Camden / Clayton / Dover / Harrington / Smyrna
In 2000 the total population of Kent County was 156,638, and this represents an increase of 24 percent in Kent County's population since 1990. In 2000, the size of the black population was 23,319. Blacks were 14.9 percent of the county's population, and the size of the black voting age population was approximately xx,xxx.1 In 1998 the total number of registered voters in Kent County was 69,897 and the estimated number of black registered voters was 10,141. In 1998, about 40 percent of the county's registered voters were Democrats, roughly 35 percent were Republicans, and 25 percent were Independents.
In Kent County the Levy Court is responsible for managing and controlling
the business and financial matters of government. There are seven commissioners
on the Kent County Levy Court and each is elected from a representative
district. In Kent County the County Administrator, who is appointed by
the Levy Court, supervises all county departments on behalf of the Levy
Court. In addition to the Levy Court Commissioners, there are seven county
official elected at-large: Clerk of Peace, Comptroller, Receiver of Taxes,
Sheriff, Recorder of Deeds, Register in Chancery, and Register of Wills.
Of the 14 elected county officials only one is an African-American. The
Honorable Donald A. Blakey represents the Fifth Levy Court District.
Town of Camden
261 E. Camden-Wyo. Ave. P.O. Drawer B
Population as of 2000: 2,098
Percent Population Black: 18%
Form of Government: President
& Council
Number of Local Legislative Seats:
Method of election for legislative
seats: at-large
Number of Black Elected Officials:
Population as of 2000:1,274
Percent Population Black: 8.1%
Form of Government: Mayor
& Council
Number of Local Legislative Seats:
Method of election for legislative
seats: districts
Number of Black Elected Officials:
City of Dover
The Plaza P.O. Box 475
Population as of 2000: 32,127
Percent Population Black: 37.2%
Form of Government: Mayor
& Council
Number of Local Legislative Seats:
Method of election for legislative
seats: at-large and
Number of Black Elected Officials:
Names of Black elected officials:
John Pitts
28 S. Queens St
Dover 19904
Population as of 2000:
Percent Population of Blacks:
Form of Government: Mayor,
Council & Home Rule
Number of Local Legislative Seats:6
Method of election for legislative
seats: at-large
and districts
Number of Black Elected Officials:
27 S. Market Street
Population as of 2000: 5,671
Percent of Population
Black: 22.4%
Form of Government: Mayor,
Council & Home Rule w/ City Manager
Number of Local Legislative Seats:
Method of election for legislative
seats: at-large
Number of Black Elected Officials:
Names of Black elected officials:
1Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Bureau of Census