P/F Writing Assignment for Day 16
g and speed of simple mental processing
1. What does Eysenck mean by "speed of mental processing"? Be specific. (Ignore the crude earliest attempts he describes to measure reaction time. This is NOT what he means by reaction time—it’s just history!)
2. Does the concept refer to people who just tend to rush through tasks, that is, have a certain approach to tasks which is under voluntary control? Please explain. What does it mean?
3. Eysenck argues against socioeducational or training ("behavioristic") theories of intelligence in this chapter. Do the moderate to high correlations of IQ with reaction time (RT) and inspection time (IT) prove that differences in intelligence are to some extent biological rather than strictly social in origin? Please explain. In other words, are they proof that differences in g can be traced partly to differences in brain "hardware" and not just to differences in the "software" that a society (e.g., its schools) may have installed on our brain hardware?