Link Here to go to Introductory Biology Website for B207, Fall, 2000

                                                     Welcome to Introductory Biology
                                                                  Fall, 1998

Instructor:    Dr. Florence Schmieg
Office:    207 McKinly Laboratory
Office Phone:    831-3533
e-mail:  or
Office Hours:    10-11 a.m. W and F or by appointment

Course Web Address:

Textbook:    Life, the Science of Biology, Purves, Orians, Heller,and Sadava, 1998, Fifth Edition, W.H. Freeman and Co.

                42%    3 Hourly Examinations worth 14% each
                20%    Cumulative Final Examination
                25%    Laboratory
                13%    Group Work

Please Note:    No Extra Credit Work Allowed!

Missed Exams:    You must see me within one week of missing an hourly exam with the reason and any accompanying documentation necessary. Acceptable reasons include: documented, serious illness; documented death or serious illness of a close family member; and documented absence from the University for official University business. Consult the course syllabus for the dates of scheduled examinations to avoid scheduling conflicts. All hourly exams are during normal class times. The final exam will be during finals week and the date, time, and location will be announced.

Academic Honesty:    Please read the official section in the Undergraduate Handbook. We will follow these published University guidelines.

Attendance:    Attendance is mandatory for the laboratory. Attendance is not taken at each lecture but will be taken during all scheduled group activities. Absence from group activities will result in a lower grade for that part of the course. Students who miss lecture are responsible for any announcements made that day and all material covered.

Studying Tips:    Do not allow yourself to fall behind. It is very hard to "catch-up". Realize that out of class time spent on the material being covered is essential to master that material. Try to make your studying an active rather than a passive experience. Suggestions include summarizing either verbally or in written form your understanding of the material; composing self-tests; and mini-lectures that you give to a friend. There are any number of ways to do this. You may tape record the class if you wish. Resources include myself, the laboratory TAs, and group or individual tutors. The Academic Services Center can help you with both types of tutoring. Their telephone number is 831-2805.


The syllabus is a tentative schedule of the topics we will be covering. We will try to keep to the schedule as closely as we can. It is not absolute. However, the scheduled examination days are unlikely to change. Please plan accordingly. The readings indicate where you can find the topics discussed in the textbook. These are not assignments! They are listed so that you can use the material as an additional resource to learn from.We will not cover all of the material in the assigned chapters.You are responsible for only that which we are learning in class.

Date        Topic                                                        Related Reading

9-2        Getting Started
9-4        Review of some chemistry                            Chapter 2
9-7        Labor Day, No class
9-9        Biological Molecules                                    Chapter 3
9-11      Biological Molecules
9-14      Group Work
9-16      Cells                                                            Chapter 4
9-18      Cell Membranes                                           Chapter 5
9-21      Cell Membranes
9-23      Group Work
9-25      Review for Exam 1
9-28      Exam 1
9-30      Energy and Enzymes                                    Chapter 6
10-2      Energy and Enzymes
10-5      Energy and Enzymes
10-7      Cellular Respiration                                      Chapter 7
10-9      Cellular Respiration
10-12    Photosynthesis
10-14    Photosynthesis                                              Chapter 8
10-16    Photosynthesis
10-19    Group Work
10-21    Review for Exam 2
10-23    Exam 2
10-26    Cell Division                                                  Chapter 9
10-28    Cell Division
10-30    Cell Division                                                  also pages 859-862
11-2      Molecular Biology I                                       Chapter 11
11-4      Molecular Biology I
11-6      Molecular Biology II                                      Chapter 12
11-9      Group Work
11-11    Molecular Biology II                                       also pages 313-315; 316-318
11-13    Molecular Biology II
11-16    Review for Exam 3
11-18    Exam 3
11-20    Genetics                                                        Chapter 10
11-23    Genetics
11-25    No Class
11-27    No Class
11-30    Genetics
12-2      Group Work
12-4      Genetics
12-7      Evolution                                                        Chapter 20
12-9      Group Work and Wrap-Up

Final Review Session:    Thursday, Dec. 10, 10-12. Kirkbride 004

The Final Exam location and time will be announced. Since both of my 207 sections will take this exam together, the University will determine where and when this will take place and publish this in the Special Exam Schedule on the Final Exam Schedule form. I will know this information well before the University publishes it and will inform you in a timely fashion. Please do not schedule to leave the University until you know this date and time. You must attend the Final Exam or get an incomplete for the course.

                                                                Group Work

The Group Work component of your B207 grade will be determined from four problems that you and your group will work on during the semester. The details of this will be explained to you in class. A component of the evaluation determining this 13% will be peer-review, whereby your fellow group members will be asked to evaluate your contribution to the group's efforts. A group grade will also be given for each problem. Individual evaluation will be done as part of your hourly exams, where a few questions relevant to the group work will be included.

Link to Problem One

Link to Problem Two

Link to Problem Three

Link to Problem Four

                                                           B207 Laboratory

The laboratory is worth 25% towards the final grade in the course. The following components will determine the laboratory grade.

                                            25%     Quizzes (6 taken, drop the lowest)
                                            30%    Lab Notebook ( Will include abstracts of 6 procedures)
                                            20%    Laboratory Report on Investigative Lab
                                            20%    Final Lab Practical Exam
                                             5%    TA Evaluation (can also include peer evaluations)

Details regarding the above will be given to you by your teaching assistant (TA).