Review Sheet for Exam Two
                                                             Dr. Florence Schmieg
                                                             BISC207, Fall 2004

I.    Cellular respiration

        A.    Series of metabolic pathways that allow cells to generate ATP to be used as an
                energy source.

        B.    Involves the transfer of energy from one source to another in the form of

                1.    Sometimes the electrons are transfered as a Hydrogen atom.
                2.    Sometimes the electrons are transfered directly as electrons.
                3.    The removal of electrons ( or H atoms) is called oxidation. The molecule is
                        said to be oxidized.
                4.    The addition of electrons (or H atoms) is called reduction. The molecule is said to
                        be reduced.
                5.     Both things must occur. This is a redox reaction (oxidation-reduction) reaction.

        C.    During cellular respiration, energy is removed from organic molecules by redox reactions
                and transferred to co-enzymes that store it temporarily.

        D.    Some of the energy goes directly to form ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation.

                1.    This involves the direct transfer of a Phosphate from an intermediate molecule to
                        ADP, making ATP. This is enzyme catalyzed.

        E.    All respiratory pathways begin with Glycolysis. It takes place in the cytoplasm.

                1.   Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose to two pyruvate molecules.
                2.    The net gain is two molecules of ATP and two molecules of NADH (reduced
                        coenzyme, temporarily storing energy.
                3.    The ATP comes from substrate-level phosphorylation; the NADH comes from a
                        redox reaction.
                4.    The first half of the pathway is endergonic, using up two ATP. The second half
                        is very exergonic, creating the NADH and four ATP.

        F.    Some organisms can only make ATP using the glycolysis pathway.

                1.    These cell types must undergo a fermentation pathway to regenerate the NAD+
                        needed to continue another round of glycolysis.
                2.    There are two types of fermentation, alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid
                        fermentation. Both waste much potential energy in the organic molecules are
                         not completely oxidized by this process.
                3.    alcoholic fermentation
                        a.    Takes pyruvate, removes carbon in the form of carbon dioxide creating
                                a molecule that is then reduced to ethanol as NADH is oxidized back to
                        b.    Now glycolysis can continue again
                        c.    This process produces only 2 ATP per glucose molecule entering glycolysis.
                        d.     Used in baking bread (yeast produce carbon dioxide) and in making
                                alcoholic beverages (organisms produce the ethanol).
                4.    lactic acid fermentation
                        a.    Takes pyruvate, reduces it to lactic acid while oxidizing NADH to NAD+.
                        b.    Now glycolysis can continue.
                        c.    Produces only 2 ATP per glucose molecule entering glycolysis.
                        d.    Cause of cramping during excessive use of skeletal muscles which, in absence
                                of oxygen, switch to this fermentation process for a little more ATP.

        G.    Aerobic respiration

                1.  Involves a complex series of reactions that ultimately require oxygen. They take place
                      in the mitochondria.
                2.    The first part is the Gateway reactions. They take place in the matrix.
                        a.    Takes the two pyruvate from glycolysis, removes a carbon as carbon dioxide
                                from each and oxidizes the product to acetyl. 2 NAD+ reduced to 2NADH.
                        b.    Coenzyme A enters. Creates 2 Acetyl Coenzyme A molecules.
                        c.    The Acetyl groups are transfered to the Krebs Cycle by addition of these
                                two carbons to oxaloacetate creating citric acid.
                3.    The Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
                        a.    This is a series of sequential reactions that forms a continuous cycle,
                                receiving the two carbons (acetyl group) from the gateway reaactions and
                                gradually oxidizing them, forming many reduced coenzymes in the process
                                and giving off carbon dioxide. It takes place in the matrix.
                        b.    Some ATP is also made directly by substrate-level phosphorylation.
                        c.    The net gain during one cycle is 2 ATP, 6 NADH, and 2 FADH2.
                        d.    All of these represent energy coming from the one entering glucose molecule
                                that started glycolysis.
                        e.    The oxidation of glucose is completed here.
                        f.    Much energy remains in the reduced coenzymes, NADH and FADH2
                               that came from glycolysis, the gateway reactions, and the Krebs cycle.
                        g.    This energy will be used to generate much ATP during the last stages of
                               aerobic respiration: electron transport, chemiosmosis, and oxidative
                        h.    The Krebs Cycle intermediates serve as entry points for many other cellular
                                metabolites into the respiratory pathway to contribute to energy production.
                                Also, some enter at earlier steps during glycolysis or the gateway reactions.
                        i.       Some intermediates also serve as starting points for the synthesis of other
                                molecules that the cell needs.
                        j.    At all levels, the enzymes catalyzing the reactions of glycolysis, Krebs, and the
                                the gateway reactions can be controlled by products produced during the
                                the reactions, or by ATP or ADP themselves.
                4.    Electron transport chain
                        a.    NADH and FADH2 transfer the electrons they gained when reduced to carrier
                                molecules in the electron transport chain, located in the inner membrane of
                                the mitochondria.
                        b.    The electrons are passed down an electrochemical gradient from carrier to
                                carrier, gradually losing energy at each step. The carriers are sequentially
                                reduced (gain the electrons) and then oxidized (lose the electrons).
                                - some of these carriers are called cytochromes.
                        c.    The final electron acceptor is oxygen. As it accepts the electrons from the
                                last carrier molecule in the chain, the oxygen is reduced to water.
                5.     Chemiosmosis
                        a.    As the energy is released during electron transport, it is used by carrier
                                molecules to actively transport protons (hydrogen ions) from
                               the matrix across the inner mitochondrial membrane into the outer compartment
                                (between inner and outer membrane of the mitochondria).
                        b.    This creates a concentration gradient for the hydrogen ions. Potential energy
                                is stored in this gradient.
                        c.    Located in the inner mitochondrial membrane are ATP synthase enzymes
                                that perform two functions.
                                - they form a channel that allows the diffusion of the hydrogen ions with the
                                   favorable concentration gradient across the membrane back into the matrix.
                                - they couple the energy released by the return of the hydrogen ions to the
                                   endergonic reaction ADP + P making ATP.
                        d.        This process of using the energy stored in a concentration gradient to
                                    to fuel and endergonic chemical reaction is called chemiosmosis.

                6.    Oxidative phosphorylation
                        a.    When ATP is made in the above mechanism, it is said to be made by
                                oxidative phosphorylation.
                        b.    This emphasizes the inter-relatedness of the various parts of the process.
                        c.    Ultimately, the presence of oxygen was necessary to receive the electrons or
                                the entire chain would back up and no further ATP production could take
                                place. There would be no active transport possible, therefore no concentration
                                gradient, therefore no chemiosmosis, therefore no energy for the endergonic
                                reaction to make ATP.
                        d.     The total yield of ATP is:    The 2 NADH from glycolysis each give 2 ATP.
                                The other 8 NADH give 3 ATP each. The two FADH2 each give 2 ATP.
                                This gives a total of 36 ATP from one glucose entering glycolyis in a
                                eukaryotic cell (remember we also made 4 total ATP by substrate-level

II.    Photosynthesis

        A.    This is the process by which the energy of sunlight is used to synthesize organic molecules
            from atmospheric carbon dioxide.

        B.    It takes place in the chloroplast of the plant cell.

                1.    organisms containing cells that can photosynthesize are called autotrophs.
                2.    organisms that cannot photosynthesize are called heterotrophs.

        C.    The process of photosynthesis is divided into the light reactions and the light-independent
                reactions (dark reactions).

        D.    The Light Reactions

                1.    Take place in a special structure within the chloroplast called the thylakoid.
                        a.    The exterior is bounded by the thylakoid membrane and there is an interior
                                section called the thylakoid interior.
                        b.    Stacks of thylakoids are called grana.
                        c.    The chloroplast interior where the grana are found is called the stroma.
                2.    Located near the thylakoid membranes are the antenna complexes.
                        a.    These are networks of pigment molecules that can trap the energy of
                                sunlight by absorbing it at specific wavelengths.
                        b.    The accessory pigments in the complex pass the energy to a central location
                                called the reaction center which contains a special chlorophyll molecule.
                        c.    This chlorophyll at the reaction center absorbs the energy from the accessory
                                pigments and two of its electrons are excited and pass to a higher energy
                                level and out of the molecule.
                3.    The light reactions use two photosystems.
                        a.    Photosystem I contains chlorophyll P-700 at its reaction center.
                        b.    Photosystem II contains chlorophyll P-680 at its reaction center.
                4.    The light reactions generate the energy-rich molecules needed for the light-
                        independent reactions that make the organic molecules (glucose).
                        a.    ATP is needed and is made by a process called photophosphorylation.
                        b.    A reduced coenzyme, NADPH, is also needed.
                5.    There are two types of photophosphorylation mechanisms.
                        a.    Non-cyclic photophosphorylation generates both ATP and NADPH.
                        b.    Cyclic photophosphorylation generates only ATP.

    E.    Non-cyclic photophosphorylation

                1.    Uses both photosystems I and II.
                2.    Splits water.
                3.    Generates oxygen.
                4.    How it works:
                        a.    Sunlight is trapped by the antenna complex and the energy is transfered to
                                P-680 in photosystem II.
                        b.    The electrons from P-680 move into an electron transport system located in the
                                thylakoid membranes.
                        c.    The electrons pass down an electrochemical gradient releasing energy.
                        d.    The energy is used for the active transport of H+ (protons) from the stroma,
                                across the thylakoid membrane, into the thylakoid interior, creating a
                                concentration gradient.
                        e.    ATP synthetases in the thylakoid membranes allow the return of the H+ which
                                release energy that is used by the synthetase for chemiosmosis to make
                        f.    The electrons lost from P-680 are replaced as follows:
                                - water in the thylakoid interior is split.
                                - the hydrogens from the water give their electrons to P-680. Their H+ stay
                                    in the interior and participate in chemiosmosis.
                                - oxygen is given off as a by-product. It can be used by the cells for aerobic
                                    cellular respiration, but does not participate in photosynthesis.
                        g.    The electrons that came from P-680 move to P-700 in photosystem I.
                                - this will replace electrons lost from P-700 when it absorbs light energy from
                                    the antenna complex and excited electrons move to the electron transport
                        h.    The electrons from P-700 move to NADP reductase which uses them to
                                to reduce NADP+ to NADPH.

        F.    Cyclic photophosphorylation

                1.    Used to provide a little more ATP.
                2.    Not sufficient for the light-independent reactions because no NADPH is made.
                3.    No water is split or oxygen generated.
                4.    Uses only photosystem I.
                5.    The mechanism is as follows:
                        a.    Sunlight is absorbed and the energy transfered through the antenna complex
                                to P-700.
                        b.    P-700 loses electrons to the electron transport chain.
                        c.    The electrons move down an electrochemical gradient releasing energy.
                        d.    The energy is used to actively transport H+ across the thylakoid membrane
                                to the interior to be used in chemiosmosis.
                        e.    The electrons return to the stroma through ATP synthetase, releasing
                                energy which is used to make ATP by chemiosmosis.
                        f.    The electrons return back to P-700 from whence they came.

        G.    The Light-Independent Reactions (Dark Reactions)

                1.    These reactions use the ATP and NADPH made in the light reactions as the
                        energy to fuel the Calvin-Benson Cycle.
                2.    These reactions can occur in either the dark or in the light.
                3.    Overall, during the Calvin-Benson Cycle, 6 molecules of carbon dioxide from the
                        atmosphere are "fixed" to create one glucose molecule.
                4.    The mechanism is as follows:
                        a.    3 molecules of a 5-carbon containing molecule, ribulose biphosphate, has a carbon added
                                to it that comes from carbon dioxide. (total of 18 carbons)
                        b.    This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme ribulose biphosphate carboxylase,
                                known as rubisco.
                        c.    The 6-C containing intermediate made from this immediately breaks down
                                into two 3-C containing molecules. (still 18 carbons)
                        d.    The 6 3-C containing molecules are altered by endergonic reactions that
                                require ATP and NADPH. (still 18 carbons)
                        e.    They eventually form 6 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. (still 18 carbons)
                        f.    One leaves the cycle to become a glucose precursor. (3 carbons)
                        g.    The cycle must run twice to produce 2 glyceraldehyde-phosphates in order
                                to eventually make one glucose (needs 6 carbons)
                        h.    The remaining glyceraldehyde-3-phosphates in the cycle (15 carbons) are used to make
                                 the 5C containing molecules that will ultimately regenerate
                                the ribulose biphosphate that is needed for the cycle to continue again.
                        i.    These later reactions also require ATP.

        H.    Problems with Photorespiration

                1.    Rubisco has an active site that can also bind to oxygen if carbon dioxide levels
                2.    This can happen in dry or hot conditions when the plant cell closes its stomata.
                3.    The oxygen that is "fixed" eventually is converted into a molecule that moves to
                        the microbody of the plant and is oxidized to a useless molecule, producing
                        oxygen and carbon dioxide in the process. This is photorespiration.
                4.    C3 plants that use only the Calvin-Benson Cycle for photosynthesis must live
                        with a certain amount of energy lost to photorespiration.
                5.    C4 plants have solved this problem by having 2 photosynthetic cell types. In mesophyll, carbon
                        dioxide is first fixed into a 4 carbon compound that is shunted into underlying bundle sheath cells
                        that release the carbon dioxide and use it in a normal Calvin-Benson cycle.
                6.    CAM plants have another solution to this problem. They fix carbon dioxide at night into a 4 carbon
                        molecule and in the day they release it for use in a normal Calvin Benson cycle.

   III.    The Cell Cycle

        A.    Consists of the phases G1, S, G2, and M.  G1, S, and G2 make up Interphase.
            1.    During Interphase, the DNA is not visible.
            2.    DNA in eukaryotic cells is in the form of chromatin, DNA complexed with histone
            3.    Only during M phase is the DNA visible.

        B.    During G1, the cell makes the decision to divide or not. It grows and makes special
                proteins to use during S phase.
            1. cdks are protein kinases. When complexed with a cyclin they become active, phosphorylating their
                targets, and pushing the cell cycle forward.
            2. An important point in G1 (Restriction point (R)), is where the DNA is examined for any errors. If there are
                none, then the cdk/cyclin complex phosphorylates Rb (retinoblastoma), preventing its binding to proteins
                involved in DNA synthesis-related events. They can then move the cell cycle into S phase
            3. If the DNA is damaged, synthesis of an inhibitor to the cdk/cyclin is made (for example, p21). This binds
                to the complex preventing it from phosphorylating Rb. The cell cycle does not progress.

        C.    During S phase the cell copies all of the chromosomal DNA identically.

        D.    During G2 the cell checks if S phase is finished and then prepares for cell division
                by growing some more and making more specialized proteins for mitosis or meiosis.

        E.    M stands for mitosis or meiosis.
              1.    M is the phase that describes the nuclear division during cell division.

IV.    Mitosis

        A.    Cells enter mitosis with 2 chromatids for each chromosome, the result of DNA replication
                during S phase.
                   1.    The two chromatids are held together by centromeres and are called sister
                   2.    For a diploid organism, before S phase, there are two homologous chromosomes
                        for each of the somatic (non-sex) chromosomes and two sex chromosomes, XX for
                       females and XY for males.
                   3.    Homologous chromosomes contain the same genes but can have different forms of
                       those genes.
                   4.    After S phase, we use the term chromatid to describe the four copies of the
                          different chromosomes, the two sets of sister chromatids.

        B.    The first phase of mitosis is called Prophase.
                 1.    During prophase the DNA condenses and becomes visible under light
                   2.    During prophase the centrosomes (which can contain centrioles) move to opposite
                           sides of the cell and a spindle apparatus made up of microtubules forms.
                   3.    During later prophase into early metaphase, the spindle attaches to the
                           centromeres of the sister chromatids at the kinetochores. There are two
                           kinetochores per sister chromatid pair, one on either side of the centromere.
               4.    During later prophase the nuclear envelope degrades. (Often called prometaphase).

        C.    The second phase of mitosis is called Metaphase.

                1.    During metaphase, the spindle fibers pull on the kinetochores, moving the sister
                       chromatids to the equator of the cell, called the metaphase plate.
                        a.    The sister chromatids align, one on either side of the plate.

        D.    The third phase of mitosis is called Anaphase.
                   1.    During anaphase the spindle fibers attached to the kinetochores shorten.
                   2.    As the fibers shorten, the centromeres of each sister chromatid set divide and
                       the sister chromatids move to opposite sides of the cell.

        E.    The fourth phase of mitosis is called Telophase.
                   1.    During telophase, the separated chromatids have a new nucleus form around
                         them, one on either side of the cell.
                        a.    This completes mitosis, the division of the nucleus.

        F.    Some cells also divide their cytoplasms now by cytokinesis.
                   1.    This will produce two completely separate cells.
                    2.    Some species or cell types do not undergo cytokinesis following mitosis.
                        a.    An example is human skeletal muscle

V.     Meiosis

        A.    Sexually reproducing organisms must produce haploid cells called gametes.

        B.    Female gametes are called eggs (ova); Male gametes are called sperm.

        C.    During the process of fertilization, the egg and sperm unite to produce the zygote, a 2n

        D.    The process of meiosis begins with a diploid germ cell that undergoes an S phase
                thus producing sister chromatids held together by a centromere, similar to what preceeds

        E.     The two sets of sister chromatids representing the original homologous chromosomes,
                one inherited from the father (paternal) and the other from the mother (maternal) stay
                associated with one another, forming a tetrad or bivalent.

        F.    The cell now enters the first meiotic division, called Meiosis I.
                1.    The first phase of Meiosis I is called Prophase I.
                        a.    In early to mid prophase the homologs in the tetrads undergo synapsis.
                               - This is the intimate, close alignment of the homologs.
                        b.    This allows the homologs to engage in crossing-over.
                              - This is the exact exchange of genetic information between the homologs,
                                known as recombination.
                        c.    In late prophase, the evidence of a crossing-over event can be seen by the
                                presence of chiasmata on the chromosomes.
                        d.    Meiosis also involves the formation of a spindle apparatus, etc. exactly as
                               described for mitosis.This occurs in prophase I.
                2.    The second phase of Meiosis I is called Metaphase I.
                        a.    The tetrads align on the metaphase plate such that one sister-chromatid pair is
                               on one side and the other on the opposite side.
                        b.    The alignment is random. Maternal or paternal homolgs can be on either
                                side. This is called independent assortment.
                3.    The third phase of Meiosis I is called Anaphase I.
                        a.    The sister chromatids are pulled to opposite sides of the cell.
                4.    The fourth phase of Meiosis I is called Telophase I.
                        a.    In some species, a nucleus reforms around the sister-chromatids on either
                               side of the cell. Some do not do this. Some have a cytokinesis, others not.
                        b.    The two "cells" produced are actually haploid in that they contain only one
                               of the original homologs but they they have two sister

        G.    Each cell now enters the second meiotic division called Meiosis II.
                1.    The events of Meiosis II are very similar to those of Mitosis.
                2.    There is no S phase preceeding Meiosis II.
                3.    The phases of Meiosis II are Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, and
                        Telophase II.
                        a.    The sister-chromatids moving through these phases act exactly like those that
                                move through Mitosis.
                        b.    The centromeres split during Anaphase II and the sister chromatids move into
                                separate cells during Telophase II as a result.
                4.    The final result is the production of 4 gametes that are haploid.
                        a.    All 4 will differ from each other because of recombination during Prophase I
                                and independent assortment of paternal vs. maternal homologs along the
                                metaphase plate during Metaphase I.