EDST 391 Ethics
& the Human Genome
Assignment for
Day 7
What do real
people seek and value?
Writing assignment:
- Background:
medical utopians speak as if they are offering what we want
most: technologies
to eradicate disease, disability, the infirmities of old age, and imperfections
in ourselves and our children.
But is this really what most people seek, or
value most of all, in their own lives--what gives
their lives meaning?
Task: Conduct a survey of people you know.
- Formulate one or more questions
to find out what an individual considers most important in
Then survey individuals of different ages and life circumstances.
- Write up what they (no names, please) seem to seek or value most in
their lives, themselves, and others; and
- to what extent it
fits or doesn't fit the medical utopians' implicit view of the good
Thinking assignment:
- Based on the reading, do you think that individuals from the Asian
perspective might answer your question differently than your
respondents did? Please explain.