Data modification language statements (DML) INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE




Use the INSERT command to enter data into a table.  You may insert one row at a time, or select several rows from an existing table and insert them all at once.



NOTE:  Be sure to save the next three queries - you may need them again!


Exercise:  Add two records to the Personnel table, one with all the data, the other with required columns only (two separate queries).  Try to add a third record using one of the StaffIDs already in the table.  What happens?  Use these SQL statements for the first two staff members:



VALUES("7777777", "Vagabond", "Johnny", #7/17/1950#, "Chemistry");


INSERT INTO Personnel (StaffID, LastName, FirstName)

VALUES ("5555555", "Miller", "Dusty");


            NOTE: Date/time data type delimited with # in Access; with quotes in other databases.      


Exercise:  Add several employees from the Northwind database to the Personnel table.  Here is an SQL statement that should add 5 staff members:


INSERT INTO Personnel (StaffID, LastName, FirstName, Birthday)

SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, BirthDate

FROM Employees

WHERE Country = "USA";





Single-row INSERT:


INSERT INTO tablename (column list)

VALUES (value list)


Multi-row INSERT:


INSERT INTO tablename (column list)

SELECT  column list

FROM othertable

WHERE criteria


Column and value lists are comma-separated lists in both cases