Section Number _____       Group Number ______

Names of Group Members:

    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
    3. ____________________________________
    4. ____________________________________

Please assess the contributions of everyone in your group including yourself (1 through 4). Use the following scale: 5=strongly agree ……1=strongly disagree

                                                               1         2         3      4

A. Completed assigned work thoroughly. __      __     __     __

B. Completed assigned work on time.      __      __     __     __

C. Contributed relevant information
 to the debate issues.                                __     __     __     __     

D. Asked questions in a way that promoted
 clearer understanding of the issues.          __     __     __     __

E. Answered questions in a way that
promoted understanding of the issues.      __    __     __     __

F. Behaved responsibly                         . __     __     __     __

G. My overall rating of this person is        __     __     __     __

Clarifying comments about the individual can be written below.

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________