Crime Mapping Disclaimer

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The University of Delaware Police Department is pleased to announce a new crime mapping program called This is a free service. is a public crime mapping system allowing the University Police Department to share crime information with the community. This is an effort to reduce crime, enhance public safety and build community partnerships with citizens.

The source of this data is the daily crime report which is prepared each day and describes incidents reported to the University Police. Data included on the maps and tables reflect incidents reported to the police. The data contained on the map is not real-time and will be updated as time and resources allow. They do not reflect the total number of incidents reported, as multiple offenses may occur in a single incident. Neither do they reflect results of investigations connected with listed offenses. Offenses shown on the site are those crimes required to be reported by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

You may access the website for the University of Delaware Police Department clicking here

DISCLAIMER Regarding the University of Delaware Police Department’s (“UDPD”) Data

UDPD has partnered with to provide easy to read crime maps and analysis. displays crime data to the public using Google Maps’ well-known mapping interface. Crime type, street address, date and time are displayed for the public.

UDPD affirms that it strives to ensure the accuracy of the data made available through and to comply fully with state and federal laws pertaining to the rights of both victims and suspects.

UDPD will not release any personally identifiable information of those involved in crimes that are mapped through the service. User should also realize that this data may reflect:

  • Information that may include technical or human error or both;
  • Information not yet verified by additional investigation of the crime or incident;
  • Preliminary crime classifications and symbols that might be changed later, based upon further investigation or clarification;
  • Mapped points that are estimates of the actual crime or incident location, based upon the mapping limitations of our data and records systems; or
  • Incidents at the same address may be “stacked” upon each other, visually obscuring the total number of incidents occurring at that location.

UDPD assumes no liability for data made available on this website, specifically including liability for any:

  • Omissions of data;
  • Errors in data as presented to the public; or
  • Use or misuse of data.

The use of Data indicates the site user's unconditional acceptance of all risks associated with the use of data as provided through the Online Crime Mapping Service. For crime prevention information and safety tips, please click here