Introductory Biology 207

Problem One

Problem Title:    I Am Hungry!

The Problem:    Dave was very hungry during his Introductory Chemistry class. It was scheduled just before the lunch hour. Therefore, as soon as Dr. Book finished describing the structure of the carbon atom, he was out of there and first in line at the student cafeteria. He bit into his juicy hamburger with gusto and immediately felt better. Unkonwn, or at least not of immediate note to Dave, was the fact that, with that first bite, the digestive process had already begun, taking the nutrients in Dave's hamburger and eventually delivering them to the various tissues and cells at work in Dave's  body.
    Most of the absorption of these nutrients would take place many hours later in Dave's small intestine. By this time, the digestive process would already be well on its way, having continued in Dave's stomach. Digestion involves breaking down the larger biological nutrient molecules into smaller pieces that can be brought into cells and sent from them into the underlying blood and tissues. In the small intestine, a special cell called an epithelial cell lines the opening of the intestine (known as the lumen) and moves the smaller nutrient molecules through itself and into the underlying tissues.

    Question?  If one of these nutrient molecules is a molecule of glucose, how could it move into the tissues from the intestinal lumen?

    A clue to this process came from the observations of scientists studying the transport of glucose into the epithelial cells from the lumen. They noticed that if they prevented sodium from entering the cell, they also stopped most of the glucose from coming in also.

    Question?    Think of some sort of transport mechanism that would explain this observation.
    Now that you have an idea how the glucose gets into the epithelial cell, you need to figure out how it gets out to the underlying tissues.

    Question?    What kind of transport  system could accomplish this?

    Looking at the answers you have to the above questions, describe the entire process that is happening in the epithelial cell as glucose moves through. It requires that three transport systems be functioning. Be sure to discuss the role that each one plays in the process.
    Dave is now asleep, giving his body a very well-deserved rest!!

 Helpful Links:

Cell Biology Courses on the WWW