EDST 391 Ethics & the Human Genome
Assignment for
Day 15
More In-Depth Look at Biomedical Ethics: I
- Introduction
to Case studies in biomedical ethics (pp. 3-18)
Writing assignment:
- Please turn in
Planning form for "my day". Be sure you specify your particular part
in the team effort (to the extent you know it yet).
Thinking assignment:
- Based on your reading, what do these three terms mean and how do
they differ: principle,
virtue, and value? We will need to use these terms more
precisely as we move forward.
- Be prepared to discuss which principles and values (as
defined above) seem most
important when exploring the ethical questions raised by your
particular project topic.
- Be prepared to discuss the most important kinds of facts people
probably need to know when deciding ethical issues in your topic area.
(The reading discusses the crucial role that facts can play in settling
ethical debates.)