EDST 391 Ethics & the Human Genome
Assignment for Day 3
“Ethics”—what does
that mean?
Be prepared to discuss (you won’t be turning anything in,
but bring your notes):
- Using Pence’s overview as a guide, describe one way each in
which your table (1) intuited a basic element or distinction involved in moral
reasoning and (2) missed or muddied others that could have helped you
describe “what is right and wrong.” Answering this two-part question will
require you to think through just what you the most basic elements of moral
reasoning might be—and why your task was so difficult. Please be
specific about what your “elements” are. Don’t worry about what I think
they should be: I want to know what you discovered.
- Bonus challenge! Did any of the articles you analyzed for
Day 2 commit any of the logical fallacies that Pence described (begging
the question, ad hominum, etc.)? Mark the passage so you can share it
with us.