.                                                        Review Sheet, Exam One (Still Under Construction; May Change Somewhat)

Note: This is a brief outline of the topics we have covered that could be tested on the exam. This does NOT mean they WILL be tested. Also, little detail is given here. Consult your notes, the book, or the articles we have used for that. Study for understanding, not memorization. Therefore, do not solely rely on this review sheet.

I.    Bonds Important for Molecular Biology and the Influence of Water on These Bonds

    A.    covalent, strong, equal sharing. Same in water or not.
    B.    ionic, strong unless in the presence of water, then weak. Forms positive and negative ions.
    C.    hydrogen, H bonded to an electronegative atom (O, N). Induces a dipole with a slight positive H and a
            slight negative O (or N as the case may be). Water participates in H-bonds with other molecules that are polar.
    D.    hydrophobic interactions, nonpolar regions of molecules interact in order to reduce unfavorable entropy changes
            in the presence of water.
    E.    van der Waall's forces, caused by electrons moving in their orbitals. Causes transient attractions and repulsions
            that are very weak but collectively contribute to the stability of macromolecular structures.

  F.   We also discussed the importance of  spatial orientation in determining molecular function also, using polysaccharides (cellulose, from beta glucose monomers
         vs. starch/glycogen from alpha glucose monomers) as on
         example and phospholipids (bylayers in membranes) as another. Reviewed condensation reactions and the formation of glycosidic bonds and triglyceride
         formation also..

   II.   Amino Acid and Protein Structure
        A.    Amino Acid Structure
            1.   alpha-carbon bonded to H, NH2, COOH and a side chain, R. NH2 behaves like a base and becomes
                    positively charged at physiological pH; COOH behaves like an acid and becomes negatively charged.
                    Called a zwitterion.
            2.    R determines the classification of amino acids, based on chemical characteristics
                a.    hydrophobic
                b.    polar, but not charged
                c.    basic, + charged
                d.    acidic, - charged
                e.   special: glycine, proline (imino acid), cysteine (can form S-S). Our books lists these as nonpolar.
            3.    exists in 2 possible stereoisomeric forms, D and L
            a.    only L used in cells.
        B.    Primary Structure of Polypeptides
            1. The peptide bond
               a.    resonance and planarity; omega angle, psi angle, phi angle.
               b.    formed by condensation reactions between the COOH of one amino acid
                    and the NH2 of the next
                c.    Free NH2 end is called the amino terminus; free COOH end is the carboxy terminus
                d.    Sequence of amino acids is called the primary structure.
        C.    Secondary Structure
            1.    alpha-helix
                a.    stabilized by H-bonds between one amino acid peptide linkages four peptide linkages apart.
                b.    R chains project to the outside of the helix.
            2.    beta-pleated sheet
                a.    linear arrays of amino acids (beta strands). Stabilized by hydrogen bonding between peptide bonds in different strands of the beta sheet.
                    Pleated due to maintaining the planarity of the peptide bonds.
                b.    R chains project above or below the pleated sheet
                c.    can run in parallel or in antiparallel arrays. antiparallel H-bonds linear and a little stronger. Mixed sheets also exist.
        D.    Tertiary Structure
            1.    considers all possible interactions of the side-chains of the amino acids
            2.    stabilized by hydrogen bonds, ionic interactions, hydrophobic interaction, and
                van der Waal's forces.
            3.    disulfide linkages between cysteines can also influence the tertiary structure
            4.    creates structural domains.
            5.    can also characterize functional domains that participate in particular protein functions.
        E.    Quarternary Structure
            1.    interacting subunits needed for a protein to function. (same or different) . Example: hemoglobin. 2 alpha and 2 beta subunits.
        F.    Prosthetic groups (e.g. heme in hemoglobin) often are part of active sites of enzymes or functional parts of
                They help provide the chemical environment for appropriate function.

   III.   Protein Folding and Function

      A.    Chaperones and Chaperonins
         1.    Chaperone proteins bind to exposed hydrophobic side chains on proteins to prevent
               their aggregation until the protein is fully translated.
            a.    They then use the energy of ATP to release from the protein which then can
                   fold correctly.
            b.    They also function to help denatured proteins refold correctly.
             c.    Multi step mechanism. Binds hydrophobic side-chain when ATP bound to the chaperone; second chaperone causes hydrolysis of ATP
                   to ADP and the first chaperone changes shape to sequester the polypeptide and allow it to fold; third protein forces out ADP from
                   first chaperone and ATP replaces it. Refolded protein is released.
        2.    Chaperonins are needed to help some proteins fold correctly.
            a.    They sequester the partially folded protein inside a barrel-like structure. Then a cap structure covers  the barrel allowing the protein  time to fold.
            b.    They then release it, using the energy of ATP.
    B.    Protein degredation
        1.    Some short-lived proteins or misfolded proteins are marked for degredation by sequences that are recognized
               by ubiquitinylating enzymes E1, E2, and E3.
            a.    These enzymes attach a polymer of repeating ubiquitins to the amino group attached tothe side chain of lysine residues in the protein. First E1 activates                     an ubiquitin by attaching to it through an E1 cysteine side chain. Then it transfers the ubiquitin to the E2E3 complex (ubiquitin ligase) which then
                      attaches the ubiquitin to the lysine described above. This process repeats again and again forming the polyubiquitin signal.
            b.    Other factors then bind these ubiquitins and bring the protein to a proteosome.
            c.    Within the core of the proteosome, the protein is degraded by proteases.
    C.   Importance of 3-D structure to protein function
        1.    The 3D structure of proteins allows the proper chemistry at the bindins site or active
               site of proteins.
        2. One example was the serine protease family.. Enzymes lower activation energy of reactions. Do not effect the delta G.
            a.    binding pocket for polypeptide determines the specificity of a particular serine protease.
             b.    active site has asp, his, and ser. Charge relay pulls a proton from his to asp. Proton then is pulled from ser to his.
            c.    activated ser then forms first transition state with substrate.
        3.    Lysozyme example of lowering activation energy.
            a.   Binding of oligosaccharide chain to lysozyme binding site induces strain and distortion in the sugar D.
             b.   Glutamic acid attacks the glycosidic bond while aspartic acid attackes the C 1 of sugar D. This breaks the glycosidic bond and covalently attaches
                   the asp to the C1.
             c.   Glu causes water to give its H to Glu's COOH group. The remaining OH from the water then attaches itself to the C1 of sugar D, causing the
                    release of asp. Reaction completed. Enzyme back to its original form.
D.    Allosteric regulation
        1.    Allosteric enzymes have both regulatory and catalytic subunits.They exist in either
               active or inactive configurations that are in equilibrium unless bound by regulators.
        2.    When regulators bind to the regulatory subunits of one form, that form is stabilized, shifting the equilibrium..
        3.    Usually used to regulate metabolic pathways.
        4.      These enzymes have quaternary structure.
         5.    Single-subunit enzymes can also work similarly, where a regulatory molecule can favor binding to the active form of an enzyme and stabilize the shape of                 the enzyme that favors substrate binding (positive regulation) or can stabilize the inactive form and thus make it less likely for the substrate to bind the                         active form (negative regulation.)
        6.       These differ from competitive inhibition which has a similarly structured competitior molecule that can bind the active site in place of the substrate if the
                  relative concentrations of competitor and substrate are altered.       

IV.    DNA Structure
    A.    The nucleotide
        1.    pyrimidines and purines in DNA and RNA (know which)
        2.    Ribose in RNA; deoxyribose in DNA
        3.    nucleoside monophosphates, diphosphates, triphosphates.
    B.    The DNA polymer
        1.    The phosphodiester bond
        2.    5'end defined
        3.    3'end defined
    C.    B-DNA
        1.    double-stranded
        2.    two antiparallel alpha helices
        3.    sugar-phosphates to the outside
        4.    bases to the inside
        5.    bases hydrogen bond: A and T; C and G
        6.    bases of a strand also interact by hydrophobic interactions
        7.    about 10 base pairs per turn of the helix
        8.    major and minor grooves
    D.    Evidence for B-DNA structure
        1.    X-ray crystallography patterns.
        2.    Chargaff's experiments: conc. of A equals T; conc. of C equals G in all DNAs
        3.    Linus Pauling's description of protein alpha-helix stabilized by hydrogen bonds
        4.    DNA loses viscosity when heated (hydrogen bonds involved); density suggested two strands.
    E.    Other structures exist in cells also.
    F.    Chromatin structure
        1.    Nucleosomes
            a.    Histone octamer (2 each of H2A, H2B, H3, H4) with 146 base pairs of DNA wound around twice
        2.    Linkers of DNA connecting nucleosomes, average of 200 base pairs, variable.
        3.    HI bound to linker regions
            a.    helps fold the chromatin into a 30nm fiber or solenoid

V.    DNA Replication
    A.    Overall
        1.    Semi-conservative (one parental template strand and one new daughter strand become double-stranded
              DNA molecule.
        2.    DNA polymerase is the major enzyme involved.
    B.    Properties of DNA polymerases
        1.    Require a pre-existing 3'OH to which to attach the incoming dNTP.
        2.    Need a template strand
            a.    base-pairs the incoming nucleotide to the template strand to select the correct one.
        3.    Can have three activities
            a    domain where the 5'-3' polymerizing reaction is catalyzed
            b.    domain where the 3'-5' exonuclease activity is
                - involved in the proofreading mechanism that removes incorrectly added nucleotides
            c.    domain where the 5'-3' exonuclease activity is
                - involved in removing the RNA primers and in DNA repair mechanisms. In eukaryotes, this activity
                    may be provided by a separate molecule.
    C.    Types of DNA polymerases
        1.    Eukaryotic
            a.    DNA polymerase alpha: begins the synthesis of the Okazaki fragments and first leading strands.
            b.    DNA polymerase delta: synthesizes the leading strand and most of the lagging strand.
            c.    DNA polymerase beta: works during DNA repair
    D.    Replication Fork
        1.    New DNA polymers grow 5'-3'
        2.    Leading strand grows continuously
        3.    Lagging strand grows discontinuously using Okazaki fragments
        4.    DNA helicase melts the hydrogen bonds between the bases to open the fork
        5.    Primase makes a short RNA primer to begin each new strand.
        6.    DNA ligase connects the Okazaki fragments by making the last, untemplated, phosphodiester bond.
        7.    Ligase reaction is two-step reaction.
            a.    Pyrophosphate removed from ATP and AMP attached to the 5'P..
            b.    AMP removed and phosphodiester bond made between the 5'P and the 3'OH of the other nucleotide.
        8.    Topoisomerase works ahead of the replication fork, relieving torsional strain
            a.    Covalently links to the phosphate of one of the phosphodiester bonds, thus breaking that DNA polymer
            b.    Helix unwinds through the nick, relieving the strain.
            c.    Topoisomerase then reforms the original phosphodiester bond.
        9.    Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (RPA) attach to the lagging strand as DNA helicase melts the hydrogen
                bonds, keeping the region single stranded until the replication apparatus moves through.
        10.    PCNA and RPC work with DNA polymerase delta on the leading strand to increase its processivity, allowing
                the synthesis to be continuous.
        11.    It is believed that DNA polymerase delta actually proofreads both strands during DNA replication.
        12.    In three dimensions, the lagging strand winds around the DNA polymerase to facilitate the priming of new
                Okazaki fragments.
        13.    We believe that the primase function associates with DNA polymerase alpha.
    E.    Initiation of DNA replication
        1.    occurs at origins of replication
            a.    palindromic sequences that interact with initiator protein.
        2.    initiator protein melts the double helix at the origin of replication allowing the helicase- primase-DNA
                polymerase alpha complex to load on
        3.    A replication fork begins, moving in one direction from the origin
        4.    Shortly, a second replication fork begins in the opposite direction.
        5.    DNA polymerase delta quickly replaces alpha on the leading strands of both replication forks once the
                priming and initial synthesis is done.
        6.     This is called bidirectional DNA synthesis and creates replication bubbles
        7.    Replication continues until two oppositely moving bubbles meet each other.
        8.    The ends of eukaryotic DNA chromosomes must be copied by an unusual reaction
                involving DNA telomerase (a type of reverse transcriptase).
            a.    telomerase contains an RNA with base sequence complementary to the telomeres.
            b.    telomerase adds DNA nucleotides using its RNA as a template, up to position 35, then displaces the
                   upstream section of the copy and reanneals to the RNA template.
            c.    after displacement of the newly made section, the process repeats sequentially, extending the telomere.

IV.    DNA repair

        1.    nucleotide excision repair in mammals:
            a.    used to remove bulky lesions such as thymine dimers(e.g.covalently linked thymines on one strand).
            b.    proteins recognize and bind the lesion, initially distorting the double-helix
            c.    TFIIH and associated helicases binds and uses its helicase activity to open up the helix surrounding the lesion.
            d.    RPA and XP-G bind, further stabilizing the opened region.
            e.    XP-G and XP-F endonucleases cut on either side of the lesion, releasing a fragment 24-32 bp.
            f.    DNA polymerase and ligase fill in the gap and complete the last bond.

    2.     base excision repair
            a.    used when spontaneous deaminations occur.
            b.    Recognized by a DNA glycosylase that breaks the N-glycosyl bond between the base and the C1 of the
            c.    Then APE1 endonuclease  cuts the phosphodiester bond to the 5' side of the lesion.
            d.    Then the Deoxyribose phosphodiesterase activity removes remaining deoxyribose.
            e.    Then DNA polymeras and ligase fill in the gap and complete the last bond.

    3.      Mismatch repair
            a.    Used  to repair mismatched base pairs shortly after DNA replication.
             b.    In bacteria, MutS and MutL mark the mismatch on the parental strand by recognizing its methylation. In eukaryotes it may be recognizing the strand                         that contains many nicks due to Okazaki fragments that have not yet been joined.
                    Then MutH cleaves the newly replicated strand and MutS, Mut L, helicase and an exocnuclease chew away the strand, including the mismatched                             region.
            c.   Gap filled in by DNA polymerase and ligase.

4.      Repair of double-stranded DNA breaks.

          a.   Non-homologous recombination method that removes any overhanging nucleotides, producing blunt ends that are ligated together. Deletions result.
          b.   Homologous recombination method that uses the information on a sister chromatid to replace the damaged region accurately. Can only occur during cell                 cycle stages that have a sister chromatid present.