1> /* Advanced SQL Programming				Fall 2002*/
2> /*								 */
3> /* 	In-class / take-home exercises for Sept. 30th		 */
4> /*								 */
5> /* Noticed:  most questions use my database 			 */
6> /*								 */
7> use evelyn
1> /*								 */
2> /* 1.  Date and time  manipulation				 */
3> /*								 */
4> /*  a.  Write today's date as mm/dd/yy and mon dd yyyy.	 */
5> /*								 */
6> select convert(char(12), getdate(), 1), 
7>   convert(char(12), getdate(), 109)
 ------------ ------------ 
 09/23/02     Sep 23 2002  

(1 row affected)
1> /*								 */
2> /* b.  What time is it now?					 */
3> /*								 */
4> select convert(char(12), getdate(), 8) Curr_Time

(1 row affected)
1> /*								 */
2> /* c.  How much time has passed since 1/1/2000 in years? in months? */
3> /*								 */
4> select datediff(yy, '1/1/2000', getdate()) Years,
5>   datediff(mm, '1-Jan-2000', getdate()) Months
 Years       Months      
 ----------- ----------- 
           2          32 

(1 row affected)
1> /*								 */
2> /* d.  On what date will an 18 mo. CD come due (term starts today)? */
3> /*								 */
4> select dateadd(mm, 18, getdate()) DueDate
        Mar 30 2004 11:53PM 

(1 row affected)
1> /*								 */
2> /*								 */
3> /* 2.  String manipulation					 */
4> /*								 */
5> /* a.  Properly sort the customers in table customer by last name. */
6> /*	(Showing "incorrect" sort order first)			 */
7> /*								 */
8> select fname, lname Badly_Sorted_LName 
9> from customer
10> order by lname
 fname                Badly_Sorted_LName   
 -------------------- -------------------- 
 geoff lowell         McBaird              
 lauren               Menendez             
 Pete                 Peters               
 LI-REN               WONG                 
 ruby                 archer               
 phillip              aziz                 
 NULL                 deathmask-z          
  SAM                 khandasamy           
 felipe               le blanc             
 merit                mokoperto            
  pete pete           rs                   
 kimiko               sato                 

(12 rows affected)
1> /*								 */
2> select fname, lname Good_Sort_LName 
3> from customer
4> order by upper(lname)
 fname                Good_Sort_LName      
 -------------------- -------------------- 
 ruby                 archer               
 phillip              aziz                 
 NULL                 deathmask-z          
  SAM                 khandasamy           
 felipe               le blanc             
 geoff lowell         McBaird              
 lauren               Menendez             
 merit                mokoperto            
 Pete                 Peters               
  pete pete           rs                   
 kimiko               sato                 
 LI-REN               WONG                 

(12 rows affected)
1> /*								 */
2> /* b.  Same as 2a, but by first name.			 */
3> /*								 */
4> select fname Badly_Sorted_FName, lname
5> from customer
6> order by fname
 Badly_Sorted_FName   lname                
 -------------------- -------------------- 
 NULL                 deathmask-z          
  SAM                 khandasamy           
  pete pete           rs                   
 LI-REN               WONG                 
 Pete                 Peters               
 felipe               le blanc             
 geoff lowell         McBaird              
 kimiko               sato                 
 lauren               Menendez             
 merit                mokoperto            
 phillip              aziz                 
 ruby                 archer               

(12 rows affected)
1> /*								 */
2> select fname Sort_Still_Bad, lname
3> from customer
4> order by lower(fname)
 Sort_Still_Bad       lname                
 -------------------- -------------------- 
 NULL                 deathmask-z          
  pete pete           rs                   
  SAM                 khandasamy           
 felipe               le blanc             
 geoff lowell         McBaird              
 kimiko               sato                 
 lauren               Menendez             
 LI-REN               WONG                 
 merit                mokoperto            
 Pete                 Peters               
 phillip              aziz                 
 ruby                 archer               

(12 rows affected)
1> /*								 */
2> select fname Good_Sort_FName, lname
3> from customer
4> order by ltrim(lower(fname))
 Good_Sort_FName      lname                
 -------------------- -------------------- 
 NULL                 deathmask-z          
 felipe               le blanc             
 geoff lowell         McBaird              
 kimiko               sato                 
 lauren               Menendez             
 LI-REN               WONG                 
 merit                mokoperto            
 Pete                 Peters               
  pete pete           rs                   
 phillip              aziz                 
 ruby                 archer               
  SAM                 khandasamy           

(12 rows affected)
1> /*								 */
2> /* c.  Find hyphenated names; show where hyphen occurs.	 */
3> /*								 */
4> select fname, charindex("-", fname) f_dash,  
5>   lname, charindex("-", lname) l_dash
6> from customer
7> where fname like '%-%' or lname like '%-%'
 fname                f_dash      lname                l_dash      
 -------------------- ----------- -------------------- ----------- 
 NULL                           0 deathmask-z                   10 
 LI-REN                         3 WONG                           0 

(2 rows affected)
1> /*  Another solution:					 */
2> select fname, charindex("-", fname) f_dash,  
3>   lname, charindex("-", lname) l_dash
4> from customer
5> where charindex("-", fname) > 0 or charindex("-", lname) > 0
 fname                f_dash      lname                l_dash      
 -------------------- ----------- -------------------- ----------- 
 NULL                           0 deathmask-z                   10 
 LI-REN                         3 WONG                           0 

(2 rows affected)
1> /*								 */
2> /*  Note:  Ex. 2d in same file as 4a-4c.			 */
3> /*								 */
4> /* 3.  Nullif and coalesce functions				 */
5> /*								 */
6> /* a.  Show product weights as NULL if listed as -1.		 */
7> /*								 */
8> select name, weight, nullif(weight, -1) Adj_Weight
9> from product
10> where weight = -1
 name                 weight    Adj_Weight 
 -------------------- --------- ---------- 
 memory tripler           -1.00       NULL 
 memory manager           -1.00       NULL 
 memory8                  -1.00       NULL 

(3 rows affected)
1> /*								 */
2> /* b. Show product version as Unknown instead of NULL.	 */
3> /*								 */
4> select name, version, coalesce(version, "Unknown") Null_Replaced
5> from product
6> where version is NULL
 name                 version  Null_Replaced 
 -------------------- -------- ------------- 
 tax time             NULL     Unknown       
 typing test          NULL     Unknown       
 bugbane              NULL     Unknown       
 teach yourself greek NULL     Unknown       
 mortgage minder      NULL     Unknown       
 blood & guts         NULL     Unknown       

(6 rows affected)
1> /*								 */
2> dump tran evelyn with truncate_only