1> /*  Advanced SQL Programming			       Fall 2002*/
2> /*								*/
3> /*		Take-home exercises for Nov. 4th, 2002		*/
4> /*								*/
5> use evelyn
1> /*								*/
2> /* Average, max, and min price of each supplier's products.	*/
3> /*								*/
4> select suplrnum, avg(price), max(price), min(price)
5> from product
6> group by suplrnum
 -------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
      111                   149.00                   149.00
      222                    49.00                    49.00
      333                   179.99                   400.00
      444                    52.24                    89.99
      555                    26.66                    39.99
      666                    31.66                    49.99
      777                    20.00                    20.00

(7 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* Variations:  Suppliers with more than one product.	*/
3> /*								*/
4> select suplrnum, avg(price), max(price), min(price)
5> from product
6> group by suplrnum
7> having count(name) > 1
 -------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
      333                   179.99                   400.00
      444                    52.24                    89.99
      555                    26.66                    39.99
      666                    31.66                    49.99
      777                    20.00                    20.00

(5 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Suppliers whose products sell at different prices.	*/
3> /*								*/
4> select suplrnum, avg(price), max(price), min(price)
5> from product
6> group by suplrnum
7> having max(price) <> min(price)
 -------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
      333                   179.99                   400.00
      444                    52.24                    89.99
      555                    26.66                    39.99
      666                    31.66                    49.99

(4 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Supplier from Japan.					*/
3> /*								*/
4> select p.suplrnum, avg(price), max(price), min(price), country
5> from product p, supplier s
6> where p.suplrnum = s.suplrnum
7> and country = 'JAPAN'
8> group by p.suplrnum, country
 -------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 
	------------------------ -------------------- 
      333                   179.99                   400.00
	                    19.99 JAPAN                

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /*  Pubs2 database:  Average prices for titles:		*/
3> /*	with known price					*/
4> /*	using 0 if no price					*/
5> /*	by book type						*/
6> /*	by publisher						*/
7> /*								*/
8> use pubs2
1> /*								*/
2> select avg(price) 
3> from titles

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> select avg(price) 
3> from titles
4> where price is not null

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> select avg(isnull(price, 0)) AvgUsingZero
3> from titles

(1 row affected)
1> /*								*/
2> select type, avg(price)
3> from titles
4> group by type
 ------------ ------------------------ 
 UNDECIDED                        NULL 
 business                        13.73 
 mod_cook                        11.49 
 popular_comp                    21.48 
 psychology                      13.50 
 trad_cook                       15.96 

(6 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> select pub_id, avg(price)
3> from titles
4> group by pub_id
 ------ ------------------------ 
 0736                       9.78 
 0877                      15.41 
 1389                      18.98 

(3 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* Revenue for Binnet & Hardley, trad. cook.,  without discount.*/
3> /*								*/
4> select p.pub_id, t.title_id, convert(char(6), price) Price, total_sales,
5>   total_sales * price BeforeDiscount
6> from titles t, publishers p
7> where t.pub_id = p.pub_id
8> and pub_name like 'Bin%'
9> and type like 'trad%'
 pub_id title_id Price  total_sales BeforeDiscount           
 ------ -------- ------ ----------- ------------------------ 
 0877   TC3218    20.95         375                 7,856.25 
 0877   TC4203    11.95       15096               180,397.20 
 0877   TC7777    14.99        4095                61,384.05 

(3 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* Revenue for Binnet & Hardley, trad. cook., with discount.	*/
3> /* (Corrected after class: price*sum(qty)*(100-discount)/100)*/
4> /*								*/
5> select p.pub_id, d.title_id, convert(char(6), price) Price, 
6>   sum(qty) Number_Sold, convert(numeric(8,6), discount) Discount, 
7>   convert(char(12), (convert(smallmoney, sum(qty)*price*(100-discount)/100)))
8>   ActualRevenue
9> from salesdetail d, titles t, publishers p
10> where d.title_id = t.title_id
11> and t.pub_id = p.pub_id
12> and pub_name like 'Bin%'
13> and type like 'trad%'
14> group by d.title_id, p.pub_id, price, discount
 pub_id title_id Price  Number_Sold Discount    ActualRevenue 
 ------ -------- ------ ----------- ----------- ------------- 
 0877   TC3218    20.95         210   40.000000      2639.70  
 0877   TC3218    20.95          40   45.000000       460.90  
 0877   TC3218    20.95         125   46.700000      1395.79  
 0877   TC4203    11.95        2487   46.700000     15840.57  
 0877   TC4203    11.95        8700   50.000000     51982.50  
 0877   TC4203    11.95          53   50.500000       313.51  
 0877   TC4203    11.95         476   51.700000      2747.40  
 0877   TC4203    11.95         580   57.200000      2966.47  
 0877   TC4203    11.95        2500   60.500000     11800.63  
 0877   TC4203    11.95         300   62.200000      1355.13  
 0877   TC7777    14.99         155   40.000000      1394.07  
 0877   TC7777    14.99        1350   46.700000     10786.05  
 0877   TC7777    14.99        2590   50.000000     19412.05  

(13 rows affected)
1> /*								*/
2> /* (How many _people_ had been President (up to Bill Clinton) - */
3> /* discuss in class.						*/
4> /*								*/
/*								*/
/*  Trigger to change customer status to 0 when order shipped.	*/
/*								*/
3.  Trigger to change customer status to 0 once order has been shipped.

create trigger status_update
on orderdetail
for update

/* Column to be updated in orderdetail.                         */

if update(shipdate)

/* If a date was inserted where previously null (i.e., updated) */

  if exists (select od.shipdate
                from orderdetail od, inserted i, deleted d
                where od.shipdate = i.shipdate
                and d.shipdate is null)

/*  Update customer status working back from changed shipdate.  */

  update customer
        set status = '0'
        from  customer c, ordermaster o, orderdetail od, inserted i,
                deleted d
        where c.custnum = o.custnum
        and o.ordnum = d.ordnum
        and od.shipdate = i.shipdate
        and d.shipdate is null

/*  Message if no change.                                       */
  else print 'Order not shipped - customer status unchanged.'
/*								*/
/*  Trigger to delete "more-than-day-old" records on insert.	*/
/*								*/
I  have to use a Sybase database [...] which traces only some values in
one table of the database.  I use it via ODBC (Open DataBase
Connectivity).  [...]  There is one difficulty:

I need a trigger which is accessed at every INSERT INTO SQL clause and
has to look, if one day is over (I think he means:  if one day has
passed).  If yes, it should delete all records which are older than one
day.  Can someone write a little example [that does something like

Proposed solution:
Without knowing more details of your precise requirements (like: what
does "a day is over" exactly mean in your data model), I guess the
basic idea isn't very difficult. What about the below code ? I've just
made some quick-'n-dirty assumptions to keep it simple...

create trigger your_insert_trigger on your_table for insert
    declare @lastdate datetime
    select @lastdate = max(your_datetime_column) from your_table
    if datediff(dd, @lastdate, getdate()) >= 1
       delete your_table
       where datediff(dd, your_datetime_column, getdate()) > 1
/*								*/
5> dump tran evelyn with truncate_only