Geology 113
Portfolio Project
Guideline 17

17. I am going to teach elementary students. Why would a portfolio project like this be useful to me?

Conducting and presenting inquiry, collaborating as a team, solving authentic, relevant scientific problems, using alternative assessments of oral presentations and reports, developing and working from a portfolio, finding out about how science explains natural phenomena, and exploring key concepts and theories in earth science in great depth are all vital aspects of science teaching outlined in the current reform of science education. As such, this experience will help you teach science to children. You may feel that elementary students may not solve such complex problems, but then again, maybe they will if they have teachers who feel comfortable supporting authentic inquiry. The experience of handling such challenges in science classes should build confidence in your ability to design and manage similar learning experiences for your students.

Guideline Index Guideline 18: How do I cite Internet sources?
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