EDST 391 Ethics
& the Human Genome
Assignment for
Day 6
Writing tips & Day 5 topics
Reading: Very helpful article on how to write well--which means clearly and simply!
Writing assignments:
- Rewrite your Day 4 homework (turned in on Feb 16).
- My comments on the Feb 16 version point to examples of text where you might want to focus your "editor's
eye." They are just examples to get you started.
- Scrutinize the entire essay. Revise to remove irrelevant material (e.g., your own ethical
preferences), state your points more concisely (fewer words, sentences), remove all other unnecessary verbiage,
use words that actually get across the idea you meant to convey (what WAS it, anyway??), and
represent the authors' own points accurately.
- Rewrite your Day 5 homework (turned in on Tuesday, Feb 21).
- Again, revise to focus more tightly on important points, and make those points as concisely and
accurately as you can.
The reader needs to see what YOU think, and you need to make sure you know what that is and how to get it across as intended.
- Be prepared to discuss the material you were assigned for Day 5.
- Be prepared to discuss what you learned from this exercise about your writing and how to improve it. Also--what did the Orwell article NOT teach you but
you wish it had?
Help in picking a topic for your presentation and Paper 2
Coming soon--
URLs for articles on genomics that students submitted on Day 2.