yes       
 MC2222   Yes       
 MC3021   Yes       
 MC3026   No        
 PC1035   Yes       
 PC8888   Yes       
 PC9999   No        
 PS1372   Yes       
 PS2091   Yes       
 PS2106   Yes       
 PS3333   Yes       
 PS7777   Yes       
 TC3218   Yes       
 TC4203   Yes       
 TC7777   Yes       

(18 rows affected)
/*								*/
/*  Similarly, with criteria; e.g., for computing books only.	*/
/*								*/
1> select title_id, "Contract?"=
2> case
3>   when contract=1 then "Yes"
4>   when contract=0  then "No"
5> end
6> from titles
7> where type like '%comp%'
8> go
 title_id Contract? 
 -------- --------- 
 PC1035   Yes       
 PC8888   Yes       
 PC9999   No        

(3 rows affected)

/*  While  */

/*  (In my database)  Increase prices as long as they don't go	*/
/*  higher than a specified value; show intermediate values.	*/

1> use evelyn
2> go
/*								*/
/*  Products table with initial prices:				*/
/*								*/
1> select * from products
2> go
 prodname             price                    quantity 
 -------------------- ------------------------ -------- 
 Canned soup                              0.88       50 
 Salt                                     0.88       25 
 Cornflakes                               1.54      144 
 aaa                                      NULL     NULL 

(4 rows affected)
/*								*/
/*  Update prices:						*/
/*								*/
1> while (select max(price) from products) < 1.95
2> begin
3>   select prodname, price
4>   from products
5>   where price is not null
6>   update products
7>   set price = price * 1.1
8>   where price is not null
9> end
10> go
(0 rows affected)
 prodname             price                    
 -------------------- ------------------------ 
 Canned soup                              0.88 
 Salt                                     0.88 
 Cornflakes                               1.54 

(3 rows affected)
(3 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)

(3 rows affected)
(3 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
 prodname             price                    
 -------------------- ------------------------ 
 Canned soup                              0.97 
 Salt                                     0.97 
 Cornflakes                               1.70 

(3 rows affected)
(3 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
 prodname             price                    
 -------------------- ------------------------ 
 Canned soup                              1.07 
 Salt                                     1.07 
 Cornflakes                               1.87 

(3 rows affected)
(3 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)