Final Thoughts 

  Caffeine is a very potent, yet unrecognized drug.  Although there are beneficial side effects to caffeine intake, the negative effects clearly indicate that one should limit their caffeine consumption.  Many major organ systems are adversely affected by high amounts of caffeine consumption, including the heart, stomach, respiratory, and reproductive organs.  Age and diet are both factors in caffeine's effects on the body.  Young children and older people must be much more careful in monitoring their caffeine intake and should limit themselves to less than 100 mg of caffeine per day.  Those in between can take in slightly more, but 200 mg of caffeine each day is about the maximum that the average person can ingest without adverse side affects.  Although caffeine is a common substance found in many foods, beverages, and other supplements, it is clearly a drug and can be extremely harmful to the human body.  Caffeine consumption should clearly be monitored and limited.

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