Select from two tables:  Exercises


- Modify the query from our last exercise (Orders from Spain and Mexico) to show the last name and extension of the employee who handled each order.


- Text manipulation:  Modify the previous query to show city and country in this format:


            City, Country


 with a column header such as ShippedTo or Shipped To.  To do this, replace the City and Country columns with one calculated column (comma at the end to separate from the next column):


            City & ", " & Country AS ShippedTo,


   or      City & ", " & Country AS [Shipped To],


-  Similarly:  List  US and Canadian customer addresses along with their orders (number and order date), with city, state, and postal code in one column, with the header CityStateZip:


            City,  Region PostalCode                        (e.g.:  Newark, DE 19716)


Is it possible to sort (in the SQL statement) on the calculated column?