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Model United Nations


Model United Nations

Step 1: Selecting Topics

Select a topic or topics of international concern that you want your students to discuss, or an international problem for which you want your students to develop proposed solutions (e.g. terrorism, trade with Cuba, Palestinian homeland etc.).

Step 2: Selecting a U.N. Context

*Optional - depending on how realistic you want your simulation to be, you can choose to have the students simulate the work of one of a variety of United Nations "organs" (e.g. General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council etc.).

Step 3: Identification of Countries (or "states")

Identify countries ("states") that have stakes in the problem. The selection of countries should be based on their representing divergent views on the topics you have selected for the simulation. Select one country for every 2-3 students.

Step 4: Assignment of Roles

Assign 2-3 students to the role of a delegate from each of the countries. They will become the "delegations" for the simulation. Have students research the positions of their assigned countries on the topics that will be discussed during the simulation. Alternatively, you can develop role-playing cards that describe the countries' positions for the students (if you take this approach, pass out the role cards).

Step 5: Developing Resolutions

A "resolution" is a proposed policy, statement, or course of action that is recommended for adoption by the United Nations.

Approach A - have students write their own resolutions.
Approach B (time saving approach) - write resolutions for the students to consider.

Step 6: Create an Agenda

Collect and number all of the resolutions that will be considered. Have students vote on which resolution will be discussed.

Step 7: Create a Speaker's List

A speaker's list is a list of countries that will be permitted to speak on a topic. To get on a speaker's list, a delegate simply has to volunteer. Time limits are usually imposed on speeches and 2-3 questions from other delegates are typically permitted at the end of the speech. Speakers also have the right to "yield" any remaining time to other delegations. Invite delegations to join the speaker's list and proceed through the list until there is a motion to end debates.

Step 8: Discuss (debate) and Vote













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