COURSE POLICIES

In general:

As stated by Robert Fulghum in "Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten."

Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit other people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Wash your hands before eating.

In particular:


Everyone associated with this course should be treated with respect and give respect in return.  This includes your fellow students and the course professor.

Determination of Final Grade

The final grade is determined by the grading criteria described. Please take note that there is no
extra credit work allowed!


Attendance is required at all group sessions. Since each group member provides an essential piece of the work, it is important that he/she be present. Absence from a group session, other than for acceptable excuses, can cause the student to lose group-related points that contribute the final grade.

Attendance at lectures is not taken. However, it is the responsibility of the student to be sure that he/she knows what was discussed that day and if any changes to the syllabus or other announcements were made. Since lecture will frequently contain material that is not covered in the textbook or is presented using different examples than those the text uses, it is not a good idea to miss lectures. Also, there may be unannounced opportunities to meet with your groups or to participate in less formal interactive learning exercises at various times. Please make every effort to attend regularly.

Missed Exams

The examination dates are listed. They are unlikely to change. Please take note of them and try to be present. If you have an acceptable excuse for missing an exam, please see me within one week with documentation of that excuse. I schedule only one make-up exam day near the end of the semester for all missed exams with the exception of the last exam. There will not be any other opportunity to make-up these exams no matter what the reason. Therefore, it is to your benefit to take the exam at the scheduled time. The acceptable reasons for missing an exam include: serious illness of the student, with documentation; death of a member of the student's immediate family, also documented; absence from the campus due to an officially recognized student activity, for example, athletic team event or debate team championship. This should also be documented. There may be other, unlisted, reasons that are serious enough to merit an excused absence, but these are rare. It is up to the discretion of the course professor to decide what constitutes an excused absence. Often, you can gain the assistance of the Dean's Office in circulating a letter describing your unique situation to your course professors and requesting an excused absence for you. If you miss the last exam you will be given an Incomplete for the course. You will then have to schedule a make-up exam with me over the summer break.

Academic Honesty

We will enforce the University standard regulating student academic honesty. Read this section closely in your undergraduate student handbook. Remember that any piece of individual work to be handed in must be your own even if the data upon which it is based comes from a group effort.

Cell Phones and Headphones, etc.

Cell phones are NOT ALLOWED in class!! You will be asked to leave if a cell phone rings during class time. You are also not allowed to listen to music or use headphones during class or while taking an exam.

Have a good semester!


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