Review Sheet, BISC207 Fall 2004
                                                        Dr. Florence Schmieg

Below is an organized, brief summary of the concepts and content that our lectures have covered.
It is to be used as a guide to direct your study, not as a substitute for your notes or the sections of the text that fully describe these concepts.

I.    Chemistry
    A.    Bonds
        1.    covalent: equal sharing of two electrons between atoms
        2.    ionic: one or two electrons donated to another atom. Forms + and - charged ions in
        3.    polar covalent: electrons not shared equally. One atom is more electronegative.
               Causes dipoles (slight + or - sides) in the molecule.
        4.    hydrogen: polar molecules attracted to other polar molecules through oppositely charged
    B.    The water molecule
        1.    structure
        2.    types of hydrogen bonds it makes
        3.    interactions with ions
        4.    hydrophilic molecules dissolve in water (are polar or charged). hydrophobic do not
    C.    Principles of organic chemistry
        1.    based on carbon
        2.    built around a carbon skeleton
        3.    modified by addition of functional groups
        4.    may form isomers: Molecule has same chemical formula but not the same exactly
            a.    structural: different bonding relationships
            b.    geometric: same bonding relationships but orientation is different around a
           c. enantiomers: mirror image molecules. Exist in L (left-handed) or D (right-handed)
        5.   polymers formed by condensation (dehydration) reactions (Removal of one OH and
               one H from two monomers to form a water molecule. Everything left is covalently linked.)The opposite is
               hydrolysis, where the newly formed bond would be broken, releasing energy. This requires the addition of

II.    Biological Molecules

      A.   proteins (polypeptides)
            1.    polymer of amino acids
            2.    formed by condensation synthesis between the carboxyl group of one amino
                    acid and the amino group of another amino acid. Forms peptide bonds
            3.     amino acids are the monomer
                a.    centrally located carbon bonded to a H, a carboxyl group, and an amino group in all
                        amino acids
                b.    specific amino acid is determined by the R group or side chain attached to
                       the central carbon
                c.    L enantiomeric forms are active, D are not
                d.    classified as nonpolar, polar, acidic, or basic depending on the side chain. 3  do not easily classify.
            4.    First amino acid in the polypeptide has an intact amino group (amino terminal) and
                    last amino acid has an intact carboxyl terminal (carboxy terminal)
            5.    Four orders of protein structure
                a.    Primary structure:    amino acid sequence of the polypeptide
                b.    Secondary structure:    Path of the polypeptide backbone stabilized by
                        hydrogen bonds between the peptide linkages. alpha helix or beta-pleated sheet
                        most common.
                c.    Tertiary structure:    Three dimensional shape of a polypeptide. Stabilized by
                        hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions (caused by
                        non-polar side chains trying to get away from water), and van der Waal's
                   forces, predominantly between the side chains.(caused by electrons moving in their
                        orbitals around the atoms, transiently attracting or repelling the atoms.) Disulfide
                   bridges sometimes form between two cysteines. (The cysteine SH (sulfhydryl
                        reacts with the same on the second cysteine, forming a S-S covalent linkage.)
                d.    Quaternary structure:    More than one polypeptide interacting in order for a
                        protein to function. Example:  hemoglobin.
                        -some proteins require a prosthetic group also to function.
                        (example: heme in hemoglobin)

III.    Cells
        A.    Small size maximizes surface area to volume ratio.
        B.    Two major categories of cells are prokaryotic (bacteria) and eukaryotic (fungi, plants,
                and animals)
        C.    Eukaryotic cells have internal membranes and membrane-bound structures, prokaryotic
                cells do not.
        D.    Eukaryotic cells are classified as plant cells or animal cells
        E.    Eukaryotic structures we discussed include:
            1.    nucleus:    contains the DNA
                    a.    ribosomal RNA genes are located in the nucleolus
                    b.    surrounded by a nuclear envelope consisting of inner and outer membranes
                            interspersed with nuclear pores through which molecules travel into and out of
                            the nucleus.
            2.    ribosomes (also found in prokaryotes)
                    a.    synthesize the proteins for the cell
                    b.    can be free floating in the cytoplasm
                    c.    can be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum
                    d.    consist of rRNA and rproteins
            3.    endoplasmic reticulum
                    a.    rough ER has ribosomes attached tha make proteins destined for either secretion,
                           the cell membrane, or a lysosome or plant vacuole or a secretory vesicle.
                    b.    smooth ER has no ribosomes. Synthesizes lipids such as steroids and
                            phospholipids. Detoxifies drugs, e.g. alcohol.
                    c.    consists of a series of elongated membrane bound sacs. Internal region
                           is fluid filled, called a cisternal space or lumen
            4.    Golgi apparatus
                    a.    pancake-like membrane bound sacs
                    b.    molecules transported from ER in transport vesicles enter it at its cis face
                    c.    different modifications made to the molecules as they move from sac to sac
                   d.      molecule moves out the trans face in a transport vesicle to its final location
            5.    Lysosome
                    a.    hydrolytic enzymes transported there from the trans-Golgi
                    b.    is a membrane bound vesicle that degrades larger molecules and structures
            6.    Mitochondria
                    a.    site of most ATP production in eukaryotic cells
            7.    Chloroplast
                    a.    site of photosynthesis. Only in plant cells.
            8.    Cytoskeleton
                    a.    polymers of proteins that criss-cross eukaryotic cells and contribute to cell
                           movement, communication, and attachment, etc.
                    b.    microfilaments:    polymers of actin
                    c.    microtubules:       polymers of tubulin
                    d.    intermediate filaments:    not well defined

V.    Cell Membrane
        A.    All cells must have a cell membrane
        B.     Membrane structure
            1.    mainly phospholipd bylayer oriented with polar heads outward and inward interacting
                    with water and the hydrophobic tails inside, interacting with each other.
                a.    Phospholipids are an example of a biological molecule in the lipid family.
                b.    Consist of a hydrophobic region (two fatty acid tails) and a hydrophilic region (the
                    phosphate and its modification.
                c.    In water, phospholipids form bilayers with the fatty acid tails interacting with each
                       other and the phosphate head regions orientented to either side, interacting with
            2.    Double bond (unsaturated) in the hydrophobic tail causes a kink that prevents the
                    phospholipids from entangling. Helps keep membrane fluid.
            3.    Cholesterol, another member of the lipid family, is interspersed between
                    the phospholipids and also helps keep the membrane fluid.
            4.    We also discussed the triglyerides. These are not membrane related but demonstrated another category
                    of lipid.
                    - a glycerol backbone reacts with 3 fatty acid molecules in 3 condensation reactions to produce the
                    -used as long term energy storage molecules.
        C.    The Extracellular Matrix
            1.    Secreted by cells and containg protein, polysaccharide, etc. The composition is
            2.    Serves various roles, such as adherance, connective tissue structure, bone deposition
        D.    Cytoskeleton
            1.    Microfilaments often connect to membrane proteins allowing communication between
                    the membrane and the internal region of the cell.
        E.    We also discussed the triacylgylycerol molecules (fats and oils), another example of a lipid (not part
                of the cell membrane).
            1.    Formed by 3 condensation reactions between 3 fatty acids (through the COOH) and one glycerol
                    molecule (through each of the 3 OH). Forms ester linkages.
            2.    double-bonds in the fatty acid tails make it an unsaturated fat or oil. No double bonds
                    make it a saturated fat.

VI.    Simple Diffusion
        A.    Movement of molecules across a membrane that is permeable to them
            1.    Net direction of movement is from the more concentrated side to the less concentrated
            2.    This will continue until the concentration is equal on both sides
                a.    Called equilibrium
        B.    If more than one type of molecule is present and the membrane is permeable to both,
                they move independently of one another, following their own concentration gradients.
        C.    Energy comes from favorable entropy changes as the system moves towards equilibrium.

VII.    Osmosis
        A.    The diffusion of water molecules across the cell membrane
        B.    Determined by the water concentration (moves higher to lower)
        C.    This is determined by the total solute concentration of solutes that cannot cross the
            1.    Water moves from region of lower solute conc. to region of higher solute conc.
        D.    Region with higher dissolved solute conc. is the hypertonic solution, compared to the
                region of lower dissolved solute conc. which is the hypotonic solution.
        E.    Water moves from the hypotonic side to the hypertonic side
        F.    If solute concentrations are equal, the two solutions are isotonic and there is no net
                water movement
        G.    In animal cells, to be in isotonic solution is best, hypertonic causes cells to shrivel,
                hypotonic causes cells to burst.
        H.    In plant cells, to be in hypotonic solution is best (causes turgor), isotonic is all right but
                cells are flacid, and hypertonic causes plasmolysis.

VIII.    Passive Transport
        A.    Does not require additional energy besides that provided by the concentration gradient of
                the transported molecule
        B.    Net movement of the molecule is with the concentration gradient.
        C.    Three types
            1.    Simple Diffusion (Described above)
            2.    Osmosis (Described above)
            3.    Facilitated Diffusion
                a.    molecule is not free to diffuse directly through the membrane
                    -either has a charge, or is too large
                b.    uses the assistance of a membrane protein, called a carrier.
                c.    transport protein binds specifically to the molecule to be transported
                      -causes the transport protein to change shape and the molecule is deposited on the
                        other side of the membrane.
                       -net movement is with the concentration gradient

  IX.    Active Transport
        A.    Movement of a molecule across the cell membrane against the concentration gradient
        B.    Requires energy
            1.    ATP usually
                a.    Terminal phosphate removed and transfered to an amino acid in the transport protein
                b.    Negative charge on phosphate causes protein to change its shape, transporting
                        the molecule
                c.    ATP hydrolysis is exergonic, releases energy.
                d.    This is coupled to the endergonic reaction, attachment of the phosphate to the transport protein.
                e.    ATP can also be used for energy by breaking the alpha-beta phosphate bond, releasing PP
                        (pyrophosphate) which breaks down to 2P. Both reactions release energy. This mechanism
                        is not the one used for active transport however.
        C.    Na+ - K+ pump
            1.    Binds 3 Na+ inside cell
            2.    Phosphate removed from ATP and transfered to pump
            3.    Pump changes shape, releasing Na+ outside cell
            4.    2 K+ now bind
            5.    Phosphate removed from pump
            6.    Pump returns to original shape, releasing K+ inside cell.\
            7.   Example of an antiport. (two substances cross membrane in opposite directions).
        D.    Intestinal Epithelial Cell
            1.    Uses co-transport to bring glucose from the gut into the cell against its conc.gradient
                a.    energy provided by the concentration of the cotransported molecule moving with a
                       favorable conc. gradient, in this case it is Na+
            2.    Glucose and Na+ both bind to the Na+ - glucose symport (example of a symport, moving two
                    substances across the membrane in opposite directions).
            3.    Both are transported together into the cell, using the energy of Na+ conc. gradient.
            4.    Na+ - K+ pump operates to remove the Na+ back out again to maintain the conc.
                    gradient so the pump can continue to function.
            5.    Glucose moves out of the cell into the blood by facilitated diffusion.
            6.    Tight junctions maintain these proteins in their proper location.

IX.    Energy and Enzymes
        A.    Free Energy, G, is the energy in a system that can do work.
            1.    G = H - T delta S
                a.    H is enthalpy, total energy in the system
                b.    S is entropy, measure of the disorder of the system
        B.    delta G = G(final state, products) - G(initial state, reactants)
        C.    exergonic, spontaneous reactions have negative delta G
        D.    endergonic, non-spontaneous reactions have positive delta G
        E.    activation energy is energy needed for the reactants to reach the transition state
            1.    The activation energy value does not change the delta G of the reaction
            2.    The transition state is the disordered and strained bonding relationships of the
                    original reactant or reactants needed to allow for new bonds to form.
        F.    Catalysts are other molecules (not reactants) that interact chemically with the reactants
                and lower the activation energy of the reaction. At the conclusion of the reaction they are
        G.    Enzymes are biological catalysts
        H.    Enzymes lower the activation energy of a cellular reaction by
            1.    increasing local concentration of reactants
            2.    orienting reactants accurately
            3.    inducing strain and distortion into the reactants' bonds
        I.    Enzymes bind specifically to their substrates (the reactants) at the active site of the
        J.    Enzymes slightly change their active site's shape as they bind the substrate to make a
               tighter fit. The tightest fit is to the transition state. This is called induced fit.
        K.    Enzymes catalyze the reaction after the substrate binds, forming the products which
                cannot fit the active site and are released.
        L.    Enzymes are regulated by
            1.    competitive inhibition.
                a.    inhibitor has similar shape to substrate and binds the active site.
            2.    non-competitive inhibition
                a.    inhibitor binds to site on the enzyme away from the active site but this causes a
                        change in the shape of the active site that makes the substrate bindingt less
            3.    allosteric regulation
                a.    these enzymes have quarternary structure
                b.    they exist in an active or inactive form and can flip back and forth
                c.    an activator will bind to an allosteric site (not the active site)on the active form
                        and stabilize it, preventing it from flipping to inactive. This increases the numbers of
                        active molecules and upregulates the reaction.
                d.    an inhibitor will bind to an allosteric site on the inactive form and stabilize it,
                        preventing it from flipping to active. This increases the numbers  of inactive
                        molecules and downregulates the reaction.
                e.    Metabolic pathways frequently are regulated by allosteric enzymes found near the
                        beginning of the pathway.
                f.    Feedback inhibition refers to the end-product of a metabolic pathway feeding
                      back and being the allosteric inhibitor of the allosteric enzyme regulating the
                      pathway that produces it.