The University of Delaware has invested heavily in creating world class facilities for chemical research.  Highlights include:

  1. NMR facility — common instruments that include an 850 MHz, two 600 MHz, 500 MHz, and two 400 MHz NMRs.  With two cryoprobes and two autosampling NMRs, the UD NMR facility is able to handle complex NMR experiments with exceptional efficiency.  The current suite of instruments are capable of a broad range of NMR experiments in solution, gel and solid states.

  1. Mass Spectroscopy — Twelve state of the art Instruments, capable of analyzing a wide range of both small molecule and biomolecule samples. Instruments include a Shimadzu walk-on LC/MS (ESI/APCI source) and GC/MS; a Thermo Orbitrap MS for small molecule, protein and proteomic MS; Micromass GCT Premier for high resolution analysis of small molecules and metal complexes; Waters Q-TOF for protein and proteomic analysis.

  1. Proteomics —Core facility with a Thermo Eclipse Tribid Mass Spectrometry instrument and support for sample preparation and data analysis.

  1. X-ray crystallography — an APEX Bruker-AXS CCD X-ray diffractometer is equipped with a Mo X-ray source.  A second dual-wavelength (bright Mo and Cu) Bruker-AXS APEX DUO diffractometer includes an APEX II detector, which is twice as sensitive as the first generation APEX detector on the facility’s older instrument.

  1. Computation — departmental shared facilities include  20 Dell PowerEdge 1950 servers and one Dell PowerEdge R950 server for molecular dynamics and Gaussian calculations, respectively.  The Department is also home to the NSF GPU computational MRI, housing S a Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) centered computational cluster of 96 NVIDIA 2070 GPU's attached to 45 computational nodes.

  1. Bioimaging Center — a microscopy facility with state-of-the-art electron, atomic force, confocal, super-resolution and conventional light microscopes as well as laser capture microdissection. 


Infrastructure for Research

Facilities for Research