New Castle County
87 Reads Way
Corporate Commons

Delaware City / Middletown / New Castle City / Newark / Newport / Wilmington

        New Castle County is Delaware's northern most county. The total population of New Castle County in 2000 was 500,265, and this represents an increase of 14 percent since 1990. The size of the black population in 2000 was 101,167. In 2000 blacks were 20 percent of the population, and the size of the black voting age population was xx,xxx.1 The total number of registered voters in New Castle County in 1998 was 307,802 and the estimated number of black registered voters was 37,527. In 1996, about 43 percent of the county's registered voters were Democrats, roughly 33 percent were Republicans, and 24 were registered as Independents.

        New Castle County has a Council/Executive form of government. The County Executive is elected and responsible for the administrative operations of county government. County Council is responsible for the legislative duties of the county. County Council consists of Council President elected at-large and six council members representing districts. In addition to County Council, New Castle has several county offices referred to as "Row Offices." The "Row Offices" includes Register of Chancery, Recorder of Deeds, Clerk of the Peace, Register of Wills and Sheriff. Row Office officials are elected at-large. Of the 13 elected officials in New Castle County, only one is African-American. The Honorable Penrose Hollins represents the Fourth Councilmatic District that includes Wilmington.

Delaware City
407 Clinton Street

Population as of 2000:   1,448
Percent Population Black10.4%
Form of Government:    Council Manager & Home Rule
Number of Local Legislative Seats: 5
Method of election for legislative seats:     at-large
Number of Black Elected Officials: 1
Name(s) of Black elected officials:

James A. Parker
City of Delaware City
P.O. Box 4159
Town of Middletown
216 North Broad Street

Population as of 2000:   6,279
Percent Population Black20.9%
Form of Government: Mayor, Council with Home Rule
Number of Local Legislative Seats:   5
Method of election for legislative seats:     at-large
Number of Black Elected Officials:     1
Names of Black elected officials:

Austin Waters
216 Broad Street
Middletown, DE 19709
Town of New Castle
220 Delaware Street

Population as of 2000:   4,897
Percent Population Black20.1%
Form of Government:   Mayor, Council and Home Rule
Number of Local Legislative Seats6
Method of election for legislative seats:     at-large
Number of Black Elected Officials: 0

City of Newark
220 Elkton Road

Population as of 2000:   28,547
Percent Population Black:     6%
Form of Government:        Weak Mayor, Council, City Manager & Home Rule
Number of Local Legislative Seats:    7
Method of election for legislative seats:         District
Number of Black Elected Officials: 0

Town of Newport
15 N. Augustine Street
P.O. Box 3053

Population as of 2000:    1,149
Percent Population Black:    10.4%
Form of Government:        Council, Manager & Home Rule
Number of Local Legislative Seats:    5
Method of election for legislative seats:     at-large
Number of Black Elected Officials:    0

800 French Street

Population as of 2000:   74,638
Percent Population of Blacks54.9%
Form of Government:     Mayor, Council & Home Rule
Number of Local Legislative Seats14
Method of election for legislative seats:         Both district and at-large
Number of Black Elected Officials:     7
Names of Black elected officials:

James Baker

Theodore (Ted) Blunt
Council President

Charles Potter
1 Councilmatic District

Stephanie Bolden
3 Councilmatic District

Theopolis Gregory

Norman Griffiths
2 Councilmatic District

Norman Oliver
4 Councilmatic District

1Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Bureau of Census

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