Review Sheet, Exam Three
                                                           BISC207  Fall, 2004
I.   Genetics

    A.    Mendel's first experiment.

        1.    The two alleles (forms of a gene) for a trait segregate into separate gametes.

        2.    Start with true-breeding parental pea plants.
                a.    homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive

        3.    Cross the parentals, obtain F1 (first filial) generation.
                a.    all heterozygous (one dominant and one recessive allele)

        4.    Allow the F1 to self-fertilize.
                a.    Obtain a 3:1 ratio of dominant to recessive phenotypes (what you see).
                b.    Obtain 1 homozygous dominant, 2 heterozygous, and 1 homozygous recessive
                        for every four possible genotypes (the actual alleles inherited).

    B.    Mendel's dihybrid cross.

        1.    Two genes assort independently during meiosis.

        2.    Start with true-breeding parental plants for both characteristics.

        3.    Cross the parentals, obtain F1 heterozygotes for both genes.

        4.    After self-fertilization, F2 showed 50% parental and 50% recombinant genotypes.

        5.    The phenotypes were 9 (both dominant parentals): 3 (1 dominant and 1 recessive
               recombinant): 3 (1 recessive and 1 dominant recombinant): 1 (both recessive parentals).

        6.    Can determine inheritance patterns by Punnett Square or mathematically by multiplying
                individual probabilities together.

    C.    Test Cross

        1.    Can determine the genotype of an unknown dominant phenotype by crossing the
                unknown with a homozygous recessive and observing phenotype of offspring.
                a.    If offspring are 50% dominant and 50% recessive, the unknown was heterozygous.
                b.    If offspring have 100% dominant, the unknown was homozygous dominant.

    D.    Non-Mendelian Inheritance

        1.    incomplete dominance
                a.    Heterozygote shows intermediate phenotype.
                b.    example:    pink snapdragon color

        2.    co-dominance
                a.    Heterozygote equally expresses both alleles.
                b.    examples:    AB blood type and sickle-cell allele carriers.

        3.    Some phenotypes are determined by polygenetic inheritance.
                a.    One  phenotype caused by more than one gene.
                b.    example:    human eye color

        4.    Some genes have more than one phenotype that they effect. This is pleitropy.
                a.    example: sickle-cell allele helps malaria resistance in heterozygotes, causes the
                        disease in homozygotes.

        5.    In a population, more than 2 alleles are possible. (Only 2 from this pool will enter one
                individual). Called a multiple-allelic series
                a.    example: human blood type alleles (A, B, i)

        6.    Genetic linkage
                a.    When genes are carried on the same chromosome they display linkage.
                b.    They can only be separated from one another by crossing-over and recombination.
                c.    The greater the percentage of recombination (recombination frequency) the
                        farther apart on a chromosome the genes lie.
                d.    If recombination frequency = 0, genes are completely linked. Usually means
                        they are the same gene.
                e.    If recombination frequency = 50% or greater, genes are unlinked. Usually
                        means they are on different chromosomes.
                 f.    If recombintion freqencey is between 0 and 50%, genes are partially linked.

        7.    Sex-linkage

                a.    All genes carried on the X and Y chromosomes are hemizygous in the male.
                        - means there is no corresponding homologous chromosome with that gene
                b.    Females must be homozygous recessive for a mutated gene carried on the X
                        chromosome for it to have an effect.
                c.    Females can be carriers for mutant genes on the X chromosome.
                        - have one normal (wild-type) allele and one mutant allele.
                d.    Males always show the effect of a mutated gene carried on the X chromosome.
                e.    There can be sex-linked genes carried on the Y chromosome but they are rare.
                        -these could never be seen in a female, because she has no Y chromosome.

    8.    Other things to remember.

    1.    Not all mutations are recessive, there are many examples of mutated alleles that are
            dominant. We did not study any specific examples of these.

    2.    The terms dominant and recessive actually refer to the function of the protein produced by
            the gene. Recessive alleles, therefore, usually make a non-functional protein.

II.    Experimental evidence for DNA as the genetic material:

    A. Bacterial transformation of R strain cells by killed S strain cells produced live S strain cells. (Frederick

    B.    Hershey-Chase experiment using 35 S (into proteins) or 32 P (into DNA)  radioactively labeled
            bacteriophage. Radioactivity found in the infected cell pellet (DNA) not in the supernatant (protein).

III.   DNA structure

    A.    DNA is made up of nucleotides.

                1.    Nucleotides consist of a nitrogenous organic base, either pyrimidine or purine,
                        a 5 carbon sugar called a ribose, and one, two, or three phosphates.

                2.    The pyrimidines in DNA are either thymine or cytosine. The purines are either
                        adenine or guanine. In RNA, the pyrimidine uracil is found, not thymine.

                3.    The ribose in DNA is deoxy-ribose, meaning the number 2 carbon has only H,
                        not OH  attached. In RNA, the nucleotides have OH at carbon 2 of the ribose.

    B.   The 5' Phosphate of the incoming nucleotide is linked to the 3'OH of the nucleotide
           that has just been added to the growing polymer.

    C.    The first nucleotide in the polymer has a free 5' Phosphate and defines the 5'end of
            the DNA polymer.

    D.    The last nucleotide in the polymer has a free 3' OH and defines the 3' end of the polymer.

    E.    The most common overall structure of DNA is:

            1.    Two right-handed alpha helices wind around each other in antiparallel orientation.
                    a.    5'-3' on one DNA polymer strand; 3'-5' on the other.
                    b.    The winding creates alternate major and minor grooves.

            2.    The polymers are held together by hydrogen bonding between bases of one polymer
                    and bases of the other polymer.
                    a.    Adenine (A) bonds to Thymine (T); Guanine (G) bonds to Cytosine (C).

            3.    The bases lie in the interior of the double-helix, perpendicular to its axis.

            4.    The sugar-phosphate backbone is at the exterior of the double-helix.

            5.    Evidence for this structure came from
                a.    Chargaff's Rules: concentration of A = T and of C=G in all species of DNA
                b.    Viscous (thick) DNA becomes fluid when heated.   (Suggested H bonds)
                c.    x-ray crystallography of DNA showed repeated patterns.

            6.    A nucleosome is 146 base pairs of DNA wound twice around a histone octamer. These are
                    separated by DNA linker regions without nucleosomes. This is the structure of chromatin
                    in eukaryotic nuclei.
                a.    this can be further folded up into a 30-nanometer fiber

IV.    DNA replication

        A.    DNA replicates by a semi-conservative mechanism.

        B.    One parental DNA strand serves as the template for a newly synthesized strand
                that is complementary and antiparallel.

            1.    The bases are complementary, an A in the parental strand will cause a T to be put
                    at that location in the daughter strand, etc.

            2.    The new strand grows in a 5'-3- direction.

            3.    The enzyme, DNA polymerase, catalyzes the polymerization reaction.

            4.    Each new strand must be "primed" using a short RNA primer, put there by the
                    enzyme primase.

            5.    A replication fork forms where the new strands are growing.

            6.    The parental strand that is 3'-5' relative to the replication fork can be replicated
                    in a continuous fashion.
                    a.    The daugher strand is called the leading strand.

            7.    The parental strand that is 5'-3' relative to the replication fork can only be
                    replicated discontinuously.
                    a.    Short strands grow 5'-3' from the fork. They are called Okazaki fragments.
                    b.    The Okazaki fragments are later connected to one another using DNA ligase.

            8.    To melt the original double stranded DNA molecule requires DNA helicase.

            9.    To keep the unreplicated DNA from tangling up as the replication fork progresses
                    requires DNA topoisomerase.

            10.    DNA replication begins at an origin of replication (ori) where an initiator protein
                     binds and gets things started.
                    a.    Two replication forks move from the ori in opposite directions to speed up DNA
                           synthesis. This produces a replication bubble.

V.     Genes code for the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.

                    1.    The code is a triplet code where the three sequential bases in a DNA molecule
                            determine one amino acid that should be put into a growing polypeptide.
                            a.    These are called codons.

                    2.    There are three codons that mean STOP. One codon, AUG means START.
                            a.    The START codon sets the reading frame.
                            b.    The START codon always codes for methionine.
                            c.    If the reading frame is not read accurately, a frameshift mutation results.

VI.    The DNA code is copied into a single-stranded RNA molecule called
                    messenger RNA (mRNA).

                    1.    This process is called transcription.

                    2.    RNA polymerase is the enzyme that catalyzes the polymerization reaction that
                           makes the mRNA polymer (pre-mRNA or the primary RNA transcript in eukaryotic cells).

                    3.    Ribonucleotide triphosphates are attached using the energy from removal
                            of a PP from the incoming nucleotide.

                    4.    The 5' Phosphate of the incoming nucleotide is linked to the 3'OH of the
                            nucleotide just added to the growing polymer, similar to DNA replication.

                    5.    Only one DNA strand is used as the template.

                    6.    The mRNA strand is made in the 5'-3' direction.

                    7.    The mRNA is antiparallel and complementary to the template DNA strand.

                    8.    The base uracil in the mRNA is specified by adenine in the template
                            strand. All other pairings are as they are in DNA-DNA pairings.

                    9.    A promoter is a regulatory region in the DNA, usually preceeding the gene,
                           that is the site where RNA polymerase binds to the DNA and is directed to
                           where it should begin making the mRNA molecule.

                    10.    The pre-mRNA molecule in eukaryotic cells is processed after it has been made.
                              a.    A Cap is attached to the 5'end. It is an unusual G containing nucleotide.
                                     - it helps set the reading frame and in mRNA transport to the cytoplasm.
                              b.    A poly-A tail is attached to the 3' end.
                                      - it helps in transport out of the nucleus to the cytoplasm and during
                                        protein synthesis. It increases mRNA stability.
                               c.    Non-coding intervening sequences called introns in the mRNA are
                                        removed by a process called splicing. The  remaining coding
                                        sequences, called exons, are attached to one another during the
                                        splicing reaction.

                    11.    Once this is finished, the mRNA is sent into the cytoplasm to be used for
                             protein synthesis.

                    12.    Evidence for introns was found by observing electron microscope pictures of hybrids between
                            template DNA strand for globing gene with its mRNA. Looped out region was the intron.

VII.        Protein synthesis is done by a process called translation.

                1.    Translation requires a particle called the ribosome.
                        a.    Ribosomes consist of one large subunit and one small subunit.
                        b.    Each subunit contains RNA molecules called ribosomal RNAs.
                                (rRNA) and many ribosomal proteins.
                        c.    Ribosomes contain the enzymes, both in protein and RNA form, that
                               catalyze the events of translation that lead to peptide bond formation and
                               a completed, accurate polypeptide.

                2.    The amino acids that will be attached to the polypeptide are first loaded onto a
                        small RNA molecule called transfer RNA (tRNA).
                        a.    This reaction is called "charging".
                        b.    It is catalyzed by an enzyme called amino acyl tRNA synthetase.
                        c.    The enzyme specifically attaches the correct amino acid to the 3'end of the
                                tRNA molecule.
                        d.    The tRNA is in a cloverleaf structure, stabilized by hydrogen bonds between
                                complementary bases within the tRNA molecule.
                        e.    One of the loops so formed is the anticodon loop which has the three
                                nucleotide sequence called the anticodon that is complementary and
                                antiparallel to the codon of the mRNA molecule that specifies that amino
                                acid carried by the tRNA.

                3.    Translation begins with Initiation.
                        a.    The small ribosomal subunit interacts with the tRNA carrying methionine.
                        b.    It finds the Cap on the 5' end of the mRNA and moves over to the first AUG
                                that serves as the START codon. The anticodon and codon bind.
                        c.    The large subunit joins, making the functional ribosome.
                        d.    The ribosome now has a P site where the tRNA carrying methionine is
                                located and an A site covering the next codon on the mRNA.

                4.    The next phase of translation is called elongation.
                        a.    The next tRNA moves into the A site. The anticodon will interact with the
                        b.    The enzyme peptidyl transferase catalyzes the breaking of the bond holding
                                methionine to the tRNA at the AUG and attaches the methionine to the
                                amino acid carried by tRNA at the A site, creating a peptide bond.
                        c.    The first tRNA leaves the P site, exiting through the E site.
                        d.    The ribosome moves over one codon on the mRNA. This is called
                        e.    Now, the P site is at the tRNA previously at the A site and the A site
                                is now empty and situated over the third codon.
                        f.    The third tRNA carrying the amino acid coded for by the third codon moves
                                into the A site. Anticodon binds to codon.
                        g.    Peptidyl transferase breaks the bond between the second tRNA at the P site
                               and the two amino acids and attaches them to the amino acid on the tRNA at
                               the A site by a peptide bond.
                        h.    tRNA two leaves the P site, translocation occurs, and the A site is ready to
                                receive tRNA number 4.
                        i.    This process proceeds again and again sequentially until a stop codon is
                               located at the A site.

                5.    Protein synthesis ends by termination.
                        a.    There is no tRNA with an anticodon for a stop codon.
                        b.    A termination factor binds to the A site instead.
                        c.    Peptidyl transferase breaks the bond between the final tRNA at
                               the P site, adds water to the end of the polypeptide chain creating the
                               COOH terminus, and releases the polypeptide.

                6.    Many ribosomes (polyribosomes) are translating a single mRNA at the same
                        time, with the ones closer to the 3'end the farthest along.

                7.    In bacteria (prokaryotes) coupling of transcription and translation occurs since they
                        happen in the same place, the cytoplasm. As soon as transcription has begun,
                        translation will soon follow, even while transcription is still continuing.
                        Also, bacterial mRNAs can be polycistronic. More than one protein can be made from
                        different AUG start codons, preceeded by Shine-Dalgarno sequences. These bind to
                        the ribosomal RNA in complementary, antiparallel fashion, and direct the ribosome to the next AUG
                        to use as a start codon.

                8.    Cell membrane proteins, secreted proteins, lysosomal proteins, and secretory vesicle proteins
                        are synthesized on the rough ER membrane.
                        a.    they begin to be translated in the cytoplasm.
                        b.    a signal peptide is made first at the amino terminal end of the protein and this binds to the
                                signal recognition particle (SRP), halting translation
                        c.    the SRP binds to a receptor in the ER membrane, depositing the signal peptide in the memberane.
                        d.    the SRP leaves and translation continues, with the elongating polypeptide being pumped into the
                                ER lumen.
                        e.    the signal peptide is usually cleaved off, releasing the protein completely. Alternatively, it
                                can remain, anchoring the protein in the membrane and eventually it will become a cell membrane

                9.    Sickle cell anemia is caused by a  base-pair substitution point mutation in the protein, substituting a
                        non-polar amino acid for a negatively charged amino acid.
                        a.    Changes the 3D shape of the polypeptide.
                        b.    Caused by a single nucleotide change in the DNA causing an incorrect mRNA codon.
                        c.    Other point mutations include pase pair insertions or deletions (can cause nonsense, frameshift,
                               or loss of a codon mutations).
                        d.    Also can have base-pair substitutions that introduce stop codons. Some are silent and do not
                                cause a change in the protein.