72nd Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference
Elizabethown College, Elizabethown, PA 19 April 2008

Five University of Delaware students were among the 35 students from 10 colleges and universities who presented their research at the 72nd annual Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference (ISCC) held at Elizabethown College 19 April 2008. Next year's ISCC will be 18 April 2009 at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

University of Delaware Chemistry and Biochemistry Participants in the
2008 Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference.

From left to right:

Michael T. Pirnot (BS/CHEM/09), (Second Place Organic Chemistry)  "1,4-Conjugate Addition of 2-Methylpyridines" 
(Prof. Douglass Taber, advisor)

Tyler C. Bazzoli (BS/CHEM/10), "Identifying Biomarkers of the MHC Gene to Investigate Chemosensory Discrimination"
(Prof. Steven Brown, advisor)

Meghan D. Woods (BS/BIOC/09), Elastin-Mimetic Hybrid Polymers for Vocal Fold Tissue Engineering"
(Prof. Xinqiao Jia, Dept. of Materials Science, advisor)
Patrick Knerr, (BS/BIOC/08), (Second Place Biochemistry) "Metal-triggered Hydrogelation of Self-assembling Beta-hairpin Peptides for Bioremediation"
(Prof. Joel Schneider), advisor)

Jonathan E. Hullmann, (BS/BIOC/08), "Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New Alkaline-Earth and Rare-Earth Metal Indium-Antimonides" 
(Prof. Svilen Bobev, advisor)


The University of Delaware delegation to the 72nd Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference.
left to right: Tyler Bazzoli, Prof. John Burmeister, Mehgan Woods, Jon Hullmann,
Michael Pirnot, Prof. Hal White, and Patrick Knerr.

As always, the lunch was delicious.

Pat with his prize.

Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Home Page
Delaware students at Intercollegiate Student Chemists' (ISC) Conferences: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,

Page created 21 April 2008 by Hal White [halwhite at udel.edu]