P/F Writing Assignment for Day 15
Young and old: Or, the rise and fall of raw mental power
Due: Rewrite of paper
1. Based on the Bornstein reading, to what extent do you think the new infant habituation tests (not the old Bayley tests) measure differences in g? Please explain.
2. To what extent do infants’ differences on these habituation tests seem consistent with socioeducational explanations of intelligence differences? With biological and genetic theories of intelligence differences?
3. The last two readings describe how fluid g declines with age
beginning in early to mid adulthood. By old age, the decrements become
substantial. In your view, how might this mental decline affect how older
people function and behave in everyday life, how their relatives perceive them,
and thus how these family members interact with one another? Go beyond the obvious: Do not tell
me that older relatives will start getting confused more often, or that their
families will start treating them more like children, and such. These will not
be acceptable answers.