Tentative Schedule |
Except the first session which is on Thursday, June 12 in Gore Hall |
On your own |
do you need to know about
Safety in the Research Laboratory? Please note: You need to have completed safety instructions in your research laboratory and/or on-line before you start work in a laboratory. If you have questions, contact Occupational Health and Safety. |
June 12 4:00-5:30 Gore Hall |
Research Ethics
Conference Dr. Thomas Powers, Department of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Science, Ethics, and Public Policy administered by the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and graduate students, Sponsored by the Undergraduate Research Program. Sessions to be held in Gore Hall rooms 102, 103, 104, and 116. Pizza Party to follow. |
June 18 | What
should students expect from their research mentor and what should the
mentors expect from students? The Mentors' Perspective Faculty mentor of undergraduates in the sciences. Dr. David Usher, (Dept. of Biological Sciences) Hal White (Chemistry and Biochemistry) |
25 |
stop now-Other University
opportunities? Lauren Barsky, Undergraduate Research coordinator, and Kristin Bennighoff, Honors Program, discussing National and International Scholarship Opportunities, Semester Abroad, Service Learning, and related opportunities. (Goldwater, Marshall, Mitchell, Rhodes, and Truman Scholarships, Fulbright Fellowships) |
July 2 |
How are things going? Mid-Session Perspectives. Success and
Frustrations Dr. David
(Dept. of Biological Sciences),
Dr. Hal White
(Chemistry and
Biochemistry), and Lauren
Genova and Brooke
9 |
a career in science, the academic Life. Career biographies of people with undergraduate degrees in science. Drs. Mary Watson, Catherine Grimes, and John Koh, (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Drs. John Jungck, Patricia DeLeon, and Salil Lachke (Biological Sciences) |
16 |
do I get into Medical or other professional Schools? (Must attend this session and/or the August 6 session) Drs. David Usher and Dr. Florence Schmieg (Biological Sciences), Christine Dang, Biology BS '14, Dr. Faith Brosch, OBGYN, Newark DE Information about the 2015 MCATRatings of the Importance of Topics in the Natural Sciences, Research Methods, Statistics, and Behavioral Sciences to Success in Medical School - AAMC MR5 Advisory Commission 2010 |
July 23 |
communicate your Results - Conferences (Talks and Posters)
Dr. David Usher, (Dept. of Biological Sciences), Lauren Genova, Christine Dang, and Brooke Palus. Judging Rubrics for the ASBMB Undergraduate Poster Competition 2007 A good site for instructions on poster preparation. Other good sites: site 1 (UNC), site 2 (Ohio State) Copy of Dr Usher's ppt presentation of poster preparations. |
July 30 | Managing
a career in science and alternative careers.What
can you do with a science degree? Career biographies of people with undergraduate degrees in science. Dr. Ray Yin (ANP Technology) Dr, Rob Ward, (PhD Molecular Biology University of Michigan, JD University of Houston) Patent lawyer specializing in biotech and chemistry, Dr. R. Mark Jones, Fraunhofer USA Center for Molecular Biotechnology, Tim Gilpatrick, (BS Biochemistry 2012 UD, Researcher at NIH) Eric Bugglin-Borer (BS Biochemistry 2011, Agilent Technology) |
August 6 |
How do I get into Graduate
School? (Must attend this session
and/or the July 16 session) Dr. Melinda Duncan (Biological Sciences), Dr. Justin DiAngelo (UD BS Biology 2002), Dr. Svilen Bobev (Chemistry and Biochemistry) |
Thursday, August 14 |