CHEM-342 Introduction to Biochemistry                 Name ______________________________
Midterm Examination - Individual Part
Friday, 23 March 2001
H. B. White - Instructor

Important - Please read this before you turn the page.

                        A. (15 points) Three Short Answer Questions.

                        B. (60 points) Four Problem and Short Essay Questions.

Exam Statistics
                    Number of students                26            Ave.     51.0            Range    28 - 67 (out of 75 points)
                    Number of groups                     6            Ave.    19.7             Range    16 - 23 (out of 25 points)
                    Class Totals                                            Ave.     70.7            Range     40 - 89 (out of 100 points)

Part I Three Short Answer Questions. (5 Points each)

A. What is the reaction of [Fe(CN)6]3- with oxyhemoglobin.

B.  Why does the addition of oxygen to a solution of methemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin cause a change in the electrochemical potential?

C. In plain words, what is the meaning or significance of the term (1-Vp) in Svedberg’s equation?

Part II Problems and Short Essays
1. (15 Points) Given the premise of this course that we never fully understand anything we study, each of us (including the instructor) should have unresolved learning issues associated with each of the articles we have studied. Satisfying those learning issues should lead to deeper understanding, new perspectives, and greater appreciation of the articles and of science in general. This course promotes skills in identifying areas of personal ignorance and the transformation of that "knowledge" into effective ways of learning new information.

In the space provided, list your most important unresolved learning issue. It may relate to any of the articles we have discussed or to issues involving several articles. Remember, at this stage you should be beyond defining words as learning issues and be probing central themes, underlying concepts, and issues of significance. I am looking for a well-articulated, substantive learning issue (preferably not from the lists handed out) and a clear explanation of why you think it is important for you to resolve. (Ideally you should be able to write this without referring to your notes.)

    Learning Issue:


2. (15 points) The diagram below represents the titration of indigo carmine with dithonite as it was done in class on 12 February.

    A. Explain what is happening chemically in regions A, B, C, and D.

    Region A.

    Region B.

    Region C.

    Region D.

    B. Does your answer for regions A and B explain why the color does not decrease as depicted by the dashed line? Explain.

3. (15 Points) The following figure is intended to depict what is going on in Section 10 of the Stokes article. However, words describing the relative speed with which the various reactions occur are omitted (blanks).
    A. Provide the missing words to complete the diagram.
        B. In the space below the figure, describe in words what the figure explains. Please feel free to draw a figure of what Stokes described to accompany your description.

4.    (15 Points) The articles you have read so far this semester were selected with a purpose. Compare, contrast, and reflect on the Conant (1923) and Svedberg & Fåhraeus (1926) articles as they relate, respectively, to the Stokes (1864) and Zinoffsky (1886) articles.

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Posted: 25 March  2001 by Hal White
Copyright 2001, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware