Used to structure queries.  In  many cases, can be used instead of JOIN (and vice versa).

In SQL 92 can also be used to provide one or more values in the SELECT clause.

Typically part of the WHERE clause, as follows:


WHERE column IN (subquery)


WHERE column <comparison> (subquery)


WHERE EXISTS (subquery)






Find the price of all products in a particular category, for example condiments:


            SELECT ProductName, UnitPrice

            FROM Products

            WHERE CategoryID In

                        (SELECT CategoryID

                        FROM Categories

                        WHERE CategoryName = "Condiments");


Same query using a JOIN:


            SELECT ProductName, UnitPrice

            FROM Products

                        INNER JOIN Categories

                        ON Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID

            WHERE CategoryName = "Condiments";


With comparison operator


Run the query Products Above Average Price; check in SQL view.




Create a list of suppliers from whom we buy dairy products:


            SELECT CompanyName

            FROM Suppliers AS s

            WHERE EXISTS

                        (SELECT *

                         FROM Products p, Categories c

                        WHERE p.SupplierID = s.SupplierID

                        AND p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID

                        AND CategoryName LIKE "*Dairy*");