Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Delaware Newark, Delaware 19716 Office: 135 Brown Laboratory E-mail: |
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1960 - 1961 Part-time research technician in population genetics with Edward C. Keller Jr. at the Pennnsylvania State University.
Spring 1962 Field expedition to study the Odonata of Mexico.
196l - 1965 Undergraduate education in biochemistry at the Pennsylvania State University. Graduated with high distinction in June 1965. Member of Phi Kappa Phi and of biology, chemistry, and mathematics honorary societies. Selected outstanding senior of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor society.
Summer 1965 Student in the Physiology Course at the Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Research under the direction of Sir Hans Kornberg.
1965 - 1969 Graduate education in biochemistry at Brandeis University. Thesis title: Comparative Enzymology of Two Glycerol-3-P Dehydrogenase Isozymes from Chicken. Sponsored by Dr. Nathan O. Kaplan.
1970 - Aug. 1971 Research Fellow in the Department of Chemistry, Harvard University. Studied the nature and mode of action of a heat stable factor which stimulates fatty acid synthesis in Mycobacterium phlei. Sponsored by Dr. Konrad Bloch.
Sept. 1971-Aug. 1977 Assistant Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware.
Sept. 1977- Aug. 1978 Visiting Associate Research Scientist, Department of Genetics (now Evolution and Ecology), University of California at Davis (sabbatical leave). Studied glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase alleles in Drosophila in the laboratory of Dr. Francisco Ayala (biography).
Sept. 1977- Aug. 1983 Associate Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware.
1977 - 1998 Editorial Board of the Journal of Molecular Evolution
Feb. 1982- Feb. 1990 Corresponding Secretary, The American Entomological Society.
Sept. 1983-
January 2016 Professor of Biochemistry in the
Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, University of Delaware.
February 2016- Present Emertus
Professor of Biochemistry in the Department
of Chemistry ad
Biochemistry, University of Delaware,
Sept. 1984-Aug. 1985 Visiting Scientist, Agricultural and Food Research Council-- Poultry Research Centre (now the Roslin Institute), Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland (sabbatical leave). Studied the effects of dietary biotin and riboflavin on the deposition of the respective binding proteins in chicken egg with Dr. Colin C. Whitehead.
Feb. 1990- Feb. 1994 Vice President, The American Entomological Society (two terms)
Aug. 1992- Jan. 1993 Interim Director, Center for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware.
Sept. 1993- Aug. 1997 Chair, Faculty Advisory Board, Center for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Delaware.
Sept. 1994- Aug. 2004 Member, Education and Professional Development Committee (formerly Human Resources Committee), American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Sept. 1998 - September 2015 Director, University of Delaware Howard Hughes Medical Institute' s Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program (1998 - 2015)
January 2000 - January 2016 Associate Editor and PBL Topical Editor of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
June 2001 -
January 2016
Secondary appointment as Professor in
Department of Biological Sciences
(2001 - 2016)
January 2016 Retired
"The Fatty Acid Synthetase of Mycobacterium phlei," NIH postdoctoral research fellowship GM 38956, January 1970 - August 1971, $l2,000.
"Vitamin Transport," University of Delaware Research Foundation Grant, June 1972 - May 1973, $6,361.
"Triglyceride Metabolism," Delaware Institute for Medical Education and Research Grant, June 1973 - May 1974, $3,400.
"Role of Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Glyceride Metabolism," NIH Research Grant AM 16740, January 1973 - December 1975, $46,603.
"Vitamin Transport," NIH Research Grant GM l9620, June 1973 - May 1976, $45,200; June 1976 - May 1979, $104,389.
"Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Sequence," NIH Research Grant GM 22343, May 1976 - April 1979, $97,600.
NIH Research Career Development Award AM 00l52, January 1, 1977 - December 31, 1981, $148,539.
"Biotin-Binding Protein: Structure and Function," NSF Research Grant PCM-7920683, April 1980 - March 1983, $161,000.
"Riboflavin-Binding Protein: Structure and Function," NSF Research Grant PCM-8315386, April 1983 - March 1984, $73,160.
"Receptor Recognition of a Riboflavin-Binding Protein," NIH Research Grant AM 27873, September 1983 - June 1986, $150,107.
"Biotin-Binding Protein: Structure and Metabolism," NIH Research Grant AM 34445, 1 July l984 - 1 August 1987, $195,769.
"Molecular Cloning of the cDNA for Riboflavin-Binding Protein," Biomedical Research Support Grant, 1 June l986 - 31 March 1987, $4,250.
"Cloning Genes for Vitamin-Binding Proteins," University of Delaware Research Foundation, 15 January 1987 - 30 June 1988, $14,000.
"Vitamin Metabolism," Biomedical Research Support Grant, 1 June 1987 - 31 March 1988, $5,000.
"Biotin, Folic Acid, and Riboflavin Metabolism in Chicken," Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. (Switzerland), 1 September 1987 - 31 August 1988, $20,000.
"Biotin, Egg Storage, and Egg Hatchability," State Research Partnership with Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., 1 September 1988 - 31 August 1989, $16,000.
"Folic Acid Requirements of Breeders and Chicken Embryos," State Research Partnership with Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., 1 September 1988 - 31 August 1989, $42,000.
"Structure and Function of Vitamin Transport Proteins from Eggs," Biomedical Research Support Grant, 1 June 1989 - 30 June 1990, $5,000.
"High School Science Teacher Summer Research Fellowship," American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Sponsored a teacher summer 1990, $5,500.
"Direct Transfer of Dietary Vitamins to the Oocyte," Biomedical Research Support Grant, 1 June 1990 - 30 March 1991, $5,000.
"Heart Monitor to Detect Embryonic Distress: Application to Embryonic Riboflavin Deficiency," American Heart Association--Delaware Chapter, 1 July 1992 -30 June 1993, $20,000.
"Problem-Based Learning in Introductory Science Across Disciplines," (PI with 6 co-PI's) National Science Foundation--Div. of Undergraduate Education (No 9354606), 1 January 1994 - 31 August 1997, $240,000.
"High School Science Teacher Summer Research Fellowship" American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Sponsored a teacher summer 1994, $6,000.
"Tutorial Methods of Instruction Using Problem-Based learning," Fund For the Improvement in Postsecondary Education (FIPSE P116B960737) 1 September 1996 - 30 August 1999, $143,642 (Deborah Allen P.I.; H.B.White and Barbara Duch, CoPI's)
"Multilayered Learning Program for Problem-Based Learning Classrooms: Focus on Preservice Teachers," National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Education (9354606), 1 February 1997 - 31 August 1999, $56,876 (Deborah Allen P.I.; H.B.White and Barbara Duch, CoPI's)
"Catalysts for Change: Foundation Courses and Instructional Innovation," National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Education NSF-DUE (No 9653663), 1 March 1997 - 28 February 1999, $200,000, (George Watson, PI, H. B. White among several CoPIs)
"Integrating Research & Education: Research -- an Essential Element of Undergraduate Education," National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Education (No 9620082), 15 February 1997 - 14 February 2000, $200,000 (David Roselle PI, Joan Bennett, Project Administrator, H. B. White, member of Project Advisory Board)
"Stimulating Attitudes of Inquiry," Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program, 1 September 1998 - 31 August 2002, Project Director, $1,600,000
Attitudes of Inquiry," Howard
Hughes Medical
Institute - Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program, 1
September 2002 - 31 August 2006, Project Director, $1,700,000
Attitudes of Inquiry," Howard
Hughes Medical
Institute - Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program, 1
September 2004 - 31 August 2010, Project Director, $1,500,000
"Stimulating Attitudes of Inquiry," Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program, 1 September 2010 - 31 August 2015, Project Director, $1,200,000
"RCN-UBE: Promoting Concept Driven Teaching Strategies in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology through Concept Assessments", National Science Foundation (No. DBI-0957205) , 15 June 2010 - 31 May 2015,. to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, PI: Ellis Bell, co-PIs: Cheryl Bailey, Duane W. Sears, Harold White, and Margaret Johnson. $369,650.
Scientific Societies and Honors:
American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (elected 1975, member of the Education and Professional Development Committee (1994-2004)
American Society of Nutrition Sciences (elected 1982-1999)
Sigma Xi (elected 1972)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (1959-present)
Society for the Study of Evolution (1981-1996)
National Center for Science Education (1991-present)
Council on Undergraduate Research (1991-2015)
Delaware Teachers of Science (1989-2014)
Delaware Academy of Science
Poultry Science Association (1986-1990)
American Entomological
Society (Corresponding Secretary 1982-1990; Vice President
1990-1994, Chair of Education Committee 1987-present)
Maryland Entomological Society (2011- present)
Societas Internationalis Odonatologica (1971-present)
World Dragonfly Society (1997 - present)
of the Americas (1990-present)
Recipient of the 2005 College of Arts and Sciences' Excellence in Teaching Award
Recipient of the 2007
College Of Arts and Sciences' Excellence in Service Award
Recipient of the 2011 Howard
Barrows Award from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont. for
exceptional undergraduate teaching.
Recipient of the 2013
Delaware Professor of the Year from the Council for the Advancement
and Support of
Education (CASE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
year member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Recipient of the 2014
Award for Exemplary Contributions to Education from the American
Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Recipient of the 2015
Delaware Bio Educator of the Year Award
C-101 General Chemistry | C-465 Chemistry Senior Seminar | C-641 Biochemistry I |
C-103 General Chemistry | U-460 Tutorial Methods of Instruction | C-642 Biochemistry II |
C-214 Elementary Biochemistry | C-468
Undergraduate Research |
C-643 Intermediary Metabolism |
C-342 Introduction to Biochemistry | U-495 Honors Seminar on Origins |
C-647 Biochemical Evolution |
C-601 Intro to Lab Instruction | C-527
Introductory Biochemistry |
1. A. Bar-Eli, H. B. White, and H. Van Vunakis, "Proteolytic Enzymes from Musteles canis Fundic Mucosae," (Abst.) Fed. Proc. 27, 745 (l966).
2. Harold B. White, III, and Nathan O. Kaplan, "Purification and Properties of Two Types of DPN-Linked Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Chicken Breast Muscle and Chicken Liver," J. Biol. Chem. 244, 603l-6039 (l969).
3. Harold B. White, III, Comparative Enzymology of Two Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Isozymes from Chicken, Ph.D. Thesis, Brandeis University (l969), Diss. Abst. Sept. l970, p. l069-B.
4. M. Ilton. A. W. Jevons, E. D. McCarthy, D. Vance, H. B. White, III, and K. Bloch, "Fatty Acid Synthetase Activity in Mycobacterium phlei: Regulation by Polysaccharide," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 68, 87-91 (1971).
5. William S. Allison, Harold B. White, III, and Michael J. Connors, "Studies on the Hydrogen Transfer Reactions Catalyzed by Pyridine Nucleotide-linked Dehydrogenases," Biochemistry 10, 2290-2296 (1971) DOI: 10.1021/bi00788a017.
6. Harold B. White, III, Osamu Mitsuhashi, and Konrad Bloch, "Pyridine Nucleotide Requirements of Fatty Acid Synthetase," J. Biol. Chem. 246, 4751-4754 (1971).
7. Harold B. White, III, "The Molecular Weights of Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenases from Chicken, Rabbit, and Honey Bee," Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 147, 123-128 (1971).
8. Harold B. White, III, and Nathan O. Kaplan, "Separate Physiological Roles for Two Isozymes of Pyridine Nucleotide-Linked Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Chicken," J. Mol. Evol. 1, 158-172 (1972).
9. Harold B. White, III, Brian E. Laux, and Don Dennis, "Messenger RNA Structure: Compatiblity of Hairpin Loops with Protein Sequence," Science 175, 1264-1267 (1972).
10. Brian E. Laux, Don Dennis, and Harold B. White, III, "Human Alpha-Chain Globin Messenger: Prediction of a Nucleotide Sequence," Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 54, 894-898 (1973).
11. Harold B. White, III, "Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Chicken Muscle," Methods in Enzymology 41, 245-249 (l975).
12. Joseph W. Harding, Jr., Eric A. Pyeritz, Eric Copeland, and Harold B. White, III, "Role of Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Glyceride Metabolism: Effect of Diet on Enzyme Activities in Chicken Liver," Biochem. J. 146, 223-226 (1975).
13. Joseph W. Harding, Jr., Eric A. Pyeritz, Harold P. Morris, and Harold B. White, III, "Proportional Activities of Glycerol Kinase and Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Rat Hepatomas," Biochem. J. 148, 545-550 (1975).
14. Harold B. White, III, "Coenzymes as Fossils of an Earlier Metabolic State," J. Mol. Evol. 7, 101-104 (1976).
15. Harold B. White, III, Barbara A. Dennison, Mary Anne Della Fera, Christopher J. Whitney, James C. McGuire, Harry W. Meslar, and Paul H. Sammelwitz, "Biotin-Binding Protein from Chicken Egg Yolk: Assay and Relationship to Egg White Avidin," Biochem. J. 157, 395-400 (1976).
16. Mahendra K. Jain and Harold B. White, III, "Long Range Order in Biomembranes," Adv. Lipid Res. 15, l-60 (1977).
17. Alan H. Ullman, Joseph W. Harding, Jr., and Harold B. White, III, "Fatty Acid Synthetase Assay Employing Bicyclic Diones as Substrates," Anal. Biochem. 84, 85-96 (1978).
18. Edward Senkbeil and Harold B. White, III, "Parallel Evolution of Pairs of Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes," J. Mol. Evol. 11, 57-66 (1978).
19. Rosemary D. Mandella, Harry W. Meslar, and Harold B. White, III, "Relationship Between Biotin-Binding Protein from Chicken Plasma and Egg Yolk," Biochem. J. 175, 629-633 (1978).
20. Harry W. Meslar, Sally A. Camper, and Harold B. White, III, "Biotin-Binding Protein from Egg Yolk: A Protein Distinct from Egg White Avidin," J. Biol. Chem. 253, 6979-6982 (1978).
21. Harry W. Meslar and Harold B. White, III, Preparation of Lipid-Free Protein Extracts of Egg Yolk," Anal. Biochem. 91, 75-8l (1978).
22. Harry W. Meslar and Harold B. White, III, "Egg Yolk Biotin-Binding Protein: Assay and Purification," Methods in Enzymology 62, 316-319 (1979).
23. Alexander McPherson and Harold B. White, III, "Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Data for Chicken Muscle Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase," Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 93, 607-610 (1980).
24. Harold B. White, III. Review of "Evolution of Protein Molecules," edited by H. Matsubara and T. Yamanaka, Origins of Life 10, 66-67 (1980).
25. Alan H. Ullman and Harold B. White, III, "Assay of Fatty Acid Synthetase Using a Bicyclic Dione as Substrate," Methods in Enzymology 72, 303-306 (1981).
26. Harold B. White, III, and Arlene R. Hughes, "Biotin-Binding Proteins in Chicken Eggs and the Biotin Requirements of Chicken Embryos," Poultry Sci. 60, 1454-1457 (1981).
27. Mark S. Miller, Edward G. Buss, and Harold B. White, III, "Thiamin Deposition in Eggs Is Not Dependent on Riboflavin-binding Protein," Biochem. J. 198, 225-226 (1981).
28. Harold B. White, III, "Evolution of Coenzymes and the Origin of Pyridine Nucleotides," pp. 1-17, in The Pyridine Nucleotide Coenzymes (J. Everse, B. Anderson, and K.-S. You, eds.), Academic Press (1982)<> doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-244750-1.50010-5
29. Harold B. White, III, "Biosynthetic and Salvage Pathways of Pyridine Nucleotide Coenzymes," pp. 225-248, in The Pyridine Nucleotide Coenzymes (J. Everse, B. Anderson, and K.-S. You, eds.), Academic Press (1982).
30. Mark S. Miller, Richard C. Bruch, and Harold B. White, III, "Carbohydrate Compositional Effects on Tissue Distribution of Chicken Riboflavin-Binding Protein," Biochem. Biophys. Acta 715, 126-136 (1982).
31. Mark S. Miller, Marilee Benore-Parsons, and Harold B. White, III, "Dephosphorylation of Chicken Riboflavin-Binding Protein and Phosvitin Decreases Their Uptake by Oocytes," J. Biol. Chem. 257, 6818-6824 (1982).
32. Sharon E. Lotter, Mark S. Miller, Richard C. Bruch, and Harold B. White, III, "Competitive Binding Assays for Riboflavin and Riboflavin-Binding Protein," Anal. Biochem. 125, 110-117 (l982).
33. Richard C. Bruch and Harold B. White, III, "Compositional and Structural Heterogeneity of Avidin Glycopeptides," Biochemistry 21, 5334-5341 (1982).
34. Robert A. Ballas, John S. Garavelli, and Harold B. White, III, "Estimation of the Rate of Glycerol 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Evolution in Higher Vertebrates," Evolution 38, 658-664 (1984).
35. Mark S. Miller, Maria T. Mas, and Harold B. White, III, "A Highly Phosphorylated Region of Chicken Riboflavin-Binding Protein: Chemical Characterization and 3lP NMR Studies," Biochemistry 23, 569-576 (1984).
36. Richard C. Bruch, Martha D. Bruch, Joseph H. Noggle, and Harold B. White, III, "Analysis of Virtual Coupling in the Proton NMR Spectrum of N,N'-Diacetylchitobiose by Two-Dimensional J-Resolved and Spin-Echo Correlated Spectroscopy," Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 123, 555-561 (1984).
37. Harold B. White, III, "Biotin-Binding Proteins and Biotin Transport to Oocytes," N.Y. Acad. Sci. Proc. 447, 202-211 (1985).
38. Catherine C. Fenselau, David N. Heller, Mark S. Miller, Harold B. White, III, "Phosphorylation Sites in Riboflavin-Binding Protein by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry," Anal. Biochem. 150, 309-314 (1985).
39. Harold B. White, III, "Competitive Binding Assays for Riboflavin-Binding Protein," Meth. Enzymol. 122, 221-226 (l986).
40. Mark S. Miller and Harold B. White, III, "Isolation of Avian Riboflavin-Binding Protein," Meth. Enzymol. 122, 227-234 (1986).
41. Harold B. White, III, John Armstrong, and Colin C. Whitehead, "Riboflavin-Binding Protein: Concentration and Fractional Saturation in Chicken Eggs as a Function of Dietary Riboflavin," Biochem. J. 238, 671-675 (1986).
42. Harold B. White, III, and Colin C. Whitehead, "Role of Avidin and Other Biotin-Binding Proteins in the Deposition and Distribution of Biotin in Chicken Eggs: Discovery of a New Biotin-Binding Protein," Biochem. J. 241, 677-684 (1987).
43. Harold B. White, III, "Vitamin-Binding Proteins in the Nutrition of the Avian Embryo," J. Exp. Zool., Suppl. 1, 53-63 (1987).
44. Harold B. White, III, Colin C. Whitehead, and John Armstrong, "Relationship of Biotin Deposition in Turkey Eggs to Dietary Biotin and Biotin-Binding Proteins," Poultry Sci. 66, 1236-1241 (1987).
45. Valerie L. Vaughn, Rong Wang, Catherine Fenselau, and Harold B. White, III, "Phosphorylation Heterogeneity of Tryptic Phosphopeptides of Chicken Riboflavin-Binding Protein," Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 147, 115-119 (1987).
46. Virginia A. M. Abrams, Timothy J. McGahan, Jeffrey S. Rohrer, Andrew S. Bero, and Harold B. White, III, "Riboflavin-Binding Proteins from Reptilian Eggs: A Comparison with Avian Riboflavin-Binding Proteins" Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 90B, 243-247 (1988).
47. Dana S. Chatellier and Harold B. White, III, "What Color is Egg White? A Biochemical Demonstration of a Vitamin-Protein Complex Using Fluorescence Quenching," J. Chem. Educ. 65, 814-815 (1988).
48. Marilee Benore-Parsons, Lisa Yonno, Lori Mulholland, William W. Saylor, and Harold B. White, III, "The Transport of Riboflavin-Binding Protein to the Hen Oocyte: Bound Vitamin Is Not Required for Protein Deposition," Nutr. Res. 8, 789-800 (1988).
49. Harold B. White, III, and Alfred H. Merrill, Jr., "Riboflavin-Binding Proteins," Ann. Rev. Nutr. 8, 279-299 (1988).
50. Dao Bin Zheng, Heon Man Lim, Jacques J. Pène, and Harold B. White, III, "Chicken Riboflavin-Binding Protein: cDNA Sequence and Homology with Milk Folate-Binding Protein," J. Biol. Chem. 263, 11126-11129 (1988).
51. Lawrence Bush, Timothy J. McGahan, and Harold B. White, III, "Purification of Biotin-Binding Protein II from Chicken Oocytes," Biochem. J. 256, 797-805 (1988).
52. Virginia A. M. Abrams, Lawrence Bush, Todd Kennedy, Richard W. Schreiber, Jr., Timothy A. Sherwood, and Harold B. White, III, "Vitamin-Transport Proteins in Alligator Eggs," Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 93B, 291-297 (1989).
53. Lawrence Bush and Harold B. White, III, "Avidin Traps Biotin Diffusing Out of Egg Yolk," Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 93B, 543-547 (1989).
54. Lawrence Bush and Harold B. White, III, "Conversion of Domains into Subunits in the Processing of Egg Yolk Biotin-Binding Protein," J. Biol. Chem. 264, 5741-5745 (1989).
55. Harold B. White, III, and Jacques J. Pène, "New Hope for Reverse Genetics," Trends in Biochemical Sciences 14, 135 (1989).
56. Harold B. White, III, "An Egg's View of the Which-Came-First Question," USA Today Magazine 119 (2544), 64-66 (Sept. 1990).
57. Ji-Yue Hu, Edward G. Senkbeil, and Harold B. White, III, "Fluorometric Analysis of Riboflavin: An Undergraduate Biochemistry Experiment," J. Chem. Ed. 67, 803-804 (1990).
58. Richard W. Schreiber, Jr., and Harold B. White, III, "Biotin Diffusion in Stored Chicken Eggs: A Re-assessment," Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 98B, 223-225 (1991).
59. Richard W. Schreiber, Jr., Michael A. Letavic, Timothy J. McGahan, and Harold B. White, III, "Competitive Binding Assays for High-Affinity Binders in the Presence of Endogenous Ligands: Application to Biotin-Binding Proteins," Anal. Biochem. 192, 392-397 (1991).
60. Harold B. White, III, "Maternal Diet, Maternal Proteins, and Egg Quality," in (M.W.J. Ferguson and D. C. Deeming, eds.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-15 (1991).
61. Harold B. White, III, "Introduction to Biochemistry: A Different Approach," Biochem. Educ. 20, 22-23 (1992).
62. Harold B. White, III, Emile F. Nuwaysir, Stephen P. Komara, David A. Anderson, Sue-Joan Chang, Timothy A. Sherwood, Robert L. Alphin, and William W. Saylor, "Effect of Riboflavin-Binding Protein Deficiency on Riboflavin Metabolism in the Laying Hen," Archives Biochem. Biophys. 295, 29-34 (1992).
63. Jeffrey S. Rohrer and Harold B. White, III, "Separation and Characterization of the Two ASN-linked Glycosylation Sites in Chicken Serum Riboflavin-binding Protein," Biochem. J. 285, 275-280 (1992).
64. Harold B. White, III, Walter H. Orth, III, Richard W. Schreiber, Jr., and Colin C. Whitehead, "Availability of Avidin-Bound Biotin to the Chicken Embryo," Archives Biochem. Biophys. 298, 80-83 (1992).
65. Harold B. White, III, "Research Literature As a Source of Problems," Biochem. Educ. 21, 205-207 (1993).
66. Timothy A. Sherwood, Robert L. Alphin, William W. Saylor, and Harold B. White, III, "Folate Metabolism and Deposition in Eggs by Laying Hens," Archives Biochem. Biophys. 307, 66-72 (1993).
67. Ian MacLachlan, Johannes Nimpf, Harold B. White, III, and Wolfgang J. Schneider, "Riboflavinuria in the rd Chicken: 5'-Splice Site Mutation in the Gene for Riboflavin-Binding Protein," J. Biol. Chem. 268, 23222-23226 (1993).
68. Virginia A.M. Abrams, Chih-Chiang Han, and Harold B. White, III, "Riboflavin-Deficient Chicken Embryos: Hypoglycemia Without Dicarboxylic Aciduria," Comparative Biochem. Physiol. 111B, 233-241 (1995).
70. Harold B. White, III, "Addressing Content in Problem-Based Courses: The Learning Issue Matrix," Biochemical Education 24, 41-45 (1996).
71. Christine M. Lee and Harold B. White, III, "Riboflavin-Binding Protein Induces Early Death of Chicken Embryos," J. Nutrition 126, 523-528 (1996).
72. Harold B. White, III, "Sudden Death of Chicken Embryos with Hereditary Riboflavin Deficiency," J. Nutrition 126, 1303S-1307S (1996).
73. Amandio V. Vieira, Harold B. White, III, and Päivi M. Vieira, "Detection of a Chicken Oocyte Membrane Receptor for Biotin-Binding Protein," FEBS Letters 382, 183-185 (1996).
75. Karen Hoober, Bhavana Joneja, Harold B. White, III, and Colin Thorpe, "Sulfhydryl Oxidase from Chicken Egg White," J. Biol. Chem. 271, 30510 - 30516 (1996).
77. Karen Hoober, Bhavana Joneja, Harold B. White, III, and Colin Thorpe, "Sulfhydryl Oxidase from Chicken Egg White," in Flavins and Flavoproteins 1996, Ed by K. J.Stevenson, V. Massey, and C. H. Williams, Jr., pp. 807 - 809. University of Calgary Press. (1997)
78. Harold B. White, III, "Competitive Binding Assays for Biotin-Binding Protein," Methods in Enzymology :Vitamins and Coenzymes, Volume 279 Part I, 464-466 (1997).
94. Harold B. White, III, "Konrad Bloch, Evolution, and the RNA World" Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 292(5), 1267-1271 (2002).
120. Larry A Cogburn, Danielle N. Smarsh, Xiaofei Wang, Nares Trakooljul, Wilfrid Carre, Harold B. White III, "Transcriptional Profiling of Liver in Riboflavin-deficient Chicken Embryos Explains Impaired Lipid Utilization, Energy Depletion, Massive Hemorrhaging, and Delayed Feathering" BMC Genomics , 17- (2018) <>
121. Larry A. Cogburn , Nares Trakooljul, Chuming Chen, Hongzhan
Huang, Cathy H. Wu, Wilfrid Carré1, Xiaofei Wang, and Harold B.
White III, "Transcriptional profiling of
liver during the critical embryo-to-hatchling transition period in the
chicken (Gallus gallus)", BMC Genomics
19:695- 37pp (2018) <>
47. Dana S. Chatellier and Harold B. White, III, "What Color is Egg White? A Biochemical Demonstration of a Vitamin-Protein Complex Using Fluorescence Quenching," J. Chem. Educ. 65, 814-815 (1988).
57. Ji-Yue Hu, Edward G. Senkbeil, and Harold B. White, III,
Analysis of Riboflavin: An Undergraduate Biochemistry
Experiment," J. Chem. Ed.
67, 803-804 (1990).
59. Harold B. White, "Reflections on Teaching: Why I Teach the
Way I Do." About Teaching,
43 p2 (November 1991).
61. Harold B. White, III, "Introduction to Biochemistry: A Different Approach," Biochem. Educ. 20, 22-23 (1992).
65. Harold B. White, III, "Research Literature As a Source of Problems," Biochem. Educ. 21, 205-207 (1993).
69. Harold B. White, "Creating 'Problems' for PBL," About Teaching No.47 p.2&4, Jan.1995.
70. Harold B. White, III, "Addressing Content in Problem-Based Courses: The Learning Issue Matrix," Biochemical Education 24, 41-45 (1996).
74. Harold. B. White, III, "Dan Tries Problem-Based Learning: A Case Study," In To Improve the Academy, 15, 75 - 91 (1996).
76. Susan E. Groh, Barbara E. Williams, Deborah E. Allen, Barbara J. Duch, Sheella, Mierson, and Harold B. White, III, "Institutional Change in Science Education: A Case Study," In Student-Active Science: Models of Innovation in College Science Teaching, Ann P. McNeal and Charlene D'Avanzo, editors, pp. 83 - 93, Saunders, Philadelphia, 1997.
79. Harold B. White, "Untimed Individual/Group Exams, Problem-Based Learning," In The Hidden Curriculum: Faculty-Made Tests in Science, Part 2, Upper-Division Courses." Sheila Tobias and Jacqueline Raphael, editors, pp 102 - 103, Plenum, New York, 1997.
80. Harold B. White, III, Mystery Molecules or What's in a Name," Univ. Chem. Ed., 2, 34 (1998).
81. Harold B. White, III, "EDITORIAL: The Tertiary and Quaternary Structure of Biochemistry - A Pedagogical Analogy," Biochem. Educ. 26, 1 (1998) .
82. Barbara Duch, Deborah Allen, and Harold B. White, III, "Problem-based Learning: Preparing Students to Succeed in the 21st Century," Teaching Excellence, (1998)
83. Deborah E. Allen and Harold B. White, III, "A Few Steps Ahead on the Same Path," J. Coll. Sci. Teaching, 28, 299-302 (1999).
84. Harold B. White, III, Review of "Biochemistry" by J. Stenesh, Plenum Press. Quarterly Review of Biology, 74, 68 (1999).
85. Hal White "Thank you Bill Deans," About Teaching, 53 Fall (1999).
86. Frank Vella, Leopoldo de Meis, Alan H. Mehler, Wilfred Rombauts, Harold B. White, and Edward J. Wood, "Standards for the Ph.D. Degree in the Molecular Biosciences," International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Saskatoon, CA (1999). Also reprinted Biochem. Educ., 28, 2 - 11 (2000), in Spanish Revista de Educación Bioquímica 21(2)113-126 (2002), in Turkish in the Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, and in Chinese.
87. Harold B. White, III, Murray V. Johnston, and Manuel Panar, "Senior Seminar Focusing on Societal Issues Related to Chemistry and Biochemistry" J. Chem. Educ., 77(12), 1590-1593 (2000).
88. Harold B. White, III, "Getting Started in Problem-Based Learning," Chapter 7 in "The Power of Problem-based Learning: A Practical 'How To' For Teaching Undergraduate Courses in Any Discipline" Edited by Barbara Duch, Susan Groh, and Deborah E. Allen, pp 69-78, Stylus, Sterling, VA.(2001)
89. Debora E. Allen and Harold B. White, III, "Undergraduate Group Facilitators to Meet the Challenges of Managing Multiple PBL Groups," Chapter 8 in, "The Power of Problem-based Learning: A Practical 'How To' For Teaching Undergraduate Courses in Any Discipline" Edited by Barbara Duch, Susan Groh, and Deborah E. Allen, pp 79-94, Stylus, Sterling, VA. (2001)
90. Harold B. White, III, "A PBL Course That Uses Articles as Problems," Chapter 12 in "The Power of Problem-based Learning: A Practical 'How To' For Teaching Undergraduate Courses in Any Discipline" Edited by Barbara Duch, Susan Groh, and Deborah E. Allen, pp 131-140, Stylus, Sterling, VA. (2001)
91. Deborah E. Allen and Harold B. White, III, "Peer Facilitators of In-Class Groups: Adapting Problem-Based Learning to the Undergraduate Setting," Chapter 23 in "Student Assisted Teaching: A Guide for Faculty-Student Teamwork" Edited by Judith E. Miller, James E. Groccia, and Marilyn S. Miller, pp 134-139, Anker, (2001).
92. Harold B. White, III, "Why
Does My Cruorine Change Color? Using Classic Research Articles to Teach
Biochemistry Topics" J.
Sci. Teach.,
31 (2), 106-111 (2001).
93. Harold B. White, "Roots: Exploring our Distant Ancestry" A PBL
on evolution published by the PBL
Clearinghouse 27 July 2001.
95. Harold B. White and Deborah Allen, "Dawn's
Eight O'Clock" A
vignette trigger for discussion on how to deal with tardiness in PBL
Accepted by the PBL
19 December 2001.
96. Harold B. White, III, "Confronting Undergraduate Dualism with Problem-Based Learning," Chapter 9 in "Transforming Undergraduate Science Teaching: Social Constructivist Perspectives." Edited by Peter C. Taylor, Penny J Gilmer, and Kenneth Tobin, pp. 231-243, University of Pennsylvania, Lang Publishers (2002).
97. Harold B. White, III, "Plants Versus Animals in the Dining Hall: A Problem-based Learning Problem" Biochem. Molec. Biol. Educ. 30, 315-321 (2002).
98. Deborah E. Allen, Barbara L. Duch, Susan E. Groh, George B. Watson, and H. B. White, III, "Scaling Up Research-Based Education for Undergraduates: Problem-Based Learning at the University of Delaware" In Reinvigorating the Undergraduate Experience: Successful Models Supported by NSF's AIRE/RAIRE Program. Edited by Linda Kauffman and Janet Stocks. Council on Undergraduate Research. (2003)
99. George B. Watson, Barbara L. Duch, Deborah E. Allen, Susan E. Groh, and Harold B. White, "La Pédagogie par Problèmes," Proceedings FORMASUP 10th Anniversary (2003)
100. George Watson, Deborah Allen, Barbara Duch, Susan Groh, Valerie
Hans, and Harold White
"Student-Centered Learning: A Challenging Odyssey in PBL," Proceedings
of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Problem-Based Learning. (2003).
101. Harold B. White, III, Steven D. Brown, and Murray V. Johnston "Contemporary Moral Problems in Chemistry: Impact of Peer Presentations on Awareness of Science and Society Issues," J. Chem. Educ. 82, 1570-1576 (2005).
102. Harold B. White and George B. Watson, "Deflating Grady" (a PBL
on grade inflation) PBL
accepted 9 August 2005.
103. Harold B. White, III and Prasad Dhurjati, "Evolution
of Protein Lipograms: A Bioinformatics Problem," Biochem.
Molec. Biol. Educ., 34, 262-266 (2006).
1. Harold B. White, III, "Seasonal Distribution and Abundance of Odonata at a Large Pond in Central Pennsylvania," Ent. Soc. Am. - N. Cent. Br. Proc. 58, 120-124 (1963).
2. Harold B. White, III, and G. H. and A. F. Beatty, "The Odonata Fauna of Bear Meadows, a Boreal Bog in Central Pennsylvania," Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci. 42, 130-137 (1968).
3. G. H. and A. F. Beatty, and Harold B. White, III, "Seasonal Distribution of Pennsylvania Odonata," Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci. 43, 119-126 (1969).
4. Harold B. White, III, "Two Species of Odonata Previously Unreported from New England," Ent. News 80, 88 (1969).
5. Harold B. White, III and Rudolf A. Raff, "Early Spring Emergence of Anax junius (Odonata: Aeschnidae) in Central Pennsylvania," Can. Ent. 102, 498-499 (1970).
6. Harold B. White, III and Rudolf A. Raff, "The Nymph of Williamsonia lintneri (Hagen). (Odonata: Corduliidae) Psyche 77, 252-257 (1970).
7. Harold B. White, III, "New England Dragonflies," Mass. Audubon 56, 8-14 (1971).
8. Harold B. White, III and Wallace J. Morse, "Odonata (Dragonflies) of New Hampshire: An Annotated List," Research Report 30, N. H. Agr. Expt. Sta. 46 pp. + vi (1973).
9. Harold B. White, III, Paul S. Miliotis and Christopher W. Leahy, "Additions to the Odonata of Massachusetts," Ent. News 85, 208-210 (1974).
10. Harold B. White, III, "Aeshna subarctica and Other Odonata New for Maine," Ent. News 85, 289-291 (1974).
11. Harold B. White, III, "Three Notable Records of Odonata from Northern New England," Cordulia 4, 63-64 (1978).
12. James H. Kennedy and Harold B. White, III, "Description of the Nymph of Ophiogomphus howei (Odonata: Gomphidae)," Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 81, 64-69 (1979).
13. Harold B. White, III, "Notable Instances of Avoidance Behavior in Odonata," Notul. Odonatol. 1, 67-69 (1979).
14. Harold B. White, III, "The Odonata of the Blue Hills, Norfolk County, Massachusetts," Notul. Odonatol. 1, 75-76 (1979).
15. Harold B. White, III, "Philip Powell Calvert: Student, Teacher, and Odonatologist," Ent. News 95, 155-162 (1984).
16. Harold B. White, III, "Dragons, Damsels and Darning Needles," Delaware Conservationist 30(2), 28-31 (1987).
17. Harold B. White, III, "Dragonflies
and Damselflies (Odonata) of
Acadia National Park and Vicinity, Maine," Ent. News 100, 89-103
18. Harold B. White, III, Lady Changes Name to "Dragonfly" Argia 3(1), 21 (1991).
19. Harold B. White, III, (book review) Dragonflies and Damselflies of Florida, Bermuda and the Bahamas, by Sidney Dunkle. Ent. News 103(1), 38 (1992).
20. Harold B. White, III, (book review) Dragonflies and Damselflies of Cape Cod, by Virginia Carpenter. Ent. News 103(1), 39 (1992).
21. Clark N. Shiffer and Harold B. White "Four Decades of Stability and Change in the Odonata Populations of Ten Acre Pond in Central Pennsylvania." Bulletin of American Odonatology 3(2), 31 - 41 (1995).
22. Paul W. Schaefer, Susan Barth, and Harold B. White, III "Incidental Capture of Male Epiaeschna heros (Odonata: Aeschnidae) in Traps Designed for Arboreal Calosoma sycophanta (Coleoptera: Carabiidae)" Ent. News,107, 261 - 266 (1996).
23. Paul W. Schaefer, Susan E. Barth, and Harold B. White, III "Predation on sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisis tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) by Enallagma civile (Hagen) (Odonata: Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)" Ent. News. 107, 275 - 276 (1996).
24. Harold B. White, III. Review of The Damselflies of North America by Michael May and Minter J. Westfall, Jr. Ent. News. 108, 91&96 (1997).
25. Harold B. White, III. "Camping with Caterpillars." In Thinking Toward Solutions: Problem-Based Learning for General Biology. by Deborah Allen and Barbara Duch, Saunders, Philadelphia, 1998.
26. Harold B. White, III. Dragonfly Magazine Argia 10(1), 25 (1998).
27. Harold B. White, III. "DSA Meeting in Valentine - Reflections on Odonate Conservation" Argia, 10(4), 9 10 (1998).
28. Harold B. White, III. "What Do You Do With 'Em?" Argia, 11(1), 33-34 (1999).
29. Harold B. White, III. Review of Dragonflies: Behavior and Ecology of Odonata by Philip S. Corbet. Ent News. 111, 384 (2000).
30. Harold B. White, III. Review of Dragonflies of North America by James G. Needham, Minter J. Westfall, Jr., and Michael L. May. Ent News. 112, 143-144 (2001).
31. Harold B. White, III. Summary and Reflections on Odonata in
Hancock County, Maine, between August 1 and 10, 2000. Mainensis. 2(1),
32. Harold B. White and Nick Donnelly, "George Beatty Passes Away" Argia 15(4), 26 (2004)
33. Hal White and Steve Hummel, "2004
Annual DSA Meeting in Iowa,"
Argia 16(2) 2-5 (2004)
34. Harold B. White, 2005
Northeast Regional Meeting, State College, Pennsylvania. Argia
16(4) 3 (2005)
Hal White, Living
Beneath the Ice. Outdoor
Delaware, 19(4),
p. 12-14 (2011).
Hal White, Natural
History of
Delmarva Dragonflies and Damselflies: Essays of a Lifelong Observer.
University of Delaware Press and Delaware Nature Society. 284pp (2011)
Hal White, Dragonfly
Calendar. UDBG
(University of Delaware Botanical Garden) Friends, p1,6 Nov/Dec