11th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences
University of Maryland, Baltimore Co.
, Catonsville, Maryland, 11 October 2008

Over 200  students from 44 East Coast colleges converged on the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, on Saturday, October 11, for the Eleventh Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences. University of Delaware students did very well receiving eleven first or second place awards in several Biology or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology groupings.

UDaily Article
University of Delaware had 18 Participants in the
2008 UMBC Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Down in Front: Jachin Spencer

First row left to right:
Katy Teixeira, Laura Sloofman, Stephanie Myrick, Yianna Antonopoulos, Diniece Barron, Patricia Timothee, and Megan Fisher.

Back row left to right: Michael Pirnot, Kyle Johnson, Tyler Bazzoli, Stephen Tereniak, Tejal Naik, Obinna Mmagu, Ann Benavidez, Sohil Golwala, and Gregory Blasdel. (Samuel Linton not shown)

University of Delaware First and Second Prize Winners in the
2008 UMBC Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Left to Right:

Katy Teixeira, (Biology Sr. working with Dr. Deni Galileo) received first Place in Biological Sciences 4 for her poster presentation, Quantitative Analysis of Breast Cancer Metastasis to Brain.

Laura Sloofman, (Quantitative Biology Sr. working with Dr. Catherine Kirn-Safran) received second place in Biological Sciences 5 for her poster presentation, Effects of Diminished Protein Synthesis on Bone Anabolic Response to Load in RPL29-deficient Mice.

Tyler Bazzoli, (Biochemistry Jr. working with Dr. Steven Brown) received first place in Chemical Sciences 6 for his poster presentation, Identifying Biomarkers of the MHC Gene to Investigate Chemosensory Discrimination.

Stephanie Myrick, Biochemistry Sr. working with Dr. Millicent Sullivan) received first place in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1 for her poster presenation, Design of a Cell-Responsive De-PEGylation DNA Delivery System.

Stephen Tereniak, (Chemistry Sr. working with Dr. Charles Riordan) received first place in Chemical Sciences 7 for his poster presentation, Synthesis and Characterization of a New ‘PSiPr2’ Ligand and [PSiPr2NiCl]BPh4 for Coordination Chemistry and Bioinorganic Modeling.

Yianna Antonopoulos (Biochemistry Sr. working with Dr. Andrew Teplyakov) received second place in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2 for her poster presentation, "Interfacing Shape-restricted DNA Molecules With Semiconductors for Future Biosensing Applications and for Single Molecule Investigations"

Tejal Naik, (Biology Soph. working with Dr. Patricia Martin-DeLeon) received first place in Biological Sciences 3  for his poster presentation,  "
Identification and Characterization of the Role of HYAL2 in Mammalian Reproduction."

Dineice Barran (Biology working with
Dr. Patricia Martin-DeLeon ) received second place in Biological Sciences 6 for her poster presentation, "Acid-active Hyaluronidases in Mouse and Human Sperm."

Obinna Mmagu (Biology Sr. working with Dr. Daniel Carson) received second place in Biological Sciences 3 for his poster presentation
, Modulation of MUC1 Protein Expression by PPARgamma in Pancreatic Cancer Cells.

Patricia Timothee (Biology Sr.  working with Dr. Randal Duncan) received first place in Biological Sciences 5 for her poster, Protein Kinase C Mediates Purinergic Receptor Induced Contraction in MC3T3-E1 Osteoblasts.

Sohil Golwala (Medical Technology  working with Dr. Michelle Parent) received first place in Biological Sciences 1 for his poster presentation, 
Characterization of Protective Convalescent Serum generated from Yersinia-infected Mice.

Ann Benavidez

Diniece Barran

Greg Blasdel

Patricia Timothee

Katy Teixeira

Megan Fisher

Obinna Mmagu

Jachin Spencer

Sam Linton

Sohil Golwala

Stephanie Myrick

Steve Tereniak

Tejal Naik

Tyler Bazzoli

Yianna Antonopoulos

Yianna and Ann

Dineice and Obi

Mike, Steve, Katy, and Dineice

Steph, Dineice, Tejal, Jachin, Obi, and Sohil

UD Participants near and far

Participants accompanied by Dr. Ulhas Naik and Ms Jacqueline Aldridge. (Samual Linton, Dr. Michelle Parent, and Dr. Brian Bahnson not  shown.)

The students thank the following funding sources that have supported their research: HHMI Undergraduate Science Education Program (Bazzoli, Benavidez, Fisher, Mmagu, Myrick, Sloofman, Tereniak )Chemistry Alumni Scholars (Benavidez, Tereniak ), NUCLEUS (Barran, Golwala, Mmagu, Spencer, Timothee), McNair Program (Antonopoulos, Mmagu),  NSF EPSCoR Grant (), NIH INBRE (Teixeira), NIH IGERT (Barran) Science and Engineering Scholars Program (Linton,).

Site maintained by Hal White [halwhite at udel.edu]
Page created 13 October 2008, Updated 10 November 2008 by Hal White [halwhite at udel.edu]