Many of the examples and exercises that follow use more than one table, with one or more INNER JOINs.  To review:


- Run the Order Details Extended query.


- Go to SQL for this query (ANSI style) and separate the statement into its clauses (SELECT, FROM, INNER JOIN, etc.).  Do NOT save changes you make at this point.


- In a new SQL window, rewrite the SQL with the JOIN condition in a WHERE clause.


Note:  To simplify rewriting the query, you may omit the table names wherever they are not needed, use table aliases if you wish, and calculate the total price without discounting (that is, replace the "Extended Price" calculation) as follows:


            [Unit Price] * Quantity AS NondiscountPrice


The Unit Price column appears in both tables used in this query, so you will have to specify which table the database should use.