70th Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference
Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA, 22 April 2006

Three University of Delaware students were among the 55 students from 19 colleges and universities who presented their research at the 70th annual Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference (ISCC) held at Ursinus College 22 April 2006. Next year's ISCC will be 14 April 2007 at Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD.
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University of Delaware Chemistry and Biochemistry Delegation to the 2006 Intercollegiate Student Chemists' Conference. 

From left to right: Prof. Svilen Bobev, Gary DiFilippo,
Prof. John Burmeister,
Rich Karpowicz, Prof. Hal White,
and Tim Martin

Participating Students (left to right), Their Project Titles, and Research Mentors.

Rich Karpowicz: (BS Biochemistry '07) Organic ChemistryII
"Progress on the Synthesis of Asymmetric Metalofoldamer Catalysts" 
(Prof. Joseph Fox)

Gary DiFilippo (BS Chemistry '06) Inorganic Chemistry I
"Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Rare earth Germanium Compounds." 
(Prof. Svilen Bobev)

Tim Martin  (BS Biochemistry '06) First Place, Organic Chemistry III 
"A New Route to Enantiometrically Pur Amino Acids" 
(Prof. Douglass Taber)

Prof. Joseph M. DeSimone, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina and Keynote Speaker at the 70th ISCC, with Rich Karpowicz, Gary DiFilippo, and Tim Martin.
Gary DiFilippo with his research supervisor Prof. Svilen Bobev

Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Home Page
Del students at Intercollegiate Student Chemists' (ISC) Conferences: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,

Page created 22 April 2006 by Hal White [halwhite at udel.edu] .