Sequence of Problems

Problem Title/Subject Area

General Topics Introduced by Problem

Don Tries to Tissue Culture Fish Cells Osmosis and osmoregulation
Composition of body fluids
Requirements of life at the the cellular level
Structural features of eukaryotic cells
The Geritol Solution Carbon cycle
Carbon fixations in photosynthesis
Factors that influence the rate of photosynthesis
Biological productivity
Trophic levels
Jimmy Harris Central metabolic pathways
Oxidation/Reduction reactions
Structure and function of proteins
Mechanisms of inheritance
When Twins Marry Twins Meiosis
Mechanisms of inheritance
How Does Silex Strobilus Replicate? DNA Replication
"Anastasia -- Dead or Alive" DNA fingerprinting
Forensic analysis
Societal views of science
The Case of the Bulgarian with a Pain
in theThigh
Function of cellular organelles, including edomembrane system
Cellular action to toxins
AIDS and the Health Care Professional Viral mechanisms of genetic expression
Immune system responses to viral invasion
Ethical and epidemiological issues