The Delaware Spatial Data Clearinghouse supports the coordination efforts of the Delaware Geographic Data Committee (DGDC) and the State Mapping Advisory Committee (SMAC). Data and documentation (metadata) have been contributed primarily by State and local government agencies. We welcome and encourage contributions from all data producers – public, private, and individuals.

The Clearinghouse includes a searchable database of metadata compliant with Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) standards. Metadata entries provide detailed descriptions of the content and sources of the data, often including direct hypertext links to the data sets. From this site, you can search the Delaware Clearinghouse node along with the many others that make up the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The Clearinghouse also maintains direct links to other sites having valuable Delaware spatial data collections and resources.

This Clearinghouse node gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by grants from the FGDC Competitive Cooperative Agreements Program and other funding from the University of Delaware.



The Delaware Clearinghouse, initially developed by Research Data Management Services (RDMS),  Information Technologies, University of Delaware and the Center for Applied Demography and Survey Research (CADSR),  University of Delaware, is now maintained in partnership with the Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination, and the Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware.


Page maintained by
Research Data Management Services
University of Delaware

Last revised: 3/14/99
