EDST 391 Ethics & the Human Genome
Assignment for
Day 17
Genetically modified foods--will they solve world hunger?
Allie, Jared, and Tara's day!
Required reading:
Thinking assignment:
Imagine you are a leader in one of these African countries and are
familiar with the information in the
reading. How
would you handle this crisis?
- Would you accept US aid of GMO maize as famine relief?
- Why or why not accept it? Consider the
effects of your choice on every aspect of your country.
- And, specifically, do you think your country's
long-term economic health outweighs the current suffering of
your population?
- Imagine now that you are part of the American government.
- How would
deal with a oountry's refusal to accept
GMO maize?
Writing assignment
Please use the methods for
identifying and analyzing ethical arguments that were discussed
in Case studies in biomedical ethics (Day 15) when you answer the
two questions below.
- What
ethical arguments and claims does this article make?
- Is the author objective on the matter he discusses? For instance,
does use any words and/or phrases that
reveal a particular ethical stance on the US sending GMF foods as foreign
- There will be a short quiz at the beginning of class.