Academic/Industrial Partnering

Dr. Manuel Panar
University of Delaware
103 Brown Lab
Newark DE 19716

1 Introduction

1.1. Academic industrial partnering. The results of academic creativity must be transferred to industry, which has the role of converting ideas to products for society's use.

The contribution of university research to American competitiveness is of increasing importance. For this contribution to be effective, the results of academic creativity must be transferred to industry, which has the role of converting ideas to products for society's use. A productive interface between academia and industry is a critical requirement for the continuing health of America's technological strength.

1.2. Understanding the industrial perspective will help build long term relations that result in funding.

This discussion is directed to the situation in which an academic researcher is either looking for industrial support for a particular research goal, or has made an invention and wants to interest industry in developing it or in funding further research. The purpose of this discussion is to give the academic scientist further insight into the funding process from the industrial viewpoint. This understanding can help faculty members in their search for support, and can help facilitate productive interactions between researchers in the two environments.

1.3. Problems with the interface. Many cultural differences result in misunderstandings and poor relationships.

This article will discuss the various issues which often create misunderstandings between academic and industrial scientists, and the role these issues play in funding decisions. Points which will be covered include a description of the difficult path from concept to commercialization, how funding is affected by budgets, and the many non-technical and personal considerations which will affect a request for funding. The reasons why the these interactions are of increasing importance to American industrial effectiveness will be surveyed.

1.4.Creativity: the generation of new concepts, that is, discovery and invention. (The Laboratory), and Innovation : the transfer to society's use of a new way of doing things. (The Factory and the Marketplace)

"Creativity", as defined here, will be Creativity in this discussion refers to the output of the laboratory. Innovation, is, in contrast, a business activity.

"Innovation", as used here, is the transfer to society's use of a new way of doing things. This usage has recently become common, at least in industry. In the case of technology, this means the transfer to commerce of a product which leads to new activities or, more commonly, allows people to do an activity in a new way. It can be either of far-reaching significance to society, such as the automobile displacing the horse, or of relatively minor importance to the greater scheme of things, such as having compact disks replace 33 1/3 records. The critical issue in innovation is the transfer to society. This function requires the involvement of industry.

1.5. Developments in both society and technology have emphasized the role of academic creativity.

The academic-industrial interface is of greater importance now than it has been in the past, and this importance will continue to increase. Several developments in both society and technology have contributed to this trend. An understanding of these pressures can help faculty members manage their relationships for optimum results.

1.6.. We are dealing with fundamental and long lasting changes changes, the exact nature of which may not be clear for years. Close personal relationships are the best way to function through these changes.

The changes in the industrial environment caused by these pressures are not merely cyclical ones. Rather, we are dealing with a fundamental change, the exact nature of which will not be clear for some years. Possibly the only constant we can expect is that change will continue. The only way that faculty members will be able to deal effectively with a changing industrial world will be to develop close personal relations with industrial researchers.

2.What is making the academic world more important? (Profitability and Research)

2.1.New high technology products require new expertise which the company may not have.

One driver of the increasing importance of academic research is industry's need to move to high-technology products to replace ones that have become commodities. In doing so industry often requires expertise in areas in which it does not have strength.

2.2.The economics of comodities do not permit sufficient R&D to maintain improvements in the products.

The significance of a material being a commodity is that the company no longer has the advantage in the market which it got from the uniquely high quality of its product or its patent protection. The lowest cost manufacturer may have a commanding edge, and often gets this edge by paying the lowest salary to its workers. As a result the American manufacture of materials such polyester fiber, polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene must compete with producers in countries with a lower wages and often low-cost natural resources. The only way around this situation is to sell high-technology products where the competitive edge is based on intellectual input.

2.3.High technology products and new, environmentally clean, processes need strong creativity.

This input can be in new types of products for new functions (superconductivity), better ways of doing an older job (compact disks, biodegradable packaging), or process technology to make something for sufficiently less money than even the low-wage competitor. Process technology is well illustrated by proprietary technology for making TiO2 which keeps the manufacturer in a leading position in a product which might be expected to be a commodity by this time.

2.4. Corporate downsizing is making companies understaffed technically. The resulting lack of technical expertise will require academic support.

In the drive to find newer products which have the economic potential that today's commodities had thirty years ago, companies are undertaking a major restructuring of their commercial interests. In many cases industry is looking for new products in areas which, in past decades, have been primarily the realm of the academic world. For example, in the area of biology, most of the expertise and creativity has traditionally been in the universities.

2.5.Getting into new high technology businesses requires a broader range of expertise than the company can affort to maintain interally.

The need to get into new high-technology businesses puts industry in the position of trying to excel commercially in areas in which it lacks long-term expertise. Trying to get into a product area without a firm knowledge base can be very risky. So industry is coming to recognize that it must increasingly import this depth of understanding from academia.

Industry's dependence on the academic world is also dictated by needs other than the move into new product areas. There are many reasons why industry may have trouble keeping on top of its traditional businesses without academic help.

2.6. Many product areas have reached a plateau of development through Edisonian discovery. Further advances will be based on mechanistic understanding which will have to come from the academic labs.

The polymer business is illustrative. Since the 1930's, polymeric materials have found their major markets in substituting for conventional materials in a wide range of applications. Initially, this substitution was usually based on economic grounds, and was often poorly planned technically. The result was the historic implication of the word 'plastic' as being cheap and shoddy. By the 60's substitution for metals, glass and paper were usually based on properties as well as economics, and the era of greatest activity began. Synthetics replaced rubber, paper and glass in packaging, and engineering resins replaced more and more metals. By the late 70's, the straight-forward substitutions had been made. Polymers had taken over applications up to the limits of their inherent properties. At about this time, polymers ceased to be products, per se, but became raw materials for more complex products such as blends, composites, and combinations with inorganics and with metals.

This change took place largely by empirical development. We have now however, just about used up our intuition. We are unable to make the kind of advances that are necessary without a basic understanding of how the system functions, how molecular behavior under stress or electrical fields effects the bulk properties of the polymer, and so on. This need is coming at a time when, for the reasons discussed above, the industrial research resources are being stretched by the needs of the new businesses. Industrial research capability has not been increased in pace with the business goals, and in many cases has fallen behind. The major source of the knowledge required to advance the field is the academic world. (Government labs may also play an expanded role in the future.)

2.7. Financial forces lead American industry to plan within a time frame that is too short to be compatible with scientific discovery.

The short term focus of industry is another reason for the enhanced importance of the academic world. Industry tends to look at the research budget with the time frame of the financial community. This attitude is not general across the world, for example it may not exist in Japan, but it has certainly affected the American scene. Industrial research is increasingly done in an environment controlled by development schedules. Basic knowledge research can rarely produce needed answers at this pace. Therefore, it will not be practical to initiate a project in the industrial lab to address a given problem. Instead, it will become necessary to seek out an academic researcher who has long term expertise in the particular field, and who therefore has a good chance of finding the needed answers expeditiously.

This reference to getting the answers needed for a development project does not imply that the academic researcher is being asked to do applied work. Underlying most technological problems are scientific questions fully compatible with the educational process. Many faculty members have not had to opportunity to discover how readily such situations can be found. They may include some of the best basic science research opportunities available in the coming years.

2.8. Evironmentally benign syntheses and processes are an opportunity for academic research.

Possibly the most important need for academic input derives from the need for environmentally benign synthesis and processing. The discovery of such processes will often be an absolute requirement for the ability of a plant to continue to exist. This need presents a broad opportunity for chemistry and chemical engineering. There are many situations in which a company has patent protection for a product, and therefore can afford to be less proprietary about its synthesis route. This fact makes it easier for an academic researcher to hear about and become familiar with the industrial needs.

New low polluting processes are particularly appealing for industry / academic collaboration because the field needs the highest level of creativity and novelty. Industry recognizes that many of these are likely to be found in the academic world.

Improved processes for waste remediation also represent an opportunity for interaction. Industry often can use technology which is not proprietary.

To prevent possible communication problems when working with industry on this topic, academic researchers will have to be sensitive to the difference between a scientifically exciting route and a commercially feasible one. This issue will be discussed below.

2.9. Industry is dropping its earlier support for in-house basic research.

The level of basic knowledge research in industry is dropping more rapidly than the published figures for total research and development imply. This fact alone predicts an increased dependence on academic research in the immediate future. Furthermore, industry's interest in supporting basic research internally is cyclical. Industry appears to alternate, with a frequency of decades, between developing technology internally and purchasing it from the outside. American industry seems to have moved in lockstep to one extreme of this cycle. Again the academic world must supply the creativity for this phase.

2.10. Large and small industries see the world differently.

The points just made apply somewhat differently to various types of industry. One is that group that puts a large amount of its own money into research, and which has human resources equivalent to that of many universities, and physical resources frequently better. The second is the smaller organization which often locates itself close to a campus and which has always had a more immediate need for the help of the university. It is one of the characteristics of the recent move of large companies into new fields that they begin to take on many of the characteristics of the smaller companies.

The ideas that industry needs to maintain its strength will come from those environments which attract the best researchers. These researchers will, by and large, be in the universities. As industry cuts back on leading edge research, it will find increasingly that the most creative students select an academic career. The bottom line is that industry will not be able to do sufficient basic research to keep the level of innovation high, or to keep its development efforts efficient. The academic labs must take up this role or American competitiveness will suffer.  

3.Understanding the interface

3.1.The academic world can be the most creative. Industry has the task of commercializing ideas.

So far we have been discussing the need. Every way we look at the situation, we find that industry is less likely to be able to function by itself in the future. The solution obviously is to transfer academia's creativity to industry more effectively. An analysis of how that transfer takes place is in order.

To simplify, we could probably say that the role of academia is to come up with the creative ideas, and of industry to develop them into commercial innovations. While that would simplify this discussion, it certainly doesn't represent reality, and it may not even be desirable.

3.2.Two way flow of information is critical. This point may sound obvious, but it is to often not fully understood, or certainly not fully acted upon.

Let us look more closely at how the interaction functions. First, we accept that, especially in newer areas, much of the creativity must come from the academic world. Most of the basic knowledge to support industries' inventiveness must also come from the same source. Second, we know that the knowledge or the technology must be transferred to industry because only industry is structured to convert the information into a form which society can use.

These transfers will function effectively only if there is good communication between the partners. Two way flow of information is critical. This point may sound obvious, but it is to often not fully understood, or certainly not fully acted upon.

3.3.Converting ideas to reality is a difficult process that requires one-on-one dialog.

Consider the model situation in which university workers supply the ideas. To have an idea which no one wants is a very frustrating situation to be in. A related somewhat touchy problem is to come up with an idea which has been conceived of years ago by industry, but not published. These very common difficulties found by academic researchers make it clear that academia needs input from industry to carry out its part of the collaboration. This input will not come through formal interactions, nor through dialog between upper level administrators on both sides. It requires dialog between the scientists and engineers involved. The industrial partner needs the output of the academic lab, but to make that output useful, the academic partner must be listening to and understanding the industrial goals. This requires, obviously, that the industrial partner is able to communicate, on an ongoing basis, which aspects of the academic research are of most value.

3.4.Knowledge transfer and technology transfer.

The information transfer can involve either knowledge (basic science) or specific technology. In knowledge transfer academia develops the underlying science which feeds the intuition of industrial researchers, and facilitates development, but the inventions come out of the industrial lab. In some areas such as polymer science, this has been the historical norm.

Industrial labs will continue to produce most patents. However, universities will more frequently be making the basic discoveries. This is particularly true in newer areas such as the biological sciences, but is increasingly the case in older areas as well. This technology must then be transferred to industry. The technology is often in embryonic form and requires major development effort prior to commercialization. We will assume that only rarely will the innovation be brought to its commercial form in the university.

Both functions are important contributors to our country's technological health, and both will be of increasing importance over the coming years.

3.5.Traditional knowledge transfer via publications does not lead to close interactions with industrial scientists.

The traditional methods of transferring knowledge, publications and presentations, work well. However, they do not necessarily lead to the close contact with industrial researchers which can result in research grants. Faculty members who make the effort to follow the publications of industrial scientists in their field, and develop peer relations with those authors, can benefit strongly.

This suggestion does not mean that they should accept the published work as evidence of industrial interest. Industry has an unfortunate habit of publishing that knowledge which is considered of lesser value to the company. The academic researcher should use the common interest to develop a personal relationship with the potential industrial partner. When the industrial scientist develops confidence in the technical competence of the faculty partner, the latter will be a natural choice to collaborate with, and to fund, when help is needed on a critical problem.

3.6.Basic research is a fertile field for invention, ensuring the academic patent activity can increase.

Basic research is a fertile field for invention, and in most fields will inevitably lead to patents if the researcher is open to recognizing them when they appear. As a result, universities have become increasingly active in patenting and marketing inventions. The potential for added income to the campus is a strong driver for this activity.

3.7.Overemphasis on patents can conflict with the educational process.

Finding an industrial home for these patents, technology transfer, raises many problems. These range from possible effects on the educational process, to the difficulties of getting industry to act on new concepts. The first has been discussed frequently and its effects passionately presented as both positive and negative by different authors. We will stay out of that argument, and will simply recognize the current interest in technology transfer, and discuss how to do it successfully.

4.The Process of Commercialization

4.1.The process between concept and product is expensive. The cost hurdle colors industry's interest in new ideas.

Before talking about the pitfalls in trying to sell an idea to industry, it is important to recognize what happens between concept and commercialization. Many of the difficulties are not understandable without an appreciation of the time and expense involved in converting creativity to innovation. This is probably the greatest source of communication problems between academia and industry.

This process is independent of whether the discovery comes from an academic lab or from the company's own research lab. An understanding of the process, and of the economics of the process, helps make it easier to work through the difficulties in transferring technology.

4.2.Conception and Lab Demonstration

We start, as always, with an idea and a lab demonstration. Ideas without the demonstration are of little value and get little attention. At this stage very little money is being spent, although in today's economy, the expense of a scientist, students and technicians may be considered anything but negligible. Nevertheless, we are talking about sums of under a hundred thousand in the academic world, and three times that in industry, given typical industrial overhead. The stage at which a good idea has been demonstrated in the lab is the point at which a true scientist is most enthusiastic. From here on, it's downhill all the way from a scientific interest point of view.

4.3.Technical Evaluation and Demonstration of Breadth

The next stage, which often requires a small group of scientifically oriented staff, but could conceivably be done by an individual, is to do enough work to be able to make a preliminary evaluation of the technical potential of the idea. Goals of this work include deciding if the initial experiment is close enough to the optimum form of the invention: Patenting an invention without covering the optimum form of the idea may alert all the competition to a new concept without resulting in protection. This work may be an exciting extension of the original idea, or, as is often the case, a very dull, but very necessary, effort to obtain patent examples of every form in which the concept may work. In either case, the work must be done.

We are talking here about an activity which is on the borders of normal academic interest. Although it could be done by an individual, it would probably take all his or her time for an extended period. This is usually not something an academic researcher wants to contemplate. It is a laboratory process, and the costs are increased only to the extent that more technicians or further staff are required to do the job in a realistic time span. However, both the added staff and the time away from looking for further new concepts may be problems in the academic world.


Up to this point we may have been in an area which the academic researcher could possibly take part. From here on, however, we are in the realm of industry or an unusually highly specialized academic activity, usually associated with a partly independent research foundation.

It is this stage, and its related expense, with which the academic researcher is usually least familiar. It is frequently assumed that the value of a patent is directly related to the potential market value of the product. This assumption ignores the low probability of a idea surviving through development to become commercial. It also ignores the multimillion dollar expense and size of staff to carry it through successfully.


The next stage, commercialization can go to the hundreds of millions of dollars if a new plant is required. This stage represents a major commitment requiring approval at the top level of the corporation. The investment is permanent, provided of course that the product can be sold at a profit. Even after this expenditure the product can fail because of marketing problems, not necessarily technical ones, which were not seen during development.

This brief overview only begins to give an idea of the development and commercialization process. In industry, newly hired synthetic chemists are usually given as many opportunities as possible to visit manufacturing sites. The response is predictable. No matter how much one may have read about the capacity of the plant, seeing the contrast between the laboratory apparatus a new polymer was made in, and the multi-story plant to which the invention will have to be transferred does not fail to make an impression. A failed experiment in the plant can mean anything from several tons of waste, to shutting down the plant for days to chisel out polymer which solidified in the wrong vessel. We will later summarize the forces which can make it difficult to get new ideas applied. This is one of them, but keep in mind that one must not condemn a plant manager for being cautious about new ideas.

5.Making the Transfer Process Work

5.1.Knowledge can be transferred by traditional routes from academia to industry. Personal collaborations are most effective.

Knowledge transfer is relatively straightforward. It is the classical role of the universities. The transfer takes place through the open literature and through personal collaborations. An individual scientist in industry is the recipient, and patent considerations are not involved. Membership in industrial consortia can facilitate transfer for members of the consortia. From the industrial side, the best guaranty of using the most recent academic advances is to have on its staff experts doing research in the relevant areas. Barring this, it will be difficult for an industrial lab to properly evaluate the usefulness of new results.

5.2.Technology transfer is dependent on finding a potential user who has both a corporate need and sufficient funds for development.

Technology transfer involves an academic researcher having a potentially commercial idea and wanting an industrial lab to support further work, or the university having patented an invention and wanting to license or sell it. The issue here becomes how to get someone in a corporation interested enough to free up corporate funds to buy it.

The rest of this discussion will be directed to how to make technology transfer work.

Most people feel that the world outside of science is far harder to deal with than science itself. Nature is at least consistent. When selling an idea, the problems which can prevent success are at least as frequently non-technical as scientifically objective. We will discuss some of them now.

It is possible to be led astray by a rational analysis of what should happen next. This is the stage at which a large number of factors become of critical importance. Many of them are not technical. None of them are mysterious, and the reader probably recognizes them all.

5.3. The Cost of Commercialization. Understanding the time and expense in developing a discovery through to commercialization is important to the academic partner.

An understanding of the slow and expensive route an idea follows from its conception to commercialization has two lessons to teach us about transferring ideas to industry.

5.4.Lack of interest may reflect corporate concerns seemingly far removed from the discovery. Moreover, these concerns are usually confidential, and the academic partner will not hear the critical facts.

First it emphasizes and explains why a company may seem overly cautious in picking up one's great idea. Even though the faculty member clearly sees the commercial potential of the idea, the company will be only too aware of the pitfalls which may lie ahead. They will also have to consider the idea in the context of the many others in which they have the option of investing limited development resources.

5.5.Industry wants not the best solution, but the most practical one. Minimal capital investment is important.

The second point is one which industrial scientists learn early. While coming up with a great idea, it is very useful if the idea can be put into practice with existing plant equipment which happens to be under-utilized. This potential can cut many millions of dollars off of the investment necessary to get into the business. Barring that, the next best is to have the a product which can be fabricated with minimal capital investment. This leads one to consider specialty uses such as in biomaterials and electronics as fields of research.

5.6.Universities are structured to deal only with the most preliminary aspects of development. Considerable work may have to be invested to permit evaluating the worth of a discovery.

The part of this process most commonly carried out in universities with industrial support is the first phase, the lab demonstration of a concept. An embryonic idea may be funded by industry with varying levels of commitment as to the disposition of any forthcoming inventions. These can range from a contract for sole rights, to a non-binding agreement that the funding industry will have first rights of refusal for licensing of any patents.

5.7.The "not Invented Here" factor can be controlling. The industrial scientists want to keep their jobs, too.

It is important to remember that a corporation is not a hypothetical smooth running system. One must work with a few individual scientists or managers who are as fully protective of their own turf as anyone in the academic world. Unfortunately for those of us in research, unique solutions to practical problems are rare. A researcher may have an idea which can clearly solve a technological problem. However, there is a strong possibility, even a probability, that someone in the company is pushing another solution. The industrial researcher has the advantage that the Company already owns the patent on the ideas, and the researcher has a personal interest in seeing the ideas become commercial. Moreover, the industrial person is there full time to push them on the development staff.

The "not invented here" factor can be very strong. Unless the concept is one of the very few ones which are going to lead society into a totally new direction, there is almost certainly other ways of doing what the new concept accomplishes. There may be variants of the concept which others are thinking of which will work as well, or almost as well, but which are legally a separate invention.

5.8.A new process represents potential problems for manufacturing. Benefits must outweigh potential disadvantages.

Another powerful deterrent to the use of an invention may appear to be organizational inertia. Manufacturing may look upon a new process as a potential problem. The life of the plant technical staff is going to be much more difficult and hectic for the next year if a new process is going to be installed. They must be convinced that the benefit to the company overweights the disadvantages to them.

5.9.Get around most of these barriers by being familiar with the company's needs.

The scientist within industry probably has a much clearer idea of the needs of the development people than an academic scientist can get through the limitations set by corporate confidentiality. The problems which arise from distance from the needs of the "customer" or "client" may be the most difficult to deal with. The difficulties which even the corporate laboratory of a large company can have in being certain that it is getting answers that the manufacturing departments are able to apply are surprisingly great.

The best way for faculty members to deal with this problem is to convince the company that their input is so valuable that they are hired as consultants. Close personal relations with technical staff members is second best. These colleagues can often help keep one's thoughts consistent with the company's needs without infringing confidentiality.

5.10.Limited novelty may be more apparent to the industrial partner who is aware of other ways of doing the job.

Here is another potential trap. Many members of chemistry departments who have not worked in fields such as materials in the past are beginning to recognize their vast scientific potential. Since materials, such as polymers, are of known utility, there is a tendency to when one has some new chemistry which results in long molecules to assume that industry must be waiting, checkbook in hand, to buy patent rights. In fact, there rarely isn't some other way to get to similar polymer properties. Industry will always try to make a patent it owns do the job rather than buying a new one.

5.11.Sole Rights and Confidentiality are needed before an industry will invest millions of dollars in development. Premature publication or presentation can destroy commercial value.

A company buys an idea because it will give them a product they can sell, but no one else can. Therefore the confidentiality of the idea, at least until it is covered by a patent, is of great importance. The following example is a real one. A researcher had a process which was as yet incompletely worked out but had the potential of commercial interest. Following the initial contact, while negotiations were going on to permit the company to follow up on the idea its own labs, the work was discussed at meetings. This gave any competitor an equal familiarity with the chemistry, and destroyed the potential for it to give the original company a commercial edge. This effectively killed interest in supporting further work, or in the company continuing it independently. There is no question that the confidentiality is a problem in any interaction.

6.Cross-culture Problems

6.1.The industrial time frame is usually much shorter than the academic. Industry wants a solution "now". Academic researchers are trained to find the best solution.

The time frame in which the partners are working is another source of friction. The development scientist in industry needs a useful answer now. Many academic scientist think in terms of the best answer as soon as it can be found. To maintain a good relationship, the academic partner must be understanding of this issue, and willing to help short term whenever possible. The industrial partner must also recognize that the primary thrust of the academic research will advance the field over a longer time scale. Good communication, and thoughtful selection of the goals of the supported project, are necessary.

6.2.If the interface is seen as requiring only dialog, it may fail. An understanding of each partner's needs is necessary.

We too often hear, frequently from government officials, that if only industry and academia could be encouraged to talk to each other, there would be an open flow of new ideas. This idea may be simplistic. More than talk may be required. It may be necessary to translate between cultures.

This problem, may appear most clearly when the academic contribution is to understanding the underlying science. Academic scientists often complain that industry does not recognize the importance of understanding the physics behind a process. They have a valid objection. Often, a more complete understanding of a process will allow operation under parameters which will offer higher throughput and greater productivity. However, the people in manufacturing who have responsibility for running the plant feel they understand and have investigated all practical operating parameters and have no interest in risking a process line by testing unusual conditions. The problem of persuading them of the value of understanding is one shared by industrial researchers in their own interactions within their company.

6.3.The basic researcher in industry who used to serve as a liaison with the university may no longer be there. University researchers will have to learn to communicate with more applied members of the staff. The industrial phrase "know your customer" applies to the academic partner.

Some academic researchers may not have experience with this empirical point of view because they have been dealing with a staff member in research, not manufacturing. However, it may have a lot to do with whether the contact, who may want to support the research, is able to get the dollars for the grant.

Basic (understanding) research has been seriously shrunken in most industrial laboratories over recent years. This means that the faculty researcher will be more likely to be dealing with someone from plant technical or a development group, instead of having a member of a central laboratory acting as intermediary. While the central laboratory worker of past years may have been almost academic in outlook, the new collaborator is working under tight time constraints and will be more result oriented. The potential for misunderstanding between the industrial and academic partners can be greatly increased.

The faculty partner can overcome misunderstandings by learning how to present results in a way that makes their relevance to the technological problem obvious. Doing so often requires nothing more than an understanding of what the 'customer' is looking for. This understanding must be gained through a close collaborative relationship to the industrial partner.

6.4.Corporate confidentiality is not there to annoy the university facutly. Recognizing its function can prevent many misunderstandings.

Another whole class of inter-cultural problems involves results which are publishable, undoubtedly scientifically correct, but have limited predictive capability. They do not lend themselves to telling industrial scientists what they should do to get the results they want. Such results often get very little attention in industry. The academic partners may be deceived because they will usually get a full and enthusiastic hearing since no one in industry wants to be accused of being scientifically unsophisticated. However, the next stage, finding money to fund further work, may just not happen.

6.5.Scientific vs business interest

6.5.1.The most interesting science may not be the basis of the most valuable technology. The latter is dependent on what the marketplace wants.

In the field of invention there is a distinction between a novel idea which appeals to the scientific mind, and an idea which the market wants.

The considerations that lead to successful commercialization of an innovation are not always clear to a scientist or engineer who has a natural tendency to push for the best technical solution possible. Sir Robert Watson-Watt, the British radar pioneer, said "Give me the third best technology. The second best won't be ready in time. The best will never be ready" This thought is very valid and is recognized by those who make the decision to invest in the later stages of development. However it is a source of confusion and frustration to basic scientists in industry as well as in the academic world.

Quiana may have been the the best wash-wear fiber ever manufactured, but polyester has all the market. Quiana was a commercial failure, not because it couldn't be commercialized, but because it offered properties that insufficient people wanted to pay for. It is important not to infer from this that industry doesn't want new ideas. There is one cynical attitude that goes "industry is interested in new ideas - but not too new". Certainly, in practice, an idea that is not too new is more readily transformed into a product. The really novel idea is welcomed. However, it is welcomed for its commercial potential, not its scientific appeal. And commercial potential involves considerations which scientists rarely are familiar with.

The conclusion is to keep one's thinking flexible, and try to understand the world of the manufacturing staff. This can go a long ways in selecting what to try to sell, and how to package it for sale.

7.Working with industry.

We will now discuss how to improve the situation. The ideal for an academic researcher is to spend a year with a company. Barring that, cultivate a good friend in the company who can be a guide.

However, learning what a business center needs is not a trivial issue that can be reduced to a list of important problems. Good judgment on this issue is the hardest talent for a new scientist in industry to learn. It is a matter of intuition and familiarity which is difficult or impossible to communicate in any brief format. To wind one's way successfully through all these pitfalls requires an interested contact in the company who can help guide the idea through corporate politics.

This is a difficult issue to deal with, because the answer probably varies with each company and with each section of a given company. We will discuss separately two aspects. One is the attempt to sell a specific idea or patent and the other is the search for funds to launch a research program in an area of importance to industry. This may be either a major interdisciplinary grant or a grant to an individual to support one student or post-doc.

7.1.The need for a champion

7.1.1.No science or technology will be transferred unless someone within the company has a personal reason to make it happen.

We will deal with the sale of an existing invention first. Like in any other marketing effort, the better you know your customer, the better off you are. Here is where the value of having developed a long-term personal relationship with an organization becomes apparent. Often the best point of contact is a senior-level scientist who can give the invention the appropriate internal credibility. There is no way this person can be found without knowing the organization.

Without such a person, the proposal is best made to an appropriate middle-level manager.

In order to get proper consideration and get developed, a discovery needs a champion within the company. That is, someone who develops sufficient personal interest in the idea to invest a lot of time in pushing it internally. This person should be from the manufacturing side. If he or she is from the corporate research lab, there must be an equally enthusiastic counterpart from the manufacturing division.

A champion is also necessary for ideas which develop within a company. To repeat a concept refered to above, an industrial organization is not a rational smooth running creature. Like all organizations, it is a group of individuals. Things happen because an individual wants them to. Top management will, of course, have to be sold on the idea if it is to be developed. However, someone on the technical side, or at least lower management, has to push the idea to the point at which it can be evaluated commercially.

The need for a champion is all the more important if the idea is not sufficiently worked out to evaluate commercially. Anything from an academic lab probably fits this category.

Incidentally, taking an idea directly to the top may, in some situations, be an efficient route to have everyone else in the organization marshall all of the reasons they can conceive of as to why the concept is not applicable.

7.2.Support for research.

7.2.1.Research grants are usually initated bottom-up. Get to know industrial researchers personally.

Let us move to the problem of getting research funds. There are two aspects to this subject. For the million dollars to support a major new initiative, of course, go right to the top.

The individual grant, however, is another issue. Here we come back to interesting an individual scientist, or lower-level manager, in the value of the academic work. Grants are initiated bottom-up. An industrial scientist must be convinced that he or she can get the solution to a problem less expensively or more rapidly by spending budget dollars in the academic laboratory rather than in-house. The argument for this must be strong enough to also convince management.

7.2.2.Trust and confidence are the basis of long lasting relationships. Understanding, not merely good will, is important.

Even when such support is initiated by an approach to upper management, it will continue only to the extent that trust and confidence is developed between the working partners over the first years of the funding. This trust must be based on mutual understanding which requires a knowledge of each other's goals, and is not simply a matter of good will. In fact, good will, usually easily achieved, can mask underlying communication problems.

Most funds are given on a "here's the money, you do the work" basis. However, the best and most stable relationships, ie., the grants most likely to be renewed, are ones which have a strong collaborative interaction between two scientists. Developing this type of interaction requires time and effort, but can pay off in a close, long-lasting relationship.

7.2.3.How your grant money appears on the research manager's budget. Sums "small" compared to the numbers in an annual report may not be small on the development team's budget.

It is useful to understand how dollars for academic support look like on an industrial budget. It is too easy to think of a large industrial organization as having unlimited resources. The problem is that one is not always dealing with the "Corporation". The contact may be with one small part of the company which has a budget to meet. The dollars for academic support often come out of the discretionary funds left after the permanent staff's salary and research expenses are paid for. These dollars may be in direct competition for the funds used for staff travel to meetings, and for purchase of additional laboratory supplies.

The potential industrial partners will be looking closely at their own budgets and inevitably looking at a potential overrun. A forecast of a small, i.e. 3%, budget overrun will represent a very high percentage of the discretionary funds. The resulting pressure on academic support can be intense. To overcome these pressures the academic research must of clear potential value to the industrial partner.

The academic researcher's credibility will depend, to a large extent, on being able to discuss the proposed research in a way meaningful to the industrial partner. This requires some understanding of the goals of the industrial organization.

Any situation will, without doubt, be unique. So discussions like this can be only of general use. However, some insight, from the other side of the fence, into what's going on in the industrial partner's mind when discussing research support may give the faculty person more patience with the industrial position. It will help in recognizing the difference between enthusiasm for the science and technological interest. The understanding gained can give the academic partner a better chance of developing a relation which is both scientifically and financially advantageous.

Academic Industrial Topics

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© Manuel Panar 1996